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95.8333333 97.8947368 Drink 95.5555556 97.8723404 97.8947368 98.9473684 Screen 96.7032967 97.8494624 97.826087 96.8421053 Calories 97.3494624 97.9381443 97.8494624 98.9690722
Health status Model 1 Model 2
Recall:Phase-I Recall:Phase-II Recall:Phase-I Recall:Phase-II
Sleep 93.4782609 94.7368421 94.5652174 95.8333333
Smoke 95.6989247 97.8723404 97.8723404 97.8947368
Drink 93.4782609 96.8421053 97.8947368 98.9473684
Screen 95.6521739 95.7894737 95.7446809 97.8723404
Calories 95.78941737 98.9583333 96.8085106 98.9690722
Bar chart depicts recall: Model-I vs Model-II. F1-Score

      The F1-score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. Below equation used to calculate the F1-score.

Health status Model 1 Model 2
F1-score:Phase-I F1-score:Phase-II F1-score:Phase-I F1-score:Phase-II
Sleep 94.50549 96.25668 95.08197 96.84211
Smoke 95.69892 96.84211 96.84211 97.89474
Drink 94.50549 97.3545 97.89474 98.94737
Screen 96.17486 96.80851 96.77419 97.3545
Calories 96.80851 98.4456 97.3262 98.96907
Bar chart depicts recall: Model-I vs Model-II.

      In this chapter, we have proposed an architecture based on machine learning algorithms. Basically, we focus on a challenging problem of predicting the overall health status of an individual based on their daily life activities and measures. The proposed system predicts the overall health status of a person and future diseases using machine learning techniques. To demonstrate the proposed model, we have created a web-based application. The proposed model helps the user to understand their health status by submitting their details. For training and testing we used the synthetic data, in the future we need to test the proposed model using the real data by collecting from the users. In this work, we attempted a general healthcare problem and a lot more has to be done in the future. The future work is to predict the diseases based on the overall health status estimation using the models proposed in this chapter.

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