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2.6 shows a similar figure for a typical cut‐out wind speed of 25 m/s. All peaks have moved to higher frequency as expected, but the modified von Karman now matches IEC editions 3 and 4 better with the very small roughness length.

      2.6.6 Asymptotic limits

      Other spectra may also be used, but to comply with the IEC standard the high frequency asymptotic behaviour must tend to the following relationship:

      (2.35)StartFraction upper S Subscript u Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis Over sigma Subscript u Superscript 2 Baseline EndFraction long right-arrow Underscript n equals infinity Endscripts 0.05 left-parenthesis StartFraction normal upper Lamda 1 Over upper U overbar EndFraction right-parenthesis Superscript negative 2 slash 3 Baseline n Superscript negative 5 slash 3

      with Λ1 defined as above: it is a function only of height above ground but differs between edition 2 and edition 3 for heights above 30 m. Expressing this as

      (2.36)StartFraction upper S Subscript u Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis Over sigma Subscript u Superscript 2 Baseline EndFraction long right-arrow Underscript n equals infinity Endscripts normal upper A upper U overbar Superscript 2 slash 3 Baseline n Superscript negative 5 slash 3

Graph depicts some asymptotic limits.

      Note also that the IEC edition 3 and 4 standards further specify that upper S Subscript v Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis equals upper S Subscript w Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis equals four thirds upper S Subscript u Baseline left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis in the high frequency limit.

      2.6.7 Cross‐spectra and coherence functions

      To model these effects, the spectral description of turbulence must be extended to include information about the cross‐correlations between turbulent fluctuations at points separated laterally and vertically. Clearly these correlations decrease as the distance separating two points increases. The correlations are also smaller for high frequency than for low frequency variations. They can therefore be described by ‘coherence’ functions, which describe the correlation as a function of frequency and separation. The coherence C (Δr,n) is defined by

      (2.37)upper C left-parenthesis normal upper Delta r comma n right-parenthesis equals StartFraction StartAbsoluteValue upper S 12 left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis EndAbsoluteValue Over StartRoot upper S 11 left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis upper S 22 left-parenthesis n right-parenthesis EndRoot EndFraction

      where n is frequency, S12(n) is the cross‐spectrum of variations at the two points separated by Δr, and S11(n) and S22(n) are the spectra of variations at each of the points (usually these can be taken as equal).

      Starting from von Karman spectral equations, and assuming Taylor's frozen turbulence hypothesis, an analytical expression for the coherence of wind speed fluctuations can be derived. Accordingly for the longitudinal component at points separated by a distance Δr perpendicular to the wind direction, the coherence Cu (Δr,n) is:

      Here Aj(x) = xj Kj(x) where K is a fractional order modified Bessel function, and

      with c = 1. Lu is a local length scale that can be defined as

      where Δy and Δz are the lateral and vertical components of the separation Δr, and yLu and zLu are the lateral and vertical length scales for the longitudinal component of turbulence. Normally fu(n) = 1, but ESDU (1975) suggests a modification at low frequencies where the wind becomes more

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