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and 15), whose efforts have immeasurably improved the quality and accuracy of the information. I am also deeply grateful to Ms. Miwa Inada for designing a lot of figures and Ms. Katherine Wong and Dr. Lifen Yang in Wiley for their editing this book and encouraging me.

       Naoki Sugimoto

      Frontier Institute for Biomolecular Engineering Research (FIBER)

      Graduate School of Frontiers of Innovative Research

      in Science and Technology (FIRST)

      Konan University

      Kobe, Japan

      The main points of the learning:

      Understand canonical and non-canonical structures of nucleic acids and think of historical scientists in the research field of nucleic acids.

      This book is to interpret the non-canonical structures and their stabilities of nucleic acids from the viewpoint of the chemistry and study their biological significances. There is more than 60 years' history after the discovery of the double helix DNA structure by James Dewey Watson and Francis Harry Compton Crick in 1953, and chemical biology of nucleic acids is facing a new aspect today. Through this book, I expect that readers understand how the uncommon structure of nucleic acids became one of the common structures that fascinate us now. In this chapter, I introduce the history of nucleic acid structures and the perspective of research for non-canonical nucleic acid structures (see also Chapter 15).

      Photographs of the portrait of Charles Robert Darwin (left), Gregor Johann Mendel (middle), and Johannes Friedrich Miescher (right).Charles Robert Darwin (left), Gregor Johann Mendel (middle), and Johannes Friedrich Miescher (right)

      Source: Kings College London.

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