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      1 *Corresponding author: [email protected]


      Measures for Improving IoT Security

       Richa Goel1*, Seema Sahai1, Gurinder Singh1 and Saurav Lall2

       1Amity International Business School, Noida, India

       2Azure IoT, Microsoft Seattle, Seattle, Washington, USA


      In today’s world of Digital Transformation, IoT banking/online transaction is a major point of concern for the user. IoT security plays a vital role to develop the trust of end users for making frequent use of the same. There have been IoT security breaches in recent years. As a result, immoral hackers have ample opportunities to intercept and change or misuse the information. Through this paper we are going to discuss various issuse/problems faced in terms of IoT security along with the measure to be chosen to achieve higher security while going for online transactions.

      Keywords: IoT security, digital transformation, breach of trust

      Through the World Wide Web, we’ve entered into a brand new era of connectivity. “Things have identities and virtual personalities operating in smart places using intelligent interfaces to connect and communicate inside social, environmental and user contexts [7].” More than twenty billion devices were connected with each other in 2017. This means that the potential risk of cyber-attacks is going on increasingly, equally.

      Gartner’s special report indicates that there is a high level of risk to all the IoT devices, whether it is the platform, their operating systems or even the other devices to which they are connected [10]. The kind of risk that exists is that ranging from physical tampering to information hacking and impersonation and many more. Organizations’ functioning has completely changed with the coming in of IOT. With this change a whole range of risks have also emerged and it has become the utmost priority of organizations to manage these risks.

      1 a. Expansion of the ‘IoT’ to the ordinary network, network controls and cell network

      2 b. website that links everyone

      3 c. exchange of objects with each other

      4 d. Accessible easily.

      The code layer, information layer, physical layer and networking layer contain many technical obstacles to IoT security. To order to protect IoT, numerous reports discuss these security topics. Experiments that illustrate IoT’s human experience are rare, though. Some of the latest works on IoT defense still consider the technical aspect. In order to achieve success in technology performance or safety management, users need to understand Dhillon and Torkzadeh’s [9] expectations, values and beliefs.

      We recognize that consumer expectations and values are balanced against technology to achieve positive results for information technology and the effective management of legislation. IoT Securing Science is in its infancy as it is a very active and recent research field. Further emphasis should also be placed on the confidentiality, fairness and privacy of IoT data and their credibility. Inside this article, we perform a thorough analysis to address numerous IoT security issues/problems along with the step to use the firewall for greater protection when performing online transactions.

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