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10.3 Schematic representation of the pillar[5]arene‐based pseudorotaxane of PANI's emeraldine base and its reduction to the leucoemeraldine species.Figure 10.4 Schematic representation of the chain extension of polyethylene induced by the threading of 1 onto the chains. Source: Ogoshi et al. [29]. © 2013 Springer Nature.Figure 10.5 (a) Schematic representation of the pillar[5]arene‐based polymer‐containing rotaxanes 5. (b) Representation of the Ru‐catalyzed cross‐linking of 5b into a topological polymer gel. Source: Ogoshi et al. [31]. © 2014 The Royal Chemical Society.Figure 10.6 Schematic representation of the host–guest conjugate 6 and its reversible formation of a self‐inclusion complex. Source: Guan et al. [33]. © 2011 The Royal Chemical Society.Figure 10.7 Schematic representation of the monofunctional pillar[5]arenes 7 that assembled into supramolecular dimers (7a and 7b) or a supramolecular polymer (7c). (a) Ball‐and‐stick model of such a supramolecular dimer. (b) Representative SEM image of a gold‐coated fiber of (7c)n. Source: Liu et al. [35]. © 2012 American Chemical Society.Figure 10.8 Schematic representation of the host–guest conjugate 8. (a) Image of the supramolecular gel (8)n; (b) optical microscopy image (500×) of aggregates of (8)n; (c) SEM image of the gel in CH2Cl2. Source: Strutt et al. [38]. © 2012 The Royal Chemical Society.Figure 10.9 Schematic representation of the photo‐switchable host–guest conjugate 9 and its self‐assembly into supramolecular architectures. Source: Wang et al. [45]. © 2014 The Royal Chemical Society.Figure 10.10 Schematic representation of the host–guest conjugate 10 that assembled into a linear supramolecular polymer and, subsequently into aggregates via π–π stacking interactions. Source: Fathalla et al. [46]. © 2015 The Royal Chemical Society.Figure 10.11 Schematic representation of the BODIPY‐containing host (11) and guest molecules (12 and 13). For the supramolecular polymer (1112)n, FRET from the donor dye to the acceptor one was observed. Source: Meng et al. [49]. Figure reproduced with kind permission; © 2015 The Royal Chemical Society.Figure 10.12 Schematic representation of the two‐step self‐assembly of the pillarene‐based building blocks 14 and 15 into a supramolecular polymer. Source: Wang et al. [51]. © 2013 The Royal Chemical Society.Figure 10.13 Schematic representation of the fluorescent host 16 and guests 17 which were employed, as monomers, to assemble linear supramolecular polymers. The device configuration, containing these materials, as emissive layer (EML), as well as the obtained electroluminescence spectra are also depicted. Source: Yang et al. [52]. © 2017 American Chemical Society.Figure 10.14 Schematic representation of the formation of a dynamic polyrotaxane via a two‐step self‐assembly process. A TEM microscopy image of the supramolecular polymer obtained from 1,4‐diaminobutane (n = 4) is also shown. Source: Hu et al. [54]. Figure reproduced with kind permission; © 2012 American Chemical Society.Figure 10.15 Schematic representation of the two‐step self‐assembly of a polypseudorotaxane containing X‐bonding and host–guest interactions within the main and the side chains, respectively. The solid‐state structure of the assembly, as determined by XRD analysis is depicted. A comparison of the diffusion coefficients (D), as determined by DOSY measurements as well as a SEM image of the materials are also shown. Source: Liu et al. [55]. Figure reproduced with kind permission; © 2018 Wiley‐VCH.Figure 10.16 Schematic representation of the formation of a double‐dynamic polymer, based on supramolecular host–guest interactions and dynamic covalent chemistry. Source: Xu et al. [56]. © 2013 American Chemical Society.Figure 10.17 Schematic representation of a supramolecular polymer, based on an exo‐wall and endo‐cavity complexation. Source: Wang et al. [59]. © 2015 The Royal Chemical Society.Figure 10.18 Schematic representation of the synthesis of columnar oligo‐pillarenes according to Stoddard et al. (n = 0–9). Source: Strutt et al. [60]. © 2014 John Wiley and Sons.Figure 10.19 Schematic representation of the self‐assembly of 22 into a hyperbranched supramolecular polymer. The distribution of the hydrodynamic diameter (Rh) according to DLS as well as a representative TEM image of the obtained nanoparticles are also shown. Source: Xiaoyang et al. [61]. Figure reproduced with kind permission; © 2013 John Wiley and Sons.Figure 10.20 (A) Schematic representation of the formation of a dynamic supramolecular polymer network. (B) The TEM images of the polymer at certain concentrations are also shown [(a–c) 1, 2, and 5 mM]. Source: Zhang et al. [62]. Figure reproduced with kind permission; © 2013 The Royal Chemical Society.Figure 10.21 Schematic representation of the two‐step self‐assembly of a cross‐linked supramolecular polymer. Source: Hu et al. [69]. © 2013 The Royal Chemical Society.Figure 10.22 Schematic representation of the PPE‐type polymer 25 and an anion‐responsive polypseudorotaxane prepared thereof. Source: Sun et al. [71]. Figure reproduced with kind permission; © 2013 The Royal Chemical Society.Figure 10.23 Schematic representation of the amphiphilic pillar[5]arene 26 and the nanostructures assembled thereof. Source: Yao et al. [73]. © 2012 American Chemical Society.Figure 10.24 Schematic representation of the amphiphilic pillar[5]arene 27 and its reversible self‐assembly into a gel‐like material or reverse giant vesicles. Source: Gao et al. [78]. Figure reproduced with kind permission; © 2013 The Royal Chemical Society.Figure 10.25 Schematic representation of the reversible vesicle formation via supramolecular interactions between pillar[6]arene 29 and the photo‐switchable guest 28. Source: Yu et al. [81]. Figure reproduced with kind permission; © 2012 American Chemical Society.Figure 10.26 Schematic representation of drug‐loaded vesicles exhibiting a light‐induced release. Source: Hu et al. [82]. © 2015 John Wiley and Sons.Figure 10.27 Schematic representation of the self‐assembly of 30 and 31 into vesicular nanoparticles; the TEM images show representative nanoparticles observed in both cases (scale bar: 200 nm). Source: Cao et al. [86]. Figure reproduced with kind permission; © 2015 American Chemical Society.

      11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 The important combinations of orthogonal supramolecular interactions. Source: Li et al. [17]. © 2012 The Royal Chemical Society.Figure 11.2 (a) Schematic representation of the metallo‐supramolecular polymer 1; (b) performance of 1 in an asymmetric hydrogenation reaction compared with Rh(I)‐MonoPhos, as the benchmark. Source: Yu et al. [9]. © 2010 John Wiley and Sons.Figure 11.3 Schematic representation of the bis‐terpyridine ligand 2 that was used for the formation of the homometallic and heterobimetallic metallopolymers comprising Fe(II) and/or Ru(II) ions. The polymers exhibited pronounced characteristics in their photophysical properties as revealed by their coloration that could be switched electrochemically by applying an external voltage. Source: Hu et al. [37]. Figure reproduced with kind permission; © 2013 The Royal Chemical Society.Figure 11.4 Schematic representation of the heteroditopic macroligands3 and 4, as monomers for the preparation of multi‐stimuli‐responsive supramolecular polymers of high molar mass. Source: Hofmeier et al. [39]. © 2005 American Chemical Society.Figure 11.5 Schematic representation of the self‐assembly of 5 and 6 in presence of Fe(II) ions. Source: Grimm et al. [45]. © 2011 John Wiley and Sons.Figure 11.6 Schematic representation of supramolecular block copolymers 7–9, based on metal‐to‐ligand coordination and H‐bonding interactions. Source: Mansfeld et al. [48]. © 2013 The Royal Chemical Society.Figure 11.7 Schematic representation of the self‐assembly of 10 and Pd(II) ions into a double‐cross‐linked polymer. Source: Chen et al. [50]. © 2019 The Royal Chemical Society.Figure 11.8 (a) Schematic representation of the formation of a double‐stranded helical supramolecular polymer via metal‐to‐ligand coordination and ionic interactions. (b) Representation of the size distribution of the polymer (data derived from DLS measurements). Source: Ikeda et al. [51]. © 2006 American Chemical Society.Figure 11.9 Schematic representation of the heteroditopic building block 12 and its use in the formation of a multi‐stimuli‐responsive supramolecular polymer. Source: Gröger et al. [52]. © 2011 American Chemical Society.Figure 11.10 Schematic representation of a supramolecular pseudorotaxane with Pd(II) complexes in the main chain. Source: Zhu et al. [54]. © 2011 American Chemical Society.Figure 11.11 (a) Schematic representation of the two‐step, self‐assembly of 15 into a cross‐linked

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