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Timmy cries. “It is so special because I will get a lot of presents. Last year I got a black remote control toy car from Father Frost!”

      “You are right Timmy,” Mother says. “It is very nice to get presents on Christmas and New Year. But Christmas is not only about getting. It is also about giving.”

      “What do you mean Mommy?” Betsy asks.

      “Christmas is a very special time of the year, because you can do something good for other dogs; for your family and friends and even for dogs you don’t know yet. We call it ‘service’”.

      “Mommy, but we are just little puppies, what can we do for other dogs?” I ask.

      “Well, Rex, you can do a lot!” Daddy says. “You just need to use your imagination.”

      “You and Betsy go to school; you have a lot of friends and teachers. Please think what you can do for them. How can you serve them?” Mommy says.

      “And even Timmy, the smallest member of our family, can do good things at Christmas time.” Daddy says.

      “In the United States of America, Christmas time starts at the end of autumn. It starts on Black Friday and ends on the 25th of December.” Mommy says.

      “In other countries, like Russia or Ukraine, dogs start to celebrate Christmas in the evening on the 6th of January. And Christmas time goes on till the 19th of January.”

      “I know what we can do!” Timmy is very excited. “We can start celebrating Christmas on Black Friday and finish celebrating on the 19th of January!”

      “I love this idea!” Mommy says. “Let’s have two months of Christmas!”

      “And let’s think what good things we can do for others during this time!” Father says.

      New words

      autumn [ˈɔːtəm] – осень

      living room [ˈlɪvɪŋ rum] – гостиная

      warm [wɔːm] – тепло

      fireplace [ˈfaɪəpleɪs] – камин

      fire – [ˈfaɪə] огонь

      to burn [bɜːn] – гореть

      special [ˈspeʃəl] – особенный

      service [ˈsɜːvɪs] – служение

      to serve [sɜːv] – служить

      to go on – продолжаться, длиться


      Answer the questions

      Where is the puppy’s family?

      Why is Christmas time so special?

      When do you celebrate Christmas in your country?

      How can you serve others during Christmas time?

      What present to you wish to get for Christmas?

      True or false

      The sun is shining outside.

      It is very cold inside near the fireplace.

      Timmy is running around his family.

      Betsy and Rex are sitting on a big red pillow.

      Mommy and Daddy are laying on the bed.

      Guess the riddles

      What do you call good things that you do for others; for your family and friends and even for those people you don’t know yet.

      It is a very special time of the year. Everyone is happy. Everyone gives presents to each other.

      Chapter 2

      The Christmas Team

      Betsy and I are pupils. I am in the fourth grade and my sister is in the second grade. We are at school now. It is a big break between lessons. My sister, our friends and I are in the school cafeteria. We are sitting at a big table all together.

      “Christmas is coming soon,” Betsy says. “This is a very special time to do something good for others.”

      “Yes, we want to do something good, but we just don’t know what? Can you help us? Do you have any ideas?” I ask our friends.

      “Well, I have one idea!” Archie says. Archie is my sister’s classmate. He is a Dalmatian. “We can make gingerbread.”

      “Yes, gingerbread is not very hard to make.” Mikky says. Mikky is my classmate. He is a Husky. “I know how to make it.”

      “And then we can put the gingerbread into beautiful paper bags, put red ribbon on it and give it away.” Mary says. Mary is my schoolmate. She is a Spaniel.

      “I like this idea!” Betsy says. “We will make gingerbread during Christmas time.”

      “I want to help you. Can I do it with you?” Mary asks.

      “Of course you can!” Betsy answers.

      “And I want to help you too!” Archie and Mikky say together.

      “Yes, let’s make it all together!” Betsy says. “We will have a lot of fun.”

      “Also we can go to our friends’ houses and sing Christmas carols together.” Archie says.

      “I love to sing carols!” Mary says.

      “And we can draw Christmas cards and put them secretly at other dog’s doors.” Mikky says.

      “They will be so excited to find Christmas cards at their doors!” Betsy smiles.

      “Now I see how many things we can do together during Christmas time.” I say. “Let’s make a Christmas Team!”

      “Yes, let’s make a special team for Christmas! We will think what we can do for others. We will share our ideas and do it together!” Betsy says.

      “This is wonderful!” Mary is excited.

      “I want to be a member of the Christmas Team!” Archie says.

      “We will have a lot of fun together!” Mikky smiles.

      The big break between our lessons is over. We need to go back to our classes. But we are very happy that we have a Christmas team now. We can’t wait to do something good together!

      New words

      big break [bɪg breɪk] – большая перемена

      school cafeteria [skuːl kæflˈtɪ(ə)rɪə ] – школьная столовая

      Dalmatian [dælˈmeɪʃ(j)ən] – Далматинец

      gingerbread [ˈʤɪnʤəbred] – имбирный пряник

      Husky [ˈhʌskɪ] – Хаски

      paper bag [ˈpeɪpə bæg] – бумажный пакет

      ribbon [ˈrɪbən] – лента

      to give out [gɪv aʊt] – раздать

      Spaniel [ˈspænɪəl] – Спаниель

      Christmas carol [ˈkrɪsməs ˈkærəl] – колядка, рождественский гимн

      Christmas card [ˈkrɪsməs kɑːd]– рождественская открытка


      Answer the questions

      Are Rex and Betsy pupils?

      What grade is Betsy in?

      What grade is Rex in?

      Do you know how to make gingerbread?

      Do you love to sing Christmas carols?

      Do you like to draw Christmas cards?

      What else do you like to do during Christmas time?

      True or false

      Rex, Betsy and their friends are sitting in the

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