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ignoring Reggie’s feelings,” she responded. “That’s not fair.”

      Much as he hated to admit it, she had a point. “Perhaps.”

      She folded her arms. “Look, Mr. Hunter...”


      “Wade. Until a few days ago, I believed you were a deadbeat who dumped my sister and abandoned my nephew.” Her commanding expression warned him not to speak until she finished. “I understand now that wasn’t the case. But I love Reggie more than anything. I will make whatever sacrifices are necessary to give him a stable, loving home.”

      “So will I.” He meant that, even though he wasn’t sure how to accomplish it. Nevertheless, he grasped quite clearly what lay ahead when Reggie hit adolescence. This aunt might be strong—no doubt a lot stronger than her sister—but that didn’t mean she could rein in a young man with roaring hormones and a family tendency to screw up. “He needs a dad. I wish I’d been involved all along, but I’m here now.”

      Her shoulders tightened. “We can’t resolve this today.”

      “Agreed. Well?”

      “Well, what?”

      “I’d like to meet him,” he said with strained patience.

      Adrienne’s lips formed a thin line before she answered. “Let’s wait for the right moment, okay?” she asked. “So we can do this discreetly, without disrupting the party.”

      Since he disliked creating a scene, Wade had no problem agreeing. “That suits me.” In the yard, the children had spread out to experiment with their yo-yos. “Which one is he?”

      Adrienne looked astonished at the question and then responded wryly, “The dirt magnet.”

      Wade laughed. No question, that was the blond boy vying with a couple girls to spin his yo-yo the farthest. The knees of his jeans were smeared with something brown and crusted, while a large leaf stuck to his hair.

      One of the parents in the yard plucked off the leaf and said something about it. Reggie’s mouth formed the word “Yeah?” and he took the leaf, examining its shape.

      “That’s Peter Gladstone, my friend Harper’s fiancé,” Adrienne said. “He was Reggie’s coach at sports camp last summer. He teaches biology and physical education.”

      “I went to sports camp when I was a kid.” The implication that other men had filled the role of father figure troubled Wade. Still, that was better than no father figures at all. “I suppose it’s good for Reggie to have his coach as a friend.”

      “It is.” Adrienne edged away. “I should be out there running the party.”

      “Don’t let me stop you.”

      “They’re going overboard with the yo-yos.” She waved at a boy swinging his wildly. “Hey! Cut it out!”

      Peter moved in and calmed the child. Otherwise, Wade would have been tempted to intervene and possibly assign a dozen push-ups to take the edge off the kid’s exuberance.

      “It’s time for the teddy-bear modeling session.” Facing the youngsters, Adrienne cupped her hands over her mouth. “Play-Doh, everybody!”

      As the parents shepherded the children toward the tables, Patty spotted Wade. “Hey, Reggie!” she announced in a voice loud enough to halt a fleeing perp a block away. “Look, your dad’s here!”

      Beside Wade, Adrienne stiffened. So much for waiting for the right moment, he thought, and prepared to meet the son he’d missed for all these years.

      * * *

      A BEAM OF sunlight lit Reggie’s face as the little guy registered what Patty had said. Adrienne’s chest squeezed. How would he react? Even if things went well today, she dreaded to think how devastated he’d be if, eventually, Wade let him down.

      The man had a muscular, self-contained presence that under other circumstances she’d have found attractive. Not today. He’d come where he wasn’t invited and had the nerve to criticize her. Had he waited until Reggie’s actual birthday, she’d have laid the groundwork.

      Well, there was no going back after Patty’s blunt declaration. Her friend—who’d married hospital embryologist Alec Denny and become stepmother to seven-year-old Fiona—had a kind heart but rough edges.

      Reggie trotted toward them and then stopped in confusion. He blinked at Wade as if the man had stepped out of a TV set. “Is he really my dad?” he asked Adrienne.

      “Yes.” How was she going to handle this? Wade’s untimely arrival had forced her hand. “It’s...a birthday surprise.” Boy, does that sound lame.

      “Hi, Reggie,” the man said. “Happy birthday.”

      “Uh, hi.” The little boy reached out and patted his father’s arm gingerly, as if Wade were a crouching lion, both fascinating and scary.

      “Hugs!” Patty called, cheering them on. It occurred to Adrienne that since she hadn’t told her friend about Wade in advance, Patty must have known him in her former job at the police department.

      A smile illuminated Wade’s rugged face. Bending down, he closed his arms around his son. After a moment’s uncertainty, Reggie’s arms encircled his neck. On the sidelines, Harper snapped a picture of the tableau.

      “How about going inside so we can talk in private?” Wade said.

      Reggie looked up uncertainly. “Is that okay, Aunt Addie?”

      Refusing might bring on an awkward dispute. “Just for a minute. I’ll make sure you don’t miss anything important out here.”

      With a deep breath, the boy she loved with every fiber of her being took the big man’s hand and went indoors with him. Reg was so small, so powerless. Don’t let him become a pawn in this guy’s ego trip.

      While Peter steered everyone’s attention to a game, Harper joined Adrienne on the patio. “Is he being a complete jerk?”

      She wasn’t sure how to respond. The man was tearing her world apart, and she hated him for it. But she’d seen his tenderness and the glint of moisture in his gray eyes as he’d embraced his son.

      “Not a complete jerk,” she responded at last.

      “Let us know what we can do,” Harper said loyally.

      “I will.” Adrienne thanked heaven for her friends.

      * * *

      SITTING ON A couch in the den to be near Reggie’s height, Wade searched for the right way to begin. He settled on, “Did your aunt tell you anything about me?”

      The little guy shook his head.

      Waded wished they could skip this difficult conversation and cut to the fun part, where he taught his son to surf or play Frisbee or trounce an opponent at Ping-Pong. The guy stuff, instead of all these emotions.

      It struck him, though, that this conversation might stand out forever in his son’s memory—the key moment when Reggie found out the truth about his dad. Turning points like this stayed with a person. One holiday when Wade served charity meals to the homeless, he’d sat down later with an eighty-year-old man who’d reminisced about the day his father came home from the war, describing with heartfelt clarity the details of an event seventy years in the past.

      Let’s start with the important part. “I love you,” Wade said. “I’ve always loved you.”

      “Mom told me you didn’t care.” The boy’s tongue traced a gap in his teeth where a new one was growing. “That you left us.”

      “She forced me to leave.” Much as he disliked maligning the dead, Vicki didn’t deserve to get off easy.

      Reggie considered this. “How?”


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