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dance floor near one of the spotlights. The idiot was sandwiched between two girls and looked like he was having the time of his life. Glancing over at Envy, Chad knew he didn’t have to say a word when he noticed she was staring straight at the trio.

      Envy cocked her head to the side trying to study Trevor as if she didn’t know him. It made her wonder why she’d dated him to start out with.

      She had to admit he was very easy on the eyes. Damn good looking would be the best phrase. He looked kind of like a California surfer dude with his flyaway sandy blond hair, golden tan and grayish blue eyes. He was completely lickable and had been a lot of fun.

      But if you took away his good looks, there wasn’t much too really attract a girl. All that was left was a college frat brat who had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth. When he was around, he was very attentive but he would also vanish off the radar, sometimes for days at a time.

      The only other good thing she could think to say about him was that he was pretty hot in the sack, and had given her some of the best moments of her life.

      To think, she'd actually believed he really liked her… more than liked her. Goes to show what the hell she knew about men. Truth be told, she was just getting tired of being alone… but then, that’s no reason to start dating a guy.

      She sighed longingly as she watched him cup the ass of the girl plastered against him, realizing she felt no jealousy at all. If she’d really been in love with him, wouldn’t she be completely pissed off right now instead of simply hurt? What bothered her most was that he’d lied about wanting only her.

      Jason had been watching for Envy to come into the club from his bar stool closest to the door. He’d known she would come and he wasn’t surprised to see Chad with her. After giving them a few minutes to look around, he smirked in satisfaction when he noticed the tenseness in Envy’s shoulders and knew she’d spotted her boyfriend making out on the dance floor.

      He’d tried to hide his jealousy for the last couple of months and he didn’t want to hurt her, but if this is what it took to get her away from Trevor, then it was for her own good.

      Turning back to Kat, the pretty bartender he’d been talking to, Jason smiled, “Told you they’d come.” He nodded in Envy and Chad’s direction.

      He’d been here over an hour, but after witnessing Trevor’s cheating on Envy, he hadn’t been in the mood to join the crowd. He’d wound up bored and begun chatting with Kat to pass the time. He’d even told her about Envy’s cheating boyfriend.

      “So that’s your best friend and his sister?” Kat eyed the couple but her main interest was on the cop. If Jason hadn’t told her that Chad was a cop, she’d never have known it. He was hot as hell.

      About six foot one with sun-kissed skin, and brown hair with golden highlights. It was a little longer than the normal cop hairstyle and looked like the wind had blown most of it to the side, leaving him with a slightly wild appearance. She found herself comparing him to Quinn, and then blinked realizing she’d done it again. She glanced back at Jason knowing they both needed to get over old flames or risk the constant burn.

      “He doesn’t look like a cop,” Kat said, eying Chad and wondering if he was dating anyone. Jason hadn’t said one way or the other.

      “Yeah well,” Jason almost pouted when he noticed the way she was looking at Chad. He shook his head, “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

      Finishing off his club soda, he slid off the stool and walked toward his friends. As he closed the distance between them, he laid his hand on Envy’s shoulder. Lowering his lips close to the shell of her ear he whispered, “Do you want to dance?”

      Envy smiled without turning around. “Oh, hell yes!” she exclaimed, and then took off down the closest flight of stairs, leaving Jason standing there beside Chad with his hand still lying on an imaginary shoulder. He blinked when he heard Chad laughing.

      “Damn,” Jason sighed as he watched her descent.

      Chad patted Jason on the shoulder in pity as he led him back to the bar and leaned against it, “Don’t let it bother you. I think Envy has a one-track mind at the moment and it involves revenge.”

      He glanced at the girl behind the bar and, for a moment, forgot Jason was even there. She was stunning with her bronze tan and very long dark hair that spiraled over her shoulders and all the way down to her hips. Her eyes were just the opposite, light blue with a very thick black ring around the lighter color.

      It was her full lips that his gaze was drawn to as he said, “Just a soda please.”

      “Not drinking tonight?” Jason asked, and tried not to glare at his friend when Chad’s eyes stayed on Kat, as he answered. Why was it that all girls liked cops?

      “No, I have a feeling I need to stay sober for now. I don’t really like Trevor so I gave Envy my taser to play with.” Chad tore his eyes from the girl long enough to quirk a grin at Jason. “And I drove the cop car.” He knew Jason would read between the lines.

      Jason shoved away from the bar suddenly forgiving his friend for being a girl magnet. “Oh hell, then there’s no way I’m missing this!” He took off back to the railing, as Chad’s laughter followed behind him.

      “Well, that’s two people I’ve made happy tonight,” Chad winked toward Kat, knowing she had been listening, then paid for his drink. He’d best go see what Envy was up to.

      Kat nodded when Chad slipped her a twenty and told her to keep the change before he took off to join Jason. Those two guys could be dangerous to a girl’s hormones. Jason had long, sandy brown hair and the face and body of a Bay Watch model.

      She’d caught most of the girls as they passed trying to catch his attention. Jason didn't seem to notice any of them and appeared to be lost in his own thoughts... until he’d started telling her about his best friends, Chad, and the girl they both sounded so protective over.

      She missed that, someone other than her brothers being so protective over her. She blinked slowly forcing the image of Quinn out of her head and focused on the problem at hand.

      It was the taser remark that helped get her mind off Quinn. Kat decided to warn her brothers of this new entertainment that was about to start. They’d had enough trouble lately dealing with the string of murders surrounding the club. The last thing they needed was more bad attention.

      Chad leaned over the rail a little looking for Envy. Thank god the cage dancers were still there lending their spot light and making it easier to locate her. Hearing a faint groan coming from Jason, he followed Jason's line of vision until he spotted her dancing in the middle of several guys, near the glow of the soft spotlight of the cage. He frowned, narrowing his gaze and wondering what she was up to.

      “At least she’s looking toward Trevor. By the way, thanks for the call,” he said in a serious voice. “I’ve been waiting on something like this to happen.”

      Jason shrugged, “It wasn’t for me. It was for her. She deserves better than him.” He tried to smile, as he watched, knowing she would be single now. But the vision of all the other guys pulling at her attention caused his small smile to have a hint of sadness.

      Chapter 2

      Envy felt the heat slide over her like a second skin as she descended the steps. She tried to relax her tense muscles and moved onto the dance floor. Taking several steps in Trevor's direction, she felt like she was in a mosh pit of sex, as fingertips softly touched her bare skin and unfamiliar bodies slid against hers.

      The dance floor was darker than the other clubs she’d been in or worked at and she found she liked the privacy. It wasn’t so much individual couples dancing as it was a group mingling of warm bodies. Feeling the change in the atmosphere, she slowly raised her hands letting her own fingertips brush across strangers in the darkness. The adrenaline rush that followed pounded through her to the beat of the sultry music.

      Not looking forward to confronting Trevor, she took a moment to

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