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wanted to believe him when he said she was different. His words were like a soothing balm on her bruised ego. Her parents and her brother might think she should remain nothing more than a silent partner, but this man wanted to hear what she had to say. A smile lifted her lips.

      “I’m not alone.” The smile immediately slipped from his face. Then realizing how her response must have sounded, she was quick to supply, “I came here with a friend.”

      “And your friend doesn’t mind that you’re out here instead of inside with them celebrating the engagement?”

      Noemi couldn’t help but notice his strange wording. “Do you even know the engaged couple?”

      “As a matter of fact, I don’t.”

      Noemi’s mouth gaped. Only the very famous or the very rich who knew the couple had been invited. The newly engaged couple didn’t want the paparazzi to know the details. They wanted a chance to celebrate and enjoy the moment. And he was a party crasher.

      She tilted her chin upward, taking in the man’s handsome face. He didn’t strike her as the type to intrude upon a stranger’s good time. His chiseled jawline gave his face a distinctive look. But it was his mesmerizing eyes that held her gaze captive. The breath caught in her throat.

      And then the urge once again came over her to kiss this stranger. But she didn’t even know him. She glanced away. She was letting his good looks and sexy smile get to her.

      Maybe if she got to know him a little better. There was something about him that made her curious to know more about him. “So if you don’t know the engaged couple, why are you here?”

      He shrugged. “The host of the party invited me.”

      She took in the man’s straight nose and fresh-shaven jaw. “Do you live in Milan?”

      He shook his head. “I’m just passing through.”

      “On your way to where?”

      He shrugged. “I haven’t decided yet.”

      The fact he didn’t live in Milan—that he was moving on—appealed to her. The last thing she wanted at this juncture in her life was a relationship. She had her modeling career to focus on—even though it was rapidly losing its appeal.

      But an evening of fun—an evening with no strings—what would be the harm? Tomorrow she could decide if she wanted to continue to fight for a more significant place in the family business or look elsewhere. Just then, the French doors burst open and a couple wrapped in each other’s arms stumbled onto the veranda. When they bumped into Mr. Tall and Sexy, they straightened up.

      “Sorry about that,” Matteo DeLuca, an award-winning actor, said. “We didn’t know anyone was out here.”

      The young woman in his arms burst out in a giggle. Her eyes were glazed and as Matteo led her away, she tripped over her own feet. Upon their exit, they forgot to close the doors. The loud music and cacophony of voices came spilling forth.

      Noemi’s companion closed the doors and then turned back to her. “How would you feel about going someplace quieter?”

      “But I don’t even know your name.”

      His brows rose ever so briefly. She couldn’t help wondering if his reaction was due to the fact that he expected her to know him. Or whether he was surprised that she’d resisted jumping at his offer. Because right at that moment, she couldn’t think of anything she’d like better than spending the evening with this intriguing man.

      She took a moment to study him. His dark designer suit definitely didn’t come off a rack. As he took a drink of what appeared to be bourbon, she noticed his watch. A Rolex no less. This man looked right at home at this party.

      He smiled and his eyes lit up. This man, he was... Well, he was confident. It was in the way he stood with his broad shoulders pulled back and his chin held high. But he wasn’t unapproachable either. He seemed to have a sense of humor. But most of all, he came across as the type to go after what he wanted. And right now, he appeared to want her.

      “My name is Max.”

      “Max, huh?” She tried the name on for size. It wasn’t as imposing as Zeus or Hercules but it’d do—it’d do just fine.

      “You don’t like my name?”

      “It’s not that.” It’s that it was such a simple name for such a complicated man. And yes, she sensed there were many facets to this man in the ten or so minutes that they’d been talking.

      “Then what is it?”

      She shrugged. “I just wasn’t expecting such a common name.”

      He smiled and it made her stomach shiver with nerves. “I won’t tell my mother you said that.”

      “Please don’t.” They were acting like one day soon she would meet the woman. That was never going to happen. But it was fun to play along with him.

      “And what’s yours?” His voice interrupted her troubled thoughts.

      “My what?”

      Amusement twinkled in his eyes. “Your name?”

      “Oh.” Heat rushed up from her chest and settled in her cheeks. “It’s Noemi.”

      “Noemi. That’s a beautiful name for a very beautiful woman.” He took a step closer to her, leaving little distance between them. She searched his face for any sign of recognition of who she was. There was nothing in his expression to suggest that he recognized her as an heiress to the infamous Cattaneo Jewels worn by the rich and famous worldwide. But there was something else reflected in his eyes.


      Their gazes locked. This gorgeous hunk of a man, who could have his pick of the eligible women and some not quite so eligible at this party, desired her. Her heart raced. It’d been such a long time since a man had turned her head. But there was something special about Max.

      The thump thump of her heart was so loud that she could barely hear her own thoughts. And then he reached out to her. His thumb ever so gently traced down her jaw before his finger brushed over her bottom lip. It was such a simple gesture but it sent a bolt of heat ricocheting from her mouth down to her very core.

      Before she could figure out how to react to these unexpected sensations, his gaze lowered to her lips. He was going to kiss her?

      Her heart lodged in her throat. She should... She should do something. But her body betrayed her. Her feet refused to move and her chin lifted ever so slightly.

      As though that was all the invitation he needed, Max lowered his head. Her eyes fluttered closed. She shouldn’t want this—want him. But she did, more than she thought possible.

      His lips were smooth and warm. And a kiss had never felt so good. She didn’t make a habit of going around kissing strangers, but in the short time she’d spent with Max, she had this uncanny feeling that she could trust him.

      She slipped her arms up over his muscled shoulders. As the kiss deepened, her hands wrapped around the back of his neck. She’d never been kissed quite so intently and with such unrestrained passion. She wasn’t even sure her feet were still on the ground.

      Suddenly Max pulled back. It happened so quickly she had to wonder if she’d imagined it. But her lips still tingled where his mouth had touched hers. And he sent her a dazzling smile that promised more of the same.

      If she were wise, she would end things right here, but her body hummed with unquenched desire. For once, she wanted to throw caution to the wind and enjoy herself. After all, her brother accused her of being impulsive. Why not live up to the accusation...just this once?

      Max pulled his cell phone from his jacket pocket.

      “What are you doing?” The words slipped from her lips.

      “I’m calling my driver.”

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