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in control, reminding Jenna of exactly why she’d come. For once, it would be a pleasure to tell this man she had her own agenda. Her heart missed a beat. Why did the father of her coming baby have to be so handsome and commanding? Ever since she’d first laid eyes on Seth Spencer, she’d found him irresistible. He was a good six inches taller than she—six-foot-two to her five-eight—with dark brown, chocolate-colored hair he kept neatly trimmed over his ears. Slightly spiked bangs jagged onto a high forehead, accentuating brown eyes that shouldn’t have been so interesting, but that did crazy things to her insides, anyway. His squarish face was set with a hard, practical mouth that reminded her of how well he kissed and hinted at the mysterious moody silences she’d come to expect from him on occasion. Why was he so moody, though, she wondered now. What complaints could Seth have? He’d told her his mother had died years ago, but otherwise, his seemed to be a trauma-free childhood in a town that Norman Rockwell could have painted. As far as Jenna knew, he’d always been successful in his undertakings, not to mention groomed from birth to run this bank.

      Whatever the case, Seth’s looks shouldn’t have made him so mouth-watering, but he was, and that annoyed her. Well, that, and the rumpled shirt he’d tucked into soft brown wool trousers that looked far too expensive for Tyler. The damn shirt made Jenna want to do the most foolhardy things for him, like set up an ironing board in his living room. Even worse, the bemused tilt of that hard, uncompromising mouth said Seth knew it.

      “I’m waiting,” he said.

      “Unlock that door.”

      His lips stretched further, in a smile that both warmed and irritated. “Why? So you can run for the lobby, Jen?”

      Jen. Why did he have to call me Jen? Jen was a pet name he reserved for special moments, such as when they were naked and wrapped in each other’s arms. She braced herself. Mentally rehearsing her speech for the last time, she felt unreality sweep through her. Suddenly, she felt like a bit player in a bad, low-budget zombie film, as if she was locked inside a room with Seth Spencer, but she couldn’t move or speak. It was as if an unseen hand had just appeared from nowhere and clamped down hard over her mouth. I’m pregnant and marrying Dom. Just say it!

      Seth was still smiling.

      And despite the promises to herself, something in Jenna’s heart gave. She didn’t want to react to him, no more than she wanted to react to this bank. The Tyler Savings & Loan, she thought. Seth’s bank. It was just as he’d so often described it to her, a simple brick building with a clock tower overlooking the town square. He’d always sounded so proud.

      Maybe I’m being too hard on him, she found herself thinking as she gazed into brown eyes that were so ordinary and yet so strangely beguiling. She’d always known he was going to return to Tyler someday, right? It wasn’t as if the man had lied. Maybe it wasn’t right to drop the news on her so casually, but he’d never made a secret of the fact that he was being groomed for this job. Still…

      I thought he’d gotten serious about me and would ask me to come.

      But he hadn’t. And years of living with Ralph and Nancy Robinson had made Jenna tired of settling for less love than she deserved. Pushing aside the thoughts, she tried to hold onto her resolve. She was definitely marrying Dom within the week. It was the right thing to do, both for herself and the coming baby. It hurt, but she forced herself to think about how much time she and Seth had spent apart. Even while they’d dated, he’d made clear that he didn’t want to deepen the relationship. He’d never warmed to the topic of having a family…

      Despite the circumstances, she found herself craving just one kiss from him. “You look good, Seth.” The words slipped out.

      “You don’t look bad yourself, Jen.”

      She edged back, against the door, her eyes darting around the simple, well-appointed office. She frowned when she saw the clear top of his polished wooden desk, and she wondered if he was happy with his move. “Doesn’t look like you’re keeping yourself too busy around here,” she said with concern. He’d always been so active on Wall Street.

      “That,” Seth murmured, angling his body toward hers, “or I’ve got plans for the desk.”

      Those damnably irresistible lights in his eyes made clear what he meant. “Plans?”

      Leaning swiftly, he grasped her fingers, the touch of his skin sending a current of electricity dancing up her arm. Panicking, her knees weakening, she told herself to let go of Seth’s hand, but something in its smooth heat made her twine her fingers through his. Stepping backward, he pulled her toward the desk, and even though her heart was beating out of control, she followed. Tell him about the baby! Tell him you’re marrying Dom! screamed a voice in her mind.

      Another said, If you don’t make love with him now, Jenna, you’ll never get another chance. It’s only sex to Seth, nothing more, but you’ll always miss the feel of his arms wrapped around you. If you don’t do this now, you’ll never feel his chest, hard and crushing against yours, again, or the pounding of his heart. You’ll never have the opportunity to feel so physically close to a man again. What you share with him is so special, not something you’ll find with Dom.

      Her hind end hit the desk. As Seth lowered her to the surface, she gasped. Scents of expensive aftershave and cologne came in tandem with starch from his shirt as his strong, warm body covered hers. Their hips locked. Just as she registered his arousal, he angled his head downward, his lips hovering. She opened her mouth, knowing things had gone too far. She had to tell him about Dom. Now! “Seth—”

      His mouth covered hers. The swift capture of her lips communicated full intent, and the onslaught of his tongue challenged, plunging deeply, wetly. Long ago they’d discussed safe sex and knew they were both healthy, but on occasions such as this, they’d sometimes made love without protection like teenage fools. It was how she’d gotten pregnant. And since she already was, she figured there was no danger now. Except that you’re getting married! said a voice. But then, she hadn’t really said yes yet, had she?

      “Seth,” she suddenly protested.

      “Jen,” he’d murmured simply. “Oh, Jen.”

      She tried to find her voice again, but she’d missed him too much over the past six weeks, and the power of his kisses were more than she could stand. Later, she’d be furious over her lack of willpower. Later, she’d be worried about this momentary, understandable lapse, but she’d tell herself she had every right to go through with her plans to marry another man.

      Besides, Seth didn’t care, did he?

      Her mind hazed as her hands cupped his shoulders, then glided over the back of his crisp cotton shirt. No, Seth didn’t care, she told herself as a dark strong hand slid effortlessly down her lace top, opening the buttons, right before effortlessly opening the front catch of her bra. No, he could never love her, she gasped as his mouth covered a nipple, the slow, sensual swirls of his tongue seeming to touch the core of her.

      She wanted to feel his chest.

      That was her last coherent thought as her hands fumbled with the knot of his tie, then the buttons of his shirt. Pushing apart the sides, her palms cupped rock-hard pectorals, then her fingers delved hungrily into hairs that felt like tangled silk. Vaguely, she was thinking about the fact that he probably didn’t want children. No, whenever she’d commented on how cute they were, playing in the parks in New York, he’d never said anything affirming.

      Now his hands glided up her outer thighs, pushing up the skirt she should have known better than to wear because she knew how much it would arouse him. She tried not to buy into the illusion she’d allowed herself for the past year and a half, the illusion that Seth really did care, but only spoke through his body, rather than in words. It was a nice illusion. And it seemed so plausible right now. Surely, no man kissed like this if he didn’t love a woman.

      “Seth,” his name escaped with a soft moan, the core of her aching as he drew down her tights and panties.

      “Jen,” he whispered again, his blistering hot mouth sweeping hers again as his trousers

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