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severely abused and she’d come to the rescue at the same time he’d returned home. He and Katie both had sort of taken the mare under their wing. They had a soft spot for the old girl. She’d been recovering, but the abuse had taken its toll on her and unfortunately with some of the horses, there wasn’t much else to do but ease their pain.

      “Thanks, Wes. Sorry to hear that. I’ll, uh, I’ll come by. I want to see her.”

      “Thought you would.”

      “I’ll let Katie know, too.”

      “I just called Katie. She didn’t answer her phone. I left her a message.”

      “Okay, well, I’ll try to get word to her somehow. I’ll see you soon, Wes.”

      Luke hung up and rubbed at the corners of his eyes. Giving himself a moment to gather his thoughts, he shook his head. As much as he wanted to see Katie again, he didn’t want to give her bad news.

      Five minutes later, he was in his car, driving by the bakery. There was a Katie’s Kupcakes Is Klosed sign on the window. Still, he parked the car in a diagonal spot right in front of the bakery and got out. He tried the shop’s door handle. No luck. Then he cupped his hands to ward off the sun’s glare and peered inside the window. Not a soul was around.

      A car slowed on the street and a young girl called out, “Can I help you?”

      He recognized her as one of Katie’s employees, though he couldn’t recall her name. She’d made a few deliveries to the Boone corporate office. “I’m looking for Katie.”

      “Hold on a sec.” The young woman parked her car and walked over to where he stood by the door.

      “I’m Lucas Boone.”

      She smiled as if to say she knew who he was; the Boones were usually recognized in town. “Hi, Lucas. I’m Lori. Do you need cupcakes or something? The bakery is closed.”

      “No, nothing like that. I need to see Katie. It’s important. Has to do with the Red Barrel Horse Rescue.”

      “Oh… I see.” The young woman nibbled on her lips.

      “She’s not answering her phone.”

      “No, she’s probably resting up in her apartment. She was pretty exhausted today.”

      “It’s really important. Can you help me?”

      She thought it over for a few seconds. “I know your brother is marrying her best friend, Drea. So, I guess it’s all right if I let you in.”

      “Thank you.”

      Lori put the key into the lock and opened the door. “I only came back because I left my textbook and notes here and I’ve got this big exam tomorrow night.”

      Luke nodded and she let him inside the empty bakery.

      “I’ll go upstairs and knock on her door,” she said. “I’ll let Katie know you’re here.”

      And a few minutes later, Luke was face-to-face with a sleep-hazy Katie.

      “W-what are you doing here?” Katie stood at her doorway, a plaid blanket wrapped around her shoulders, staring at Luke. She didn’t think she’d see him again so soon. His head was down, a concerned look on his face. Her heart began to pound hard. “Lori said something about the rescue?”

      “I got a call from Wes a little while ago. It’s Snow. She’s in bad shape.”

      The air left her lungs and her shoulders slumped. “Oh no. Not our girl.”

      “Yep. I’m afraid so.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Thought you’d want to know. Wes tried to call you.”

      “I—I was fast asleep. I didn’t hear my phone.”

      “I’m on my way out to see her. Maybe for the last time.”

      Oh man. All she could think about was the raw deal Snowball had gotten, a life of abuse and pain. Her owner had neglected her and she’d come to the rescue undernourished, scarred and broken. It wasn’t fair. They’d tried their best to save her, and now Katie wasn’t about to let her take her last breaths alone. “I’ve got to see her, too.”

      “I’ll take you.”

      “No, you go on.” She ran a hand through her hair. She must look a mess. “I need to run a comb through my hair and freshen up.”

      “I’ll wait.”

      “You don’t have to.”

      “Katie, I’m here, my car’s out front and we’re driving to the same place. Let’s not waste any more time when we can spend it with Snow. Just do what you have to do, I’ll be waiting downstairs.”

      He was right. Snow was too important to her to quibble with him about driving arrangements. “Okay, fine. Give me a minute.”

      Five minutes later, she was dressed in jeans and a red shirt, her hair in a knot at the top of her head. She splashed water on her face and put on lip gloss to keep from biting her lips and then dashed down the stairs and out the door of the bakery.

      Luke waited for her out front, leaning against his black SUV, his hands in his pockets, a pensive look on his face. Her stomach was still in a twist about her ultra-secret marriage to her sister’s ex. And now, the sweet mare she’d tended for the past year might be dying.

      “Ready?” Luke asked, opening the door for her.

      “Yes… I think.”

      “Yeah, I know what you mean. Snow’s a special one.”

      Katie climbed in and grabbed her seat belt while Luke closed the door and took a seat behind the wheel. They drove off in silence and as they approached the canyon, she shivered.

      “Cold?” he asked.

      “A little.” She hugged her arms to her chest. “I forgot my jacket.” She’d forgotten how chilly the canyon could get in the later hours of the day.

      “I can warm you up real fast,” he said, giving her a smile.

      His dimpled grin brought heat to her body instantly. She flashed back to Vegas and those hours they’d spent in bed together.

      He reached for the dials on his dashboard and soon a flow of warm air surrounded her. “Better?”

      She nodded.

      “I’ve got an extra jacket in the back. I won’t let you freeze to death out here.”

      That he was talking about “letting” her do anything or not gave her nerves a rattle. He wasn’t really her husband—just thinking it seemed completely foreign to her—but he was taking care of her needs and that wasn’t something she was used to, with any guy. “Thanks.”

      A few minutes later they approached Red Barrel Horse Rescue and Luke parked in the gravel lot in front of the small building that served as the office. “I’ll go in and let Wes know we’re here,” he said. “You want to stay in the car and keep warm?”

      “No, I’ll go with you.”

      “Sure,” he said. He stretched way back and grabbed two jackets from the back seat of his car. “Here you go.”

      He handed her a suede jacket lined with lamb’s wool, while he took a lighter weight cotton one. They tossed them on, hers almost reaching her knees, and Wes came out of the office to greet them.

      The men shook hands, then Wes gave her a gentle hug. “I knew you two would come out as soon as you heard. Snow’s in the barn. I’ve made her as comfortable as possible.”

      Luke met her eyes, then looked back at Wes. “We’d like to see her now.”


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