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Him. Here. Thousands of miles away from New York. To some degree it pissed her off that for three years he’d given her not one itty-bitty hint that he was attracted to her. Talk about cool, dispassionate, stoic. Great qualities if you’re in the courtroom, but damn it, they’d spent far too many nights working late for him not to have cracked just a little.

      So there was a “no fraternization” policy at the firm? So what that he was the heir apparent? He could’ve been human, showed a trace of emotion toward her. Then she could have decided what was more important, staying with the firm or seeing him. Who knew what could have developed by now?

      What a coward. She had a good mind to go knock on his door and make him spell out why he’d come to Hawaii. Had he come for her or not? If not, fine. There was plenty of trouble she could get into all by herself. But if he had come for her…

      She had to know, she decided, swinging her feet to the floor, even if it meant they had only this one week. In fact, if they reverted to their former relationship once they returned to New York, that would be perfect. All her focus and energy would be invested in the new company. She’d have no time for a relationship. All the more reason not to waste a minute now.

      Her key wasn’t where she’d thought she left it. Impatient, she dumped the contents of her purse onto the bed, then found the key card tucked safely in the side pocket, where she now recalled putting it. She checked her reflection in the mirror, applied some lip gloss, drew a brush through her hair and adjusted the bodice of her coral-colored dress. When she twisted around to inspect the back, her gaze snagged on the skin exposed by the triangular cutout. Where David’s warm palm had been, had lingered until she’d pulled away.

      Reliving the few seconds in her mind, she shivered. His hand hadn’t been as soft as she expected. She knew he was an avid tennis player in his spare time, and that his mother was fond of arranging dates to accompany him to company dinners. Mia knew nothing more about his personal life. Among the paralegals and clerical help, there was some gossip and the occasional rumor, but she made a point to stay clear of the whispers.

      Smoothing down her dress, satisfied that it wasn’t too wrinkled, she palmed the key card and opened the door. And stopped cold.

      David stood in the hall, staring at her. He seemed as surprised to see her as she was to see him. He wore the same clothes he’d worn at dinner, only his sleeves were rolled back, exposing his muscled forearms. Definitely a tennis player.

      “I was about to knock,” he said. “If you’re on your way out—”

      No way she’d let him weasel out of this. She opened her mouth to tell him just that, but he hadn’t finished.

      “I’ll keep it brief.” Without hesitation, he took a step toward her, his lips twitching into what could only be described as a predatory smile.

      “Okay,” she said, trying to keep her voice from shaking.

      Then he crossed the threshold and closed the door behind him, sending her scurrying backward with the inelegant grace of a beached whale.

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