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out, and that’s that.”

      “I must have said a dozen times that I’m feeling better—and that I was going straight home from here.” Ginger’s voice was coming from the floor—but it certainly sounded healthy and strong.

      “Yeah, I heard you. And I told you a dozen times that there could be liability issues if you left here in shape to cause yourself or others harm.”

      “You’re the only person I’ve met in a blue moon who’s more bullheaded than I am, bless your heart. But keeping a person against their will is called kidnapping. Or is there another legal term?”

      While the two women continued this pleasant conversation, Ike hunkered down—apparently Louella had threatened Ginger with death if she tried to get up before the doctor got there. He went through the routine. Pulse. Temp. Whether she could focus, whether she had swollen lymph glands.

      Wherever he touched her, she jumped.

      He liked that. If he was stuck feeling walloped this close to her, he at least wanted her to suffer the same way.

      He got some extra personal contact—judicious, but lucky for sure—when he helped her to her feet. She didn’t wobble. Of course, with his arm around her, she couldn’t have wobbled—or fallen—even if she’d wanted to. But she shot him one of those ice-blue looks to indicate he could remove his hands. Now. Right now.

      “Okay, Louella, I’m taking her from your office.”

      “And don’t let her come back here until she’s fit as a fiddle.”

      “My. I had no idea that fiddles had health issues. Like whether they could be fit or sick. I had no idea they were alive at all—”

      Ike saw the look on Louella’s face, could see she was in a rolling up the sleeves to get into another squabble, so he shuffled Ginger quickly into the hall.

      He saw her sudden choke when they reached the top of her stairs, so he suspected she was still a little on the dizzy side. He hooked an arm around her, making sure she was steady.

      “You don’t need to do that,” she said irritably.

      “Can’t have you falling on my watch.”

      “I’m not on your watch.”

      “Uh-huh. You know … you could have been nice to Louella.”

      “She wasn’t nice to me first!”

      “You seriously scared her when you fainted.”

      “That’s an excuse for holding me hostage and not letting me leave? For insulting me? For calling you?”

      “Yup. At least, that’s how I see it. But then, I don’t have your temper.”

      At the bottom of the stairs, he’d barely pushed open the door before she shot through. She took a step west before he kidnapped her wrist.

      “Hey. My car is that way—”

      “And you’ll be in your car in about a half hour. But first, you need an immediate medical intervention.”

      “Intervention? What are you talking about?”

      The New York Deli was at the corner of Magnolia. Whether anything served had anything to do with New York, no one knew or cared. The place was always packed at lunch, but Feinstein—the owner—always saved a table for Ike. It was bribery, pure and simple. Feinstein was worried about the performance of his boy parts. He’d never had any marital problems with his wife before, but “everybody” knew guys eventually needed a little chemical boost. Which was to say, Feinstein had motivation for taking good care of the town doctor.

      Ike never came for the bribe. He came for the food. And Ginger continued to make minor protestations about being herded like a sheep, but that was only until she saw the menu.

      Mrs. Feinstein—possibly the homeliest woman Ike had ever seen—advised Ginger on the best choices, and who could have guessed? Ginger agreed without arguing.

      Right off, she devoured three pickles. Then a masterful corned beef on rye. Chips. Cole slaw. Since she picked at the crumbs after that, he figured she was still hungry, so he ordered dessert. Apple cake with whipped cream.

      Then more pickles.

      He leveled a sandwich, too, which took all of a minute and a half. So while her mouth was full, he took the opportunity to start a conversation. “I’m guessing that before the evening news, the whole town will know that you fainted twice this morning, that we’re having lunch together … and they’ll likely be speculating on whether we’re sleeping together.”

      She dropped her fork, which he took as encouraging. So he went on, “My theory is … we might as well sleep together, since we’ve already been branded with the tag.”

      She dropped her fork—again—but then she just squinted her eyes at him. He didn’t see temper this time, just reluctant humor. “Hey. Do you usually flirt with women you think are pregnant by someone else?”

      “Not usually, no. In fact, never.” He retrieved a couple fresh forks from the table next to them, then went back for another couple. Who knew how many she would need before this meal was over. “But I keep finding your situation, well, unique. You came home because you were really worked up about your grandfather. But there’s no guy here. If you had a guy, he’d have to be a class-A jerk not to be with you when he knows you need help.”

      “Wow. That analysis and conclusion is just stunning.”

      “Yeah, my mama always said I was a bright boy,” he agreed with his best deadpan expression. “So my theory is … there’s no guy to stop me from moving in on you.”

      This time she had to chuckle—clearly in spite of herself. “I’ve been doing a lot of hurling and fainting. Most guys would run in the opposite direction.”

      “Most guys haven’t been through medical school.”

      “That’s an answer?”

      “What can I say? A first-year resident loses any chance of being embarrassed ever again in his life. Some things just come with life. Now what’s that expression about?”

      She lifted a hand. “I was just thinking. I had this sudden instinct … that you just might be a hardcore, card-carrying good guy.” She put a stop sign into another hand gesture. “I’m not accusing you of anything terrible. I just didn’t expect to even let a positive thought anywhere near you. So I’m just saying. If I was ever going to trust a doctor again as long as I live—which I’m not—it might have been you.”

      “Ah. It’s the doctor thing that’s a problem. You’re such a relief.”


      “Practically every single woman in this town has been feeding me, taking care of me, fluttering her eyelashes at me. All their mamas think of doctors as being a terrific catch. You know, dumb as a fish that just needs the right bait to sucker in. You’re so much more fun. I’d ask you out … but I’m afraid if we had a good time, you’d quit disliking me, and then where would we be? Not having fun together anymore. It’s not worth the risk. Still, I don’t see why we shouldn’t sleep together. That doesn’t have to interfere with your giving me a constant hard time. We could just redirect all that passionate energy a little differently when the lights go off.”

      She cupped her chin. “Did anything you just said make a lick of sense?”

      He didn’t care if he was making sense. She’d had a rotten morning—a stressful visit with him, then a stressful visit with the lawyer, no easy answers about her grandfather. And he hadn’t known until he’d sneaked the information that the father of her baby was both a doctor and a louse.

      She was flying solo. Flying solo with a pregnancy and no help in sight.

      But he’d gotten her fed. And teased. And almost laughing. She’d forgotten

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