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of those angry words.

      He sat back and watched the sparks fly. He’d been waiting for the appearance of the fiery brunette who’d stood toe to toe with him at the auction house, all spitting fury and indignation. The woman who’d stirred the man within his toughened exterior.

      So her focus was still on the bracelet. She wanted it back—and badly. Again he wondered at its significance.

      ‘I’m pleased to hear it.’ He wouldn’t let her know yet that her guard had slipped, even if only briefly. He would have to do some more investigation on the silver bracelet which was now stored in his safe. Before he gave it back to her, he had to know why it was so important.

      * * *

      Bianca was saved from further humiliation by the arrival of their main course. As she ate, barely tasting the delicious food, she watched the amber sunset darkening and the lights of New York shining ever more vibrantly. She hadn’t felt as unsure of herself as she was now for many years, and again she wished she could call Allegra and talk things through with her.

      Not that that would help much, not now she’d given away the fact that she was prepared to do just about anything to get the bracelet back. She hadn’t missed the slight narrowing of his icy grey eyes as she’d let those words slip out. He was shrewd and had already proved he was an almost unmovable force, one which would have to be reckoned with if she got in its way.

      The best way forward was to keep everything on a strictly professional basis. ‘What do you really want from me, Liev?’ The words came out as fast as she’d thought of them, replacing what she’d intended to ask about his company and the software he was launching.

      ‘As I have explained, I need acceptance into society and to do that I need you at my side.’ He put down his cutlery, abandoning his food, and looked at her, the sharp glint in his eyes reminding her, if she needed it, just who she was dealing with. ‘And, of course, I need your PR skills for my company.’

      She was beginning to suspect there was more to this than just what he’d told her. Those earlier doubts she’d had about him surfaced once more and she couldn’t help but voice her questions. ‘You should do more interviews, make yourself more accessible to the public. Why haven’t you spoken to the press? I couldn’t find anything online.’

      ‘Because, unlike you, they will not be content to leave the past in the past, and I’m sure you, of all people, can understand the need not to bring up the deaths of my parents constantly.’

      He was right about that, and for the moment she was prepared to give him the benefit. She put down her knife and fork, the meal now well and truly spoilt. ‘The only way I can see to be able to move on from here is to be open about your past, but also create more speculation about our relationship.’

      ‘Then I have exactly the invitation we need. Tomorrow evening we have been invited to a party.’ He delivered the news to her and she frowned at him.

      ‘I don’t recall a party invite.’

      ‘I had a phone call this morning from Margaret O’Neil. She mentioned she’d heard about our engagement and suggested we might like to attend her party.’

      ‘That is good. Being a guest there will achieve just about all you have been wanting.’ It would also mean she could possibly get the bracelet sooner and that could only be for the good with her grandfather’s failing health. ‘I’d like to go home now. I don’t think anything more will be gained from being here like this. Maybe leaving before dessert will create more speculation.’

      ‘Very clever. Passionate lovers abandon meal halfway through.’ He lifted his brows and smiled at her in such a seductive way she caught her breath and held it against the thud of her pulse. Liev left some bills to settle the check and stood up. ‘I will escort you home.’

      Just as he had previously done, Liev walked Bianca to her door and she paused outside, beating back the strange urge to prolong talking with him. But what was she going to do? Invite him in for coffee?

      ‘Goodnight, Liev,’ she said softly as once again he lifted her fingertips to his lips. The heat that slid down her arm was more in keeping with a passionate romantic affair, not a blackmailed engagement. But she couldn’t help it. Just being with him did something to her.

      She watched him as her pulse continued to race. What was the matter with her? It was as if she was a teenager again, falling for the bad boy at high school, the one who would break her heart. She couldn’t be falling for him—could she?

      ‘Do you not wish we had met another way?’ The velvety smoothness of his words made her skin tingle, as did their meaning.

      ‘No—absolutely not,’ she lied.

      He laughed softly, his eyes warming and his expression full of undisguised charm. ‘So hotly denied, but can it be true?’

      She tried to pull her fingers from his hand, but he held her firmly. She had no choice other than look up into his face. ‘It’s true.’

      ‘So if I kiss you right now, just as I did last week at the charity dinner, you will not respond with such undisguised desire?’

      What was she doing, encouraging this conversation? But she couldn’t help it, couldn’t help wondering how he would kiss her this time.

      ‘There is nobody to witness the kiss. What possible reason could you have now to kiss me?’

      ‘Because you are a very beautiful woman, one who should be kissed.’ He moved towards her, brushed his lips over hers, as if tasting them.

      ‘No, Liev, this is not part of the deal.’ She kept her voice firm but couldn’t help staying dangerously close to him.

      ‘No, but admit it, Bianca. You want me to kiss you. You want me to melt that sleeping heart the gossip columns are all talking about.’

      She put her hands firmly on his chest, ignoring the spark that flew from that contact. ‘The only time I will kiss you is in public and then only because it is part of the role of being madly in love with you.’

      ‘Are you sure, Bianca?’ His voice was now a hoarse whisper that made her stomach flip and her heart race.

      Before she had time to respond, he lowered his head, claimed her lips in a kiss that verged on demanding. Her head spun, and although she knew she shouldn’t, she moved her lips against his, tasting the forbidden. Her fingers clutched the lapels of his jacket as he put his arms around her, pulling her close.

      It was insane. It was also amazing.

      ‘No.’ She pushed against him and he pulled back but didn’t let go of her. ‘That can never happen again, not like that.’

      He drew in a deep breath and let it go slowly, as if curbing an angry response. ‘It will if we are in public. If it’s part of your role, as you called it.’

      ‘Just go,’ she snapped, and relief and disappointment washed over her as he moved back from her. ‘Go, Liev. This charade is over for tonight.’

      ‘Until tomorrow, Bianca.’

      With those words haunting her, she watched him stride back to the elevator, wondering what had just happened. Why had she taunted him, but more importantly, why had she kissed him?

      It would not happen again.

      BIANCA’S NERVES WERE almost frayed as she waited for Liev the next evening. She anticipated this would be their last public outing, but she’d arranged a publicity interview for him at the shelter, and together with tonight’s photos appearing in the glossy celebrity magazines, she hoped he would be satisfied and have what he wanted. After the interview she fully intended that their engagement could become more low-key. The thought of spending more time with Liev was not something she relished, especially when he could provoke such new emotions in her.


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