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to it yet.’

      ‘Don’t bother,’ he said brusquely, missing a gear change. That made him spit out a word in Rosari that Alyssa was glad she couldn’t understand.

      ‘No, and there’s no royal family beyond me and Ra’id,’ he told her. ‘That’s the whole problem. My father was a second son, like me. His older brother was King, and a cruel, bitter man. His rule kept Rosara in the Dark Ages. My brother Akil and I were lucky. Our part of the family was never expected to inherit the crown, so we were allowed a lot of freedom. Unfortunately, the death of our mother changed all that.’

      Alyssa clucked with sympathy. ‘My mother and I have never been close, so I can’t imagine how awful it must have been for you to lose yours. It must have been a terrible shock.’

      Lysander didn’t reply straight away. Alyssa assumed it was because he was driving down a tricky, rock-strewn slope. When he spoke, she found out how wrong she was.

      ‘Yes—and no. She was found guilty of adultery, and, as my unforgiving uncle was on the throne at the time, she was beheaded.’

      Surprise catapulted Alyssa forward in her seat. ‘Oh, my God!’ She clapped her hand over her mouth and glanced over her shoulder at Ra’id. The little boy had calmed down enough to look at a comic, and hadn’t noticed. Relieved, she turned to stare at Lysander in horror. ‘When was this?’

      ‘A long time ago. Thirty years or more—not long after the picnic I told you about, maybe? The riots that followed killed my uncle and put his brother—my father—on the throne. Father was determined things would change, and so am I. That’s why I’m going to continue making improvements here.’

      He was staring ahead so grimly now that Alyssa felt she had to say something. ‘You’re right. The sooner you can secure your country’s place in the twenty-first century, the better,’ she said. It worked.

      ‘That’s why I want to make sure Ra’id has a proper childhood. Akil and I never had much experience of life until we were sent to England to finish our education. Our father was quite forward thinking, but even so we had private tutors to begin with.’

      ‘You must have been lonely.’

      Lysander shook his head. ‘I always had Akil to think about. He was never very worldly, so I always fought in his corner. That made me self-reliant.’

      ‘Too much of that isn’t always a good thing.’

      ‘I don’t think my brother would have agreed with you. Once he became King and inherited a band of advisors, they took over. I was surplus to his requirements and didn’t have anything to do. Hitting the party circuit was a reaction to that. That was why Akil never liked the way I lived my life. He knew I was capable of so much more.’

      Alyssa felt on firmer ground for once. ‘Then it’s a shame he never found you a job. Hard work suits you. You really looked the part when we saw you in your office.’

      ‘Thank you,’ he said, adding lightly. ‘It sounds as though you actually meant that.’

      ‘Why shouldn’t I?’

      Sliding a glance wickedly across at her, he laughed. ‘Alyssa, I’ve been flattered by mistresses of the craft. Believe me.’

      They crested a rise in the road, which gave them a spectacular view of the plains below. Lysander parked the four-by-four where it would cast the longest shadow, got out and opened the doors for Alyssa and Ra’id. With a squeal of excitement the little boy bounced out and careered off down the slope at top speed.

      ‘Don’t go too far!’ Lysander called, but Alyssa laughed.

      ‘He’s only got little legs. With nothing but a few sparse bushes in every direction, he can’t get lost. He’ll be fine,’ she reassured him, but kept a careful watch on her little charge all the same.

      The atmosphere out in the desert was very different from the comfortable, air-conditioned interior of Lysander’s car. It was hot and dry. Now and then a light breeze blew up, ruffling his dark curls and wrapping Alyssa’s skirt around her bare legs. She was still wary of him, but her warnings seemed to be having some effect. Lysander’s interest in her didn’t waver, but he kept his distance. Neither spoke as they strolled along in Ra’id’s wake. Alyssa’s mind was too full of miserable childhoods and loveless lives, and the last thing she wanted to do was inflict her memories on Lysander. For a while they watched the little boy in companionable silence, but Alyssa’s gaze was often distracted by their stunning surroundings. Sunlight had spent a million lifetimes baking the stony countryside into a million shades from caramel to cream, and the overall effect was breathtaking.

      ‘It’s such a beautiful place,’ Alyssa was moved to say after a while. ‘How could anyone prefer the big city to this?’

      ‘A life spent in casinos and nightclubs isn’t exactly hell on earth. I’m sure you’d be the first one to remind me of that,’ Lysander said with dry humour.

      ‘Do you miss it?’

      He smiled, but didn’t answer.

      ‘I don’t think the newspapers expected you to move back here, Lysander. If they knew how well that dinner went, and the hours of routine office work you put in, I’m sure they’d be amazed,’ she said quietly.

      ‘The Western press perhaps, but not the press here in Rosara. They’ve always understood that I left to avoid being sidelined, and I came back because of loyalty. I love this country, and I won’t let anything disturb its peace. That’s why I want to take such great care of Ra’id. Some of my countrymen don’t believe he should be the next king.’

      Alyssa was shocked. ‘Lysander! When we were driving from the airport, you told me there was no danger to him here!’

      Her first instinct was to call Ra’id straight back into her arms and head for the palace and safety. Lysander stopped her with a few simple words.

      ‘Would it reassure you to know that I’m the one they want as their ruler? That there’s a faction who think I should be King, rather than him?’

      She stared at him. ‘I don’t know. It depends what would happen to Ra’id.’

      ‘He’s quite safe with me. You’ve got my word on that.’ Lysander’s accent thickened with honesty. ‘He would stay in your care and be my heir until I had a son of my own. That’s why I wanted the best nanny for him from the first. Whatever happens, I will always treat Ra’id with the respect due to my brother’s son. Looking after him is my priority.’

      ‘And mine,’ Alyssa said firmly.

      They had both been watching the little boy as he chased lizards over the hot desert rocks. When she said that, they turned and shared a look.

      ‘Smiling suits you, Lysander.’ Alyssa laughed. ‘You should do it more often.’

      His reply was quick. ‘You won’t believe this, but I was about to say exactly the same thing to you!’

      The palace staff had packed an amazing picnic. There was a feast of things Alyssa usually kept off Ra’id’s menu, such as crisps and cake, along with healthy slices of perfectly ripe melons, peaches and bunches of fat grapes. While Alyssa set it all out, Lysander produced a pair of miniature radio-controlled buggies from the back of the four-by-four. That was when Ra’id lost interest in the food—and it was the last she saw of the two men in her life until they got hungry.

      It was a long time before Alyssa had a minute to herself. Once she’d put the exhausted Ra’id to bed that night and handed over to her deputy, she could officially call herself off duty for the next thirty-six hours. With a relief she didn’t usually feel when faced with a holiday, she retreated to her own suite. Her apartment at the Rose Palace was lovely. It was at least twice the size of her city flat in England, and had large, airy rooms. It was a pleasure to wander around it by the light of scented candles, enjoying all the luxury. Flickering shadows danced over pale painted walls and high ceilings, while the fragrance

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