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formal smile glittered so irresistibly, Alyssa knew she had to make a stand.

      ‘But not many,’ she told him firmly.

      Lysander leaned over the low wall, watching them go. Thinking about Alyssa had got him through that tedious banquet the night before. Now it threatened to disrupt the rest of this working day. When she’d mentioned horses, his mind had instantly filled with the idea of racing across the desert sand with her. That was a first. Until now, distraction of any sort always annoyed him when he was dealing with paperwork. For once, the combination of a real flesh-and-blood woman and one of his favourite fantasies was irresistible. He was stirred by the memory of her body wrapped in that soft, ridiculous dressing gown while the expression in her eyes had conveyed that she wanted him so powerfully. It was too much. Lysander started planning for the day when he would eventually sample all the delights she had to offer.

      One day, he would spirit her off alone to see The Queen’s Retreat.

      It was a breathtaking place, and the perfect setting for seduction. Bed was Lysander’s cure for every relationship and it had never been known to fail. Unlikely though it seemed to him just now, Alyssa’s body would lose its novelty value once he had slept with her. Her mind showed signs of surprising him for as long as he lived, so he didn’t have the patience to wait until she bored him. In contrast, sex with her would satisfy his body and stop it hankering after her, once and for all.

      He went back to work, and smiled all the way through three drafts of a balance-of-payments statement.

      Alyssa wasn’t looking forward to their picnic tea that afternoon. She assumed a caravan of staff would turn it into a state visit to the desert, rather than a simple meal in the fresh air. When Lysander arrived alone to collect her and Ra’id from the nursery wing, it amazed her. Flustered, she wasn’t quite sure how to react so she kept quiet and let Lysander do the talking.

      ‘It will be just me and my nephew today,’ he told her and the other nursery staff. ‘Alyssa is coming along to see fair play, that’s all.’

      He sounded affable, and his audience looked convinced. That didn’t stop Alyssa feeling uncomfortable. She could barely look at him as they walked out to the palace’s garage complex. While the kitchen staff loaded picnic things into a brand-new four-by-four, she couldn’t stand the suspense any longer. Making sure she and Lysander were out of earshot of everybody else, she tried to broach the subject.

      ‘Lysander, about last night …’

      He smiled, and once again Alyssa’s body betrayed her. She felt her heart accelerate, and her mouth was suddenly so dry she could hardly speak.

      ‘I should never have let you kiss me—and so you mustn’t think you can …’ Unable to say anything more, she flicked a glance towards Ra’id, who was bouncing up and down in one of the rear seats of the vehicle.

      ‘Of course I’m not going to try and carry on where I left off. Not today …’ He filled in for her, but left his meaning hanging in the air. ‘You’re at work, looking after my nephew, so I shall be on my best behaviour.’ He laid one hand gravely over his heart and dipped his head in mockery of a formal bow. She watched him carefully as he opened the front passenger door for her. It was high off the ground, but when he reached out to help her up there was nothing remotely suggestive about his touch. Alyssa’s relief was tinged with disappointment. She wanted him to go further, but told herself this was the only way—especially when he tried to own her with his eyes, as he was doing right now. Her heart had already been broken by a supposedly decent man. This man was a rogue. She’d do well to remember that!

      He slid into the driving seat and they started off, out into the desert. At first Alyssa was tense and watchful but Lysander didn’t seem to notice. He was far too busy talking to Ra’id.

      ‘I like picnics! I like picnics!’ the little boy chanted, bouncing up and down in his seat. He was enjoying himself so much, even Alyssa began to think this trip was a good idea. The sky was blue, they had enough food to feed an army and Lysander really was making an effort to get to know Ra’id.

      ‘I expect you have picnics all the time, living in a lovely place like this,’ Alyssa said as they travelled along an ancient dirt road. She was enjoying the sight of hot, starkly beautiful desert sliding past so fast outside, while she was cool and comfortable inside the car.

      ‘No. As far as I know the only time Ra’id went out was to travel between Combe House in England and the Rose Palace.’

      ‘Is that why you suggested this outing?’

      He shook his head. ‘Having a picnic is something I’ve wanted to do since I was about the same size as Ra’id.’ Lysander smiled, but not at her. With his lips pressed tightly together, he carried on gazing through the windscreen.

      ‘You’re not telling me this is the first time you’ve done this?’ Alyssa could hardly believe what she was hearing.

      ‘I’ve never had the excuse to do it here before. The one dim memory I have of my mother is of her, me, and my brother, Akil. We were in a park in England. We must have gone out for the day but I can’t recall her face, or what she was wearing, what we ate or anything important like that. All I remember is her voice, saying: “I wish we’d done this before. We’ll have to do it again some time.” But we never did.’

      ‘That’s so sad,’ Alyssa said softly.

      He shot her a strange look. ‘The fact that the only real memory I have of my mother is of a time when she was happy?’ he queried. ‘What’s wrong with that?’


      ALYSSA couldn’t argue with him. The quiet way he answered her question intrigued her. Was he giving her a glimpse of the man behind his public image? It was so at odds with the passionate seducer who had held her in his arms the night before. When he looked at her now, there was hardly any flirtation in Lysander’s smile. She took that as a good sign, and tried to relax.

      Sitting in a prestige car with a handsome prince at the wheel, she felt as though a little bit of royalty might be rubbing off on her. She even had to suppress a childish urge to wave regally out of the window. For once in her life she didn’t have to worry about a thing. All she had to do was sit back and enjoy being chauffeured around. It was lovely and so, she had to admit, was Lysander. He was behaving perfectly today, as the ideal role model for Ra’id. Away from his office he was off duty, and so was the usual little crease between his brows. Now and again he even hummed along to the gentle sound of Marcello coming from the on-board CD player. With a sigh, Alyssa lay back in her seat and closed her eyes. The sun was warm against her lids and the filtered air was cool. For the first time in ages, life was offering her more than loneliness. The feeling of Lysander at one with his car and only inches away from her was incredible.

      ‘I suppose you went on picnics with your parents all the time, Alyssa?’

      ‘Mmm? No … they spent most of the year working abroad, so I was sent off to boarding school. I went home for the holidays, which was about as much exposure to me as they could take.’

      ‘Don’t sell yourself short,’ he said sharply.

      She opened her eyes and looked at him. ‘What’s the matter? I expected you to laugh when I said that.’

      ‘There’s nothing funny about a child who sees themselves as a burden.’

      ‘You’re getting too fond of Ra’id for him to think that. I can see it every time you two are together,’ Alyssa assured him.

      ‘I wasn’t talking about him.’

      She smiled. ‘Oh, don’t worry about me. I’ve long since stopped bothering about how things are between me and my parents.’

      Another look at his face told Alyssa he hadn’t been thinking about her situation, either. He was staring grimly

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