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soft, heart-melting smile, but sorrow darkened his eyes.

      Damn it, he knew. Without being told, he’d put the pieces together and come up with the correct picture. He would want to know more. Would demand to be told everything. No, he wouldn’t. They worked together, they weren’t best buddies or in a relationship. He might like to know but he wasn’t going to ask her for details. He was a gentleman. Wasn’t he? Guess she’d find out soon enough.

Paragraph break image

      For the remainder of the shift Nathan had trouble remaining calm whenever he glanced around to check on Molly. Anger at an unknown man boiled up. Given half the chance he’d like to tear out of the department to go and find him, beat him to a pulp. Not that he’d ever hit anyone before, but sweet, gorgeous Molly did so not deserve to be beaten. Not that she’d said anything to suggest it’d happened, but he knew. The sudden grief that had filled her eyes as the shock of what she’d done to Kath’s husband had worn off told him there was a story behind her usually withdrawn manner.

      ‘Glad that’s over.’ The woman in his head handed a file to one of the incoming shift nurses. ‘I’m ready for my bed.’

      Not so fast. ‘I’ll give you a lift home.’ Nathan put on his no-nonsense voice in the hope she’d agree without an argument.

      ‘The train will be quicker.’

      He should have known it wouldn’t work. ‘Throw in breakfast and you’ll be able to justify going the slow way.’ He’d just asked her out? It might only be breakfast, but in a roundabout way it was a date. He hadn’t thought before putting his mouth into gear.

       So you want to withdraw the invitation?

      Nathan’s chest rose. No, he damned well didn’t. This wasn’t only about what’d happened earlier and the revelations that had come with it. He couldn’t deny the need to get to know Molly better, to learn exactly who was behind that façade she presented to the world most of the time. He sucked a breath. Which only showed how deep the mire he was floundering in had become. It had happened so fast he couldn’t keep up.

      Molly was blinking at him like a possum caught in headlights. ‘Do you mean that?’

      ‘About breakfast? Yes. Why wouldn’t I?’

      ‘Because you’re kind and probably want to be a caring boss, making sure I’m all right. If that’s the case then believe me when I say I’m fine, and there’s food in my fridge that’ll suffice for breakfast.’

      That scratched at his calm. He was not playing the boss here. He’d stepped beyond that comfortable zone—into what, he wasn’t quite sure, but knew he needed to find out. ‘Bet you haven’t got eggs and hollandaise sauce.’

      ‘Low blow.’ There was a wariness creeping into her eyes. She was worried what he’d ask about the martial arts.

      He couldn’t deny he was ready to explode over what he perceived had happened in her past, but if she didn’t want to talk about it, that was her prerogative and he’d accept that. ‘That’s me. When I want something I’ll try everything in my power to get it.’ Except use my fists.

      Molly obviously had no worries on that score because she gave him an exhausted smile. ‘I’d love a ride, and breakfast.’

      ‘Why didn’t you just say so?’ He grinned and took her elbow, wishing he could put an arm around her shoulders and tuck her in close. But they were still in the department and already there were a couple of raised eyebrows and knowing smiles going on. Neither were they that close.

      ‘Don’t like to be too obvious,’ Molly retorted. Then yawned. ‘Thank goodness for weekends. I’m over this week.’

      ‘Evening shift next week, here we come.’ After two days off, and hopefully a ride in his car. The Blue Mountains were looking good, and the weather was forecast to be fine and crisp. ‘You been to the Blue Mountains?’

      ‘That’s a long way to go for breakfast.’ Her tempting mouth gave him another smile that struck under his ribs and made his heart lift its pace.

      The mountains wouldn’t be too far for the morning meal if they went there the day before and stayed over in a hillside lodge, enjoying the views and a superb meal, making the most of a large, soft bed throughout the night. But that wasn’t happening. Not yet. Nathan tripped over his own flat feet. Where the hell had that come from?

       You were going to get her onside, not so close you’d get to know her so well.

      He hadn’t forgotten, but the rules had changed the moment she’d taken Burgess down. He had yet to figure out where he went with this now. Molly was an enigma that he was getting more than interested in. First he had to find out if he was right about her past or way off the mark. It certainly explained her edginess over mixing socially with people. Until yesterday, when she’d participated in Vicki’s celebration, when she’d come out of her shell in a hurry, even singing ‘Happy Birthday’ in front of everyone. Not that Molly had realised what she was doing at first.

      Nathan followed her to the lift, and when the door closed, he tapped the button for the basement and the car park. ‘You know people will talk about what happened?’

      ‘Fingers crossed, come Monday something else will have happened that’ll take everyone’s attention.’ She leaned against the wall, looking so tired he wanted to wrap her up and take her home for a few uninterrupted hours’ sleep. Followed by…

      ‘How about we go to Coogee for that breakfast?’

      Her eyes widened. ‘That’s a fair way past my apartment.’

      ‘So it is.’ What would Rosie have thought of Molly? Would she have liked her? Yes, he thought, she would. Rosie had insisted he had to move on when she’d gone, wasn’t to sit around feeling sorry for himself. She’d gone as far as saying bluntly, ‘Find another woman to love, have that family you’ve always wanted. Don’t live in regret for what we’ve lost. That would make our time together worthless.’

      But should he really take Molly to his home, show her the vacant flat? Should he start thinking ahead, instead of always looking over his shoulder at the past?

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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