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he yelled at Hazel, raising a fist.

      It was instinctive. Molly saw movement out of the corner of her eye. One step closed the gap. Her arm came up, locked with the assailant’s. Using his forward motion she hauled him toward her, dropped her weight forward and swung her upper body around, taking him with her, dropping him to the floor before landing on top of him, her knees pressing into his shoulders, her hand still tight around his lower arm.

      Silence fell over the department.

      Then the man began swearing. He struggled beneath her, trying to push her off, getting madder by the second.

      She was about to be tossed aside by a raging man who had no brakes on his temper. Then Nathan planted a foot firmly in the small of the man’s back. ‘Stay still.’ Under his breath he added, ‘Or, hell, you’re going to regret it.’

      She was probably the only person to hear that. Certainly the man underneath her either hadn’t or didn’t believe Nathan because he was still trying to get up.

      Then Hank grabbed the man’s flailing arms and slammed them down on the floor. ‘Shut up, buster.’

      Nathan tapped her lightly. ‘You can get off now. We’ve got him.’

      She did, fast, not taking her eyes off her opponent until she’d stepped away. ‘Has someone called Security?’ Where had they been when this guy had got into the department? Taking a break? At least one security guard had to remain at the main entrance at all times.

      ‘Right here.’ Two uniformed men raced towards them and took over.

      ‘You okay?’ Nathan asked, his hand on her elbow.

      ‘Sure.’ She nodded.

      ‘Molly, he was going to hit me.’ Hazel nudged Nathan aside to throw her arms around her and hold tight. ‘I froze when I saw his arm come up.’

      Molly squeezed back, a trembling starting up in her belly and spreading throughout her body. ‘Glad I didn’t.’

      Hazel stepped back and wiped her eyes. ‘Seriously, you saved me. He was aiming for my face.’

      ‘You reacted so fast, it had to be instinctive. I’m impressed.’ There was something akin to awe in Nathan’s voice as his hand moved from her elbow to her shoulder. ‘Come and sit down. You look like you’ve been hit by a bus.’

      Now that the adrenaline was ebbing, that was exactly how she felt. Flattened. Shocked. ‘I can’t believe I did that.’

      ‘How’d you know what to do?’ Nathan asked after he had her seated and parked his butt on the counter. ‘One second that man was attacking Hazel and the next you threw him on the floor and sat on him.’

      ‘Not quite. I had my knees on his shoulders.’ She gulped. That had been so close. Not once had she thought about what she was doing. When she’d caught sight of that swinging arm out of the corner of her eye the rest had followed naturally. As she’d been taught to do in her judo classes. If only she’d done martial arts when she’d been with Paul, she might have stopped him in his tracks permanently. ‘I saw a movement and instantly went into defence mode. I’ve got an orange belt in judo,’ she added when she saw the confusion enter Nathan’s eyes.

      ‘That explains it.’ Maybe, but that confusion remained.

      Molly hastened to divert him. ‘I’ve always wondered how I’d react if I needed to. Now I know.’

      ‘Why did you learn judo?’ Straight to the point.

      ‘Nathan, not now. I need to get back to Kath. The attack proved what I suspected—she’s being abused. She’ll need reassuring her husband’s not going to get near her while she’s in here. We’ll also have to convince her to stay in hospital for the rest of the night.’

       You’re talking too much. He’s going to see right through you.

      Molly clamped her mouth shut and tried to stand up to pull away from those warm fingers still on her shoulder, but Nathan only tightened his hold.

      ‘Sit down. You’re as pale as the walls, and shaking like a leaf in a breeze. I’m getting you a strong coffee.’

      Actually, she was damned pleased with herself. Who’d have believed she could take a man down? She opened her mouth to argue, but nothing came out when she locked her eyes with Nathan’s and found compassion there, and something else. Something hinting at him beginning to understand what made her tick. Her bout of verbal diarrhoea might bring unwelcome questions.

      Then a shudder ripped through her. Sinking deeper onto the chair, she looked away, fidgeting with the hem of her top as nausea crept up her throat. That had been too close. What if he’d hit Hazel? Or her? The guy had been off the scale with rage. Not cold and calculating but hot and loose. Was that how he treated Kath all the time?

      Molly’s heart pounded. She was safe, but Kath wasn’t. Seeing that man come charging through the department as though he had the right to do as he pleased with his wife had turned her blood to ice. And brought back memories of a fist hitting her stomach, slamming against her ribs, under her chin.

      Nathan was crouched in front of her, his hands now covering hers. ‘Your reaction’s normal.’

      She nodded, afraid that if she opened her mouth she’d never shut up.

      ‘There’s more to this, isn’t there?’

      Another nod, sharp and uncontrollable.

      ‘Hank,’ Nathan called over his shoulder. ‘Molly and Hazel could do with coffee, please. Make them sweet.’

      ‘Onto it.’

      Molly glanced around, away from those all-seeing eyes in front of her. ‘Hazel?’

      ‘I’m right here, and, like you, I’ve got the shakes. I’m also angry and would love a chance to tell that creep what I think of him, coming in here and trying to hurt people who want to help his wife.’ Hazel pulled a chair near to Molly’s. ‘How’re you doing?’

      ‘I’m good.’ She wanted to laugh and rejoice in being strong. She wanted to cry and hide, and go home. She wanted to bury her head against Nathan’s broad shoulder, breathe him in, and feel those warm muscles under his top against her face. She wanted to be comforted by this man she knew without a doubt would never hurt her. But it wasn’t happening.

      One, they were in the hub of the ED, surrounded by staff and patients, and there was work to do. Two, what she wanted and what she’d get might be two different things, and right now she couldn’t handle the disappointment if she’d misinterpreted that look in Nathan’s eyes and he put her aside. So she’d toughen up, drink her coffee and get back to work. It was the only way to go. Once the shaking stopped, and some sense of equilibrium returned to her brain. ‘I’ll be right in a minute.’

      Nathan said, ‘Don’t rush. We’ve got you both covered until you’re ready. Even if it takes the rest of the shift.’ He might be talking to them both but it was her hands he was gently squeezing.

      Her bottom lip trembled. ‘Thanks.’

      ‘Take pride in what you did.’ His return smile slowed her stewing stomach. ‘I’d rather have you on my side than against me.’

      ‘Then you’re glad we’re getting on?’ No trembling in her smile now. Pride was appearing. She’d been strong, had helped Hazel. Did this mean that no man would ever again hit her? Not without a fight, anyway. Her chin lifted, and she eyeballed Nathan. ‘Seems things are looking up for me.’ Her new life was well and truly under way.

      ‘Here, coffee for two.’ Hank placed two mugs on the counter. ‘I pinched some chocolate biscuits out of the fridge as well. Thought they might be better than sugar in your drinks.’

      Nathan stood up. ‘I’d better see to some patients. Don’t rush, either of you.’

      Molly reached for her

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