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she wore most days. But if she put on jeans to look at least marginally attractive, he might know why. As the thoughts pinged around in her brain she rolled her eyes at herself and snorted. “Get a grip on yourself, Gabby. He’s probably just here to be polite.”

      But when she emerged to walk across the living room, the way his gaze tracked her made her feel like she still had that gown on after all. Heart thudding, she made coffee in her small kitchen that opened to the living room so she could still see him, watching her in a way that was unnerving but exciting.

      “Do you take cream or sugar?”

      “Just black.”

      She handed him the cup, hyperaware of the feel of his fingers sliding against hers as he took it. Then stood there hesitating, probably looking like a fool, as she pondered whether or not to sit next to him on the sofa or several, discreet feet away in a chair.

      The decision was made for her when he reached for her hand and gave it a gentle tug. “Sit by me. You can curl up in comfort a lot better here than over there.”

      “How did you know this is my curling-up corner? Was I eyeing it longingly?”

      “You could say that.”

      Oh, Lord. Maybe he’d spotted her eyeing him longingly. Breaking eye contact with that amused green, she took longer than necessary to slide her cup onto a coaster before scrunching up in the corner as far away from him as possible. Which was still just a couple feet from him. She needed a distraction, and picked her cup up to take a sip, eyeing him over the rim, wondering if the heat radiating through her body was from his nearness or the coffee. She had a bad feeling it had nothing to do with her drink.

      Despite loosening his top shirt buttons, there was no way he could be described as being able to “curl up in comfort.”

      “I feel bad you’re still in your starched finery, but I don’t think anything I have here would fit you.”

      “Which is a good thing, as I always feel a little strange when I’m at a woman’s home and she opens a wardrobe of men’s clothes for me to choose from.”

      “Does that really happen?”

      “More than you’d guess. Which is one of the many reasons spending time with you is like breathing in fresh air.”

      “Does that line usually work for you?”

      “It’s one I haven’t used before, because I meant it.” His eyes gleamed. “Maybe you can tell me how well it works.”

      She gulped. Should she tell him that just hearing that deep, sexy voice of his recite the alphabet might make her jump into his lap? If she’d been a different kind of woman, that was. A woman interested in being with a man. “I’m not much of an expert on lines men use, so I’m not a good person to ask.”

      “If that’s true, the men in Los Angeles must not be very bright. You’re not only beautiful, in the short time I’ve known you I’ve seen you’re smart and caring and feisty and damned special. And I promise that’s not a line.”

      The amusement had left his face, and his expression was utterly serious as he looked at her. Gabby felt her heart melting and thudding and had no idea what she was supposed to say in response. Maybe compliment him too?

      “And I’ve seen that you’re not the arrogant jerk I thought you were. Just a doctor who does what it takes to make things right for a patient, whether it’s good medical care, empathy, or humor. Princely attitude notwithstanding.”

      “Thank you. I think.” He smiled again. “Is that what’s called a backhanded compliment? But I probably deserve both the good and bad from it. So tell me. Why do you work so much? So many double shifts? And when you’re not working, why do you keep mostly to yourself?”

      Startled by the turn of the conversation, she found herself hesitating, for a split second feeling a shocking need to share her past, her mistakes. Her pain. But that was ridiculous. She didn’t talk to anyone about it. She barely knew Rafael, and he probably wouldn’t want their evening together to be spoiled by a depressing conversation. Not to mention that the last thing she needed was for everyone at the hospital to know who she really was. “I love my job. And who says I keep mostly to myself?”

      “Freya. James. Even if they hadn’t, I’ve seen it just in the short time I’ve been here. Seen a sadness that you carry with you.” He reached to grasp her hand again, his touch warm and comforting and somehow arousing all at the same time. “What makes you sad, Gabriella?”

      “I... Nothing.” Just the bittersweet part of her job, bringing babies into the world to loving parents who wanted them. Praying they never had to know how it felt to lose one. “How about you? What makes Rafael Moreno travel the world, working hard and playing hard?”

      “Different reasons. But one I just found out? Once in a very long while I’m lucky to meet someone remarkable I enjoy being with.” He moved closer, his fingers slipping beneath her chin to bring her gaze to the darkening green one staring at her. “Someone who makes me feel strangely happy in a way I didn’t even realize I wanted to.”

      She stared in breathless fascination as his mouth slowly lowered to hers, giving her time to protest or pull away, but she found she wanted his kiss. Wanted it with a desperation new to her experience. Had wanted it, if she was honest, all the hours they’d spent together.

      His lips touched hers, warm and soft and gentle. Not demanding or insistent or aggressive, as she would have expected a man like him to kiss. No, it was the sweetest kiss she’d ever experienced in her life, his mouth moving slowly and surely on hers, giving and taking, and the longer it went on the more her heart liquefied into a puddle of want for him.

      The fingers beneath her chin slipped across her jaw, his wide palm cupping her cheek as the kiss deepened, heated, and Gabby was glad she was half lying down or she was sure she’d have fallen down.

      “Gabriella.” His usually almost nonexistent accent thickened slightly as he spoke against her mouth. “I knew you would taste delicioso.”

      “It’s...the coffee.”

      She could feel him smile even as he kept pressing soft kisses to her lips. “No, belleza, it’s most definitely you.”

      A sigh of pleasure left her lips as the kiss went from slow and sweet to hot and wet and so earth-shattering she found herself clutching his muscled shoulders and hanging on for dear life. His palms had moved from her face to tangle in her hair, turning her head to the perfect angle for a deep, mind-blowing kiss. Dazed, she realized one hand had moved down to slip beneath her T-shirt, tracking across her skin in a slow caress that made her shiver, finally resting on her breast through her bra.

      “I...see now why you wanted me to change out of my dress.”

      “I was just thinking of your comfort. And I still am.” He surprised her by moving his hand off her breast to caress her ribs again, pressing another soft kiss to her mouth, and she quivered at the tenderness of it. “Obviously, I want you. But not if the Gabriella who mostly keeps to herself will regret it tomorrow. You know I’m here for only a little while, and I have a feeling you’re not a woman comfortable with making love with a man who’s not able to stick around long.”

      “Not normally, I admit.” But she’d learned not to expect someone to stick around, hadn’t she? And as she looked into the green of his eyes, dark and questioning and filled with the same intoxicating desire she was feeling, she knew with certainty that tonight was the one time to change that. “I’m content with my life as it is. But I want you, too. And tonight I feel like being Cinderella, making love with you before I turn back into plain old Gabby Cain at midnight.”

      “That’s the worst description of you imaginable.” He seemed to study her a long moment, and she wasn’t sure what he was seeing, or looking for. His fingertips traced her cheekbone as his thumb caressed her bottom lip. “You, Gabriella Cain, take my breath away.”

      Then he kissed her again, slowly

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