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‘Among other things. Have you set a date?’

      Hannah snuck a glance at Luca, waiting for his cue, and watched as he smiled easily. ‘In the summer. You always hear talk of June weddings.’

      June? That was only two months away. Hannah schooled her face into a smile as Tyson turned to her. ‘Will that give you enough time to plan, Hannah?’

      ‘Oh, I think so.’ Her smile felt as if it were stretching like a rubber band across her face, ready to snap. ‘With Luca’s contacts, things can happen quite quickly.’

      ‘Oh, I’m sure.’ Andrew gazed at them both speculatively, and Hannah tensed, wondering if he suspected. What if Daniela had whispered something into his ear? Then his face relaxed and the waiter popped the cork on the champagne, and then Andrew raised his glass of bubbly in a toast.

      ‘To marriage,’ he said. ‘And family. And true love, of course.’

      ‘To all three,’ Hannah said as gamely as she could, and they clinked glasses.

      ‘Are you planning on having a family?’ Andrew asked. ‘I know that’s a personal question, but—’

      ‘We both want children,’ Luca cut in swiftly. ‘Two or three, at least. I prefer an even number.’

      ‘Why not four, then?’ Hannah suggested a bit tartly. This from the man who had told her less than an hour ago that he didn’t want children at all.

      Luca slid her a burning glance. ‘Four it is, then.’

      And just like that she imagined a dark-haired baby in her arms, a toddler on Luca’s shoulders, which was idiotic. This was pretend.

      ‘Good thing they come one at a time,’ Andrew said with a laugh. ‘Generally speaking.’

      They ordered their food then, and Hannah tried to relax. Tried not to take every smiling glance or casual caress that Luca gave her like a dagger to the heart, but they hurt all the same. Because he was only acting for Andrew Tyson’s sake, and yet no amount of reminders could keep her body from responding, her heart from yearning.

      When he held her hand throughout the first course, and gave her a bite of his dessert as he smiled into her eyes, and referenced an in-joke she hadn’t even known they’d had...all of it made her feel a potent, impossible mixture of hope and despair. This wasn’t real, she knew that, and yet it felt real. She wanted it to be real.

      By the end of the evening her nerves were well and truly frayed. Andrew had remained jovial, Luca loving. Hannah had been the only one who had seemed to feel the strain.

      As they were settling the bill she excused herself to go to the ladies’. She needed a break from the play-acting. In the bathroom mirror her face looked pale, her eyes too dark. She touched up her make-up and tried to find a smile. Not much longer now, a thought that brought both relief and disappointment. As soon as they left the restaurant, would Luca revert to his normal, businesslike self?

      Luca and Tyson were shaking hands as she came out of the bathroom. ‘I’ll be in touch soon,’ Tyson promised.

      ‘Has he not told you for certain yet?’ Hannah asked as they left the restaurant for the waiting limo. Luca opened the door for her before sliding in beside her.

      ‘Not yet, but I think it’s almost certain.’

      ‘Why did he want to see us?’

      ‘To make sure he’s making the right decision, I suppose.’

      The limo pulled away from the kerb and in the wash of streetlights Hannah saw the lines of tension bracketing Luca’s mouth and eyes.

      ‘At least it’s over,’ she said quietly.

      He glanced at her, a frown pulling his eyebrows together. ‘You didn’t enjoy it.’

      It was a statement, and one Hannah couldn’t contradict, at least not completely. ‘I’m tired of pretending,’ she said. ‘You know that.’ But that wasn’t the whole truth, and the events of the evening, as well as the past couple of weeks, compelled her to continue. ‘But it’s not just that. I don’t like pretending, Luca. With you.’ She took a deep breath and turned away so he couldn’t see the tears sparkling on her lashes. ‘It hurts.’

      Luca was silent for so long Hannah was afraid she’d appalled him with her honesty, and yet she felt too sad to be embarrassed. This hurt past mere humiliation.

      ‘Hannah.’ He cupped her cheek in his palm, turning her face so she was looking at him. He caught the tear trembling on her lash with his thumb. ‘Don’t cry. I can’t stand it if you cry.’ His other hand came up to cup her face, and his voice came out on a groan. ‘I can’t stand the thought of hurting you,’ he said, and then he kissed her.


      LUCA’S LIPS CRASHED down on Hannah’s and it felt like coming home. Her mouth opened under his and her hands clutched his lapels. He heard her soft moan and it incited him further. He wanted her. He needed her.

      ‘Luca...’ she muttered and he pulled her to him, his hands sliding over the slippery satin, anchoring on her hips, wanting to keep her as close as possible.

      She pressed against him, the softest part of her arching against him so he could barely restrain himself from peeling her dress away from her body and burying himself inside her warmth.

      The limo began to slow to a stop and with a gasp Hannah pulled back, her face flushed, her lips swollen.

      ‘I’m home...’

      ‘This is home,’ Luca growled, and pulled her towards him. She came willingly, melting into him, her lips finding his as she rubbed against him.

      ‘I can’t, Luca,’ she mumbled but then let out a breathy sigh as his hand cupped her breast.

      ‘You really can.’

      She laughed shakily. ‘Is this really a good idea?’ She pulled back again, and even in the darkness of the limo he saw the unhappy confusion in her eyes.

      Luca took a deep breath, willing the fire in his body to fade. ‘It seems like a very good idea to me.’

      ‘I still don’t want a fling, Luca.’

      He glanced away, feeling cornered and yet knowing it was unfair. Just because Hannah didn’t want what he did...

      And hell if he actually knew what he wanted.

      ‘Couldn’t we just take one day at a time?’ he asked. ‘And see what happens?’

      Hannah stilled and he turned to face her. She looked delectable, half-sprawled on his lap, her hair falling down from its chignon, her eyes bright and luminous, rosy lips parted.

      ‘What exactly are you saying?’

      ‘That I don’t want to lose you. But I don’t know how much I have to give.’

      She let out a trembling laugh. ‘That’s honest, I suppose.’

      ‘Most people don’t start a relationship promising for ever,’ Luca said gruffly.

      Hannah’s gaze sharpened. ‘Is that what you’re suggesting? A relationship, rather than a fling?’

      ‘Yes.’ The word came reluctantly, and Hannah could tell. She laughed again, the sound one of both sorrow and hope.

      ‘Well?’ Luca asked. ‘What about it?’

      ‘One day at a time?’ she said slowly, and Luca nodded, holding his breath, amazed at how much this meant to him. How much he needed her to say yes.

      A slow, shy smile bloomed across her lovely face. ‘Sounds pretty good to me.’

      * * *

      The next

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