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will hardly be a woman here tonight who won’t envy me.’ She traced a long finger between his brows.

      ‘Why the frown, darling?’

      Cameron took her hand and firmly placed it back by her side.

      ‘Don’t play games, Rachel,’ he said, his voice deep with warning. ‘You and I know exactly why we are getting married. There is no need to pretend love comes into it.’

      ‘But love did come into it once,’ she said quietly, ‘and if only you’ll let it, it could again.’

      ‘I can’t lie to you,’ Cameron said. ‘God knows, I never have and I am not going to start now. I will never change the way I feel about you. We are getting married and I will do my best to be a good husband to you, but that is all. You know I only agreed to this because of Ian.’

      ‘Doesn’t being a good husband mean you’ll be sharing my bed?’ Her eyes glittered up at him. ‘That at least will make it…fun.’

      Suddenly Cameron couldn’t bear it any longer. He held Rachel away from him at arm’s length. ‘It’s no use, is it?’ he said sadly. ‘If we get married again, it will be the worst mistake either of us will ever make. You don’t love me and I—’

      ‘Love someone else,’ Rachel finished for him. ‘Who is it?’

      Cameron shook his head. ‘It’s really none of your business.’

      ‘Oh, but it is,’ Rachel spat. ‘If you remember, I told you I would take custody of Ian if you ever married again, and I meant it. If I can’t have you, be in no doubt that no one else will have you either.’

      ‘Why do you care?’ Cameron said wearily. ‘You aren’t going to pretend you love me. We both know it’s not true. So why are you doing this? Why take Ian away from me? You know I can look after him better than you can.’

      Rachel looked at him, her eyes moist. ‘But that’s just it,’ she said. ‘You have it all. But I, apart from my modelling, I have nothing. No one to love me.’

      For a moment Cameron found his heart softening and he touched her cheek gently. But then he saw the flash of triumph in her eyes and knew that she had almost fooled him. There was really no doubt in his mind—the only reason Rachel wanted him was because she knew she couldn’t have him and because she wanted to be Lady Rachel again. In her short, spoiled life her over-indulgent widower father had given her everything she had ever asked for, except the one thing she craved—someone of her own to love.

      ‘Please, don’t take my son away from me,’ he said, his voice gruff with emotion. ‘I’ll beg you if I have to.’

      Rachel looked at him coolly. For a moment Cameron saw something shift in her eyes. Was it sympathy? Regret? But, then just as quickly, her expression hardened.

      ‘The choice is yours, Cameron. We get married and you both come with me—or we don’t and I take Ian with me. You have to the end of the evening to let me know one way or another what your decision is.’ And with a flash of violet eyes she left him standing alone.


      MEAGAN finished drying herself after her bath. She stood in front of the mirror and surveyed the surprised—no, shocked—woman in front of her. She could hardly believe it. She dared hardly believe it. She was pregnant.

      She finished drying her hair and started to get dressed, pulling her new dress over her head and letting it fall about her feet. She could feel the smooth silk cling to her body. It was far too early for her pregnancy to show and the dress emphasised her curves in the most flattering way. So this was what an expensive designer dress did for you, she thought. At least she wouldn’t feel at a disadvantage next to Rachel tonight.

      She still wasn’t sure whether she should go to the ball. The thought of facing Cameron and Rachel made her stomach tighten with nervous tension. How would she feel seeing them together? And should she tell Cameron about the pregnancy? But even as she finished putting the finishing touches to her outfit, she knew she had no intention of telling him. It was too early in her pregnancy to be sure it would continue, and anyway what was the point? He and Rachel were getting married. Telling him about her own pregnancy would only—what? What would he do? Would he insist on staying with her? And if he did, would it be for all the wrong reasons? She also wanted her child to have two loving parents, but not at any cost. She couldn’t bear it if Cameron stayed with her because of the baby. Unlike Rachel, she didn’t want to be with someone who didn’t love her.

      She had never imagined that she would be a single mother, but life didn’t always work out the way you planned, and this baby would be loved. Somehow she would make sure that he or she never wanted for anything.

      She knew she had to go to the ball. She couldn’t hide from Cameron, no matter how much she wanted to. She brushed her hair until it shone, letting it fall in a sheet around her shoulders. She finished her make-up, adding a final slick of lipstick. She was ready. Ready to face anything the evening could throw at her.

      Just then there was a knock on the door and Jessie entered. ‘Your carriage awaits,’ she said.

      ‘Oh, hello, Jessie. You look gorgeous,’ Meagan greeted her. And she did. She had pulled her curls into an arrangement on the top of her head, leaving one or two tendrils to fall on either side of her face. She was wearing a full-length dress of cream with a tartan shawl around her shoulders. Gone was the slightly harassed-looking mother and in its place was a sophisticated and beautiful woman with sparkling eyes. Excitement had made her cheeks pink.

      ‘You look pretty stunning yourself, Dr Galbraith. That dress is a perfect fit.’

      ‘Thanks. And thanks for picking it out for me. But, Jessie, you needn’t have taken the time to come and collect me. As I said before, I was—am—quite happy to drive myself. I would walk but in these heels I’m likely to break an ankle.’

      ‘And I told you, I thought we could have a quiet drink here, just the two of us, before throwing ourselves into the mêlée. You’ve no idea how much I need a few minutes to myself right now. I seem to have been on my feet constantly since Simon and his guests arrived,’ Jessie replied, settling herself into a chair.

      ‘If you’re sure? A white wine, then?’

      Meagan poured a glass for Jessie and a soft drink for herself. She wouldn’t be taking any chances. Not even the smallest glass until she was sure.

      Jessie raised an eyebrow at Meagan’s glass.

      ‘Not having some wine yourself?’

      ‘No,’ Meagan replied. ‘I’m not really much of a drinker.’

      The two women sipped their drinks in companionable silence, each preoccupied with her own thoughts.

      ‘Do you think we have to go?’ Jessie said at last. ‘In many ways I think I’d rather spend the evening here, just relaxing in the peace and quiet.’

      ‘Mmm, tempting, isn’t it? But I suspect our absence would be commented on.’

      ‘You’re right, I guess,’ Jessie said, easing herself out of her chair. ‘C’mon, then. Once more into the fray, dear friend. But first could I use your bathroom?’

      ‘Of course,’ Meagan said. ‘I’ll just get my bag from the bedroom.’

      When Meagan returned it was to find Jessie standing looking distinctly curious. In her hand she held the discarded pregnancy test. In the end Meagan had decided to take the test from the surgery and do it in the privacy of her own home. She had been so rattled when she’d seen the result, It hadn’t occurred to her to get rid of the evidence.

      ‘Is this yours?’ Jessie asked, holding out the test. ‘I’m sorry, I know its really none of my business but when I saw it lying there I couldn’t resist having a peep at the result.’ Meagan blew out her cheeks. ‘Positive!’

      For a moment Meagan was tempted to deny that it was

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