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helicopter still can’t take off,’ he said. ‘They’ll let us know as soon as they can. But another trawler has spotted the boat. It’s still afloat, although limping slightly. It’s too choppy for the trawler to get any closer, but there’s still hope that the men are all right. In the meantime, I’m afraid there is nothing we can do except wait.’

      ‘Hey, Cameron, will you, please, go and get changed?’ Dorothy said crossly. ‘You’re dripping all over the floor.’ Despite her tone, Meagan could see she was simply concerned about him. ‘Richard’s ankle is being X-rayed and then if, as we suspect it is broken, we’ll attend to it. He’ll need to stay the night. In fact, the whole family should. There’s no way they can go back out in this.’

      Cameron stood for a moment surveying his team. Satisfied that everything was under control, his eyes lighted on Meagan.

      ‘Dr Galbraith, did I not give strict orders that you were to change out of those clothes the minute you got back?’

      ‘I think you should use the shower first,’ Meagan said. ‘I’ll stay with the patients.’

      With a couple of strides Cameron was by her side. ‘Out of here,’ he growled. ‘Unless you want me to lift you bodily into the shower?’

      Aware of the amused glances from the staff and certain that Cameron would do what he threatened, Meagan backed out hastily. ‘I’ll only be a minute,’ she said.

      When she returned, wearing a clean pair of scrubs and some theatre clogs she had found in the changing room, Dorothy thrust a steaming cup of coffee into her hands. Suddenly she felt exhausted. It had been a long day and it wasn’t over yet. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had so much physical exercise. Who needed a gym? She put the cup down and closed her eyes, letting the warmth of the department seep into her bones.

      She must have fallen asleep briefly, because the next thing she knew she was being lifted onto a gurney and covered by a blanket. She looked up through half-closed eyes to find Cameron looking down at her, his expression inscrutable. She started to sit up, but he pressed her back down.

      ‘Take a rest while you can,’ he said. As she started to protest he stopped her words with a finger on her lips. ‘It’s good to rest when you can. I promise I’ll let you know when we need you.’

      When she next woke up, the wind seemed to have died down a bit, and the rain only lashed against the windows sporadically. Cameron had also changed into scrubs and was just replacing the radio handset.

      ‘The coastguard is taking off. They’ll be with us in about twenty minutes,’ he said. ‘They are going to pick me up so I can go with them. They’ve re-established contact with the fishing boat and it seems that one of the crew has a suspected head injury. They are going to winch me down so I can make an assessment.’

      How could he look so calm? Meagan thought. But his brow was furrowed and lines of tiredness were evident around his eyes.

      ‘I can go instead of you,’ Meagan offered. ‘I’ve had a rest so I’m probably fitter.’

      Cameron looked at her and grinned, the dimples at the corners of his mouth evident.

      ‘You are a brave woman, Dr Galbraith. And thanks, but no. I’m a volunteer member of the coastguard and I’ve been trained for this. You haven’t. You stay here and wait for our return.’

      Meagan could see that while she had been asleep one of the doctors from the other practice had arrived. There were more than enough people to cope at the hospital.

      ‘Let me come on the helicopter at least,’ she pleaded. ‘I’ve never been on one before. I promise I won’t get in the way.’

      Cameron frowned, considering her proposal.

      ‘All right, then, but only if you promise not to get in the way. It’s probably not a bad idea to have another doctor ready to assess any casualties. But if there is any chance at all that you’ll be frightened, let one of the others go. The last thing any of us need is a scared doctor getting in our way.’

      ‘Don’t you know by now, Dr Stuart, that nothing frightens me? At least, nothing physical,’ she added under her breath, turning away so he wouldn’t catch her words.

      The airport where the helicopter would be landing was only a few minutes away by car and had already touched down when Meagan and Cameron arrived.

      ‘This is Dr Galbraith.’ Cameron introduced her as a member of the crew helped them on with suits and harnesses. ‘She’s coming too.’

      The crewman nodded. ‘Been up before?’ he asked Meagan as he made the final adjustments to her harness. Meagan shook her head. ‘But I love flying.’

      The crewman, who introduced himself as Jamie, smiled and handed her a set of headphones. ‘It gets pretty noisy up there. You’ll need these. I have to warn you it’s going to be a bumpy ride.’

      Meagan glanced over at Cameron. He looked perfectly at home in his outfit, as if he had been flying all his life. He searched her eyes as if checking out her anxiety levels before, satisfied, grinning at her and giving her a thumbs-up.

      He reached over and made a slight adjustment to her helmet. Meagan felt the warmth of his fingers sweep across her jaw.

      ‘It’s going to be rough out there. Last chance to change your mind,’ he murmured, his voice low. ‘No one will think any the worse of you.’

      She held his glance. His eyes were warm and steady. She felt her heart flutter. Maybe she was a little nervous, she thought. Why else would her heart be racing?

      ‘Let’s get on with it,’ she said, climbing into the helicopter. ‘We don’t want to keep those poor men waiting any longer than they have to.’

      It was as turbulent in the air as Jamie had warned. Once the helicopter lurched and dropped. Despite herself, Meagan gasped and grabbed Cameron’s thigh, momentarily squeezing her eyes closed. When she dared to open them again it was to find Cameron looking down at her, amused.

      ‘Did any one ever tell you that you have strong hands Meagan?’ He grinned. Embarrassed, she forced herself to uncurl her fingers and remove her hand. But the sensation of his rock-hard thigh muscles stayed in her fingertips. Now was not the time! She had to concentrate on the job ahead.

      ‘When we locate the vessel, they’ll winch me down.’ Cameron’s voice crackled through her headphones. ‘I’ll make an assessment, then they’ll send down the stretcher. While I’m getting the patient strapped onto the stretcher, they’ll lift anyone who doesn’t need assistance. Once they are on board, you’ll need to carry out another assessment and make sure they receive any treatment they need. Get them warmed up at least. OK?’

      ‘Aye, aye, sir,’ Meagan said, getting into the swing of things. ‘Or should I say Roger that? Like they do in the movies?’

      Cameron rolled his eyes at her, then smiled. Meagan admitted to herself that she loved the way the dimples appeared in his cheeks when he smiled. Then, just as quickly, she berated herself. What was the matter with her? She was behaving like a hormonally charged teenager. It must be the adrenaline.

      She was interrupted from her wayward thoughts by the pilot announcing that they had found the missing fishing boat. Meagan peered through the rain but could see nothing except waves stretching as far as the eye could see. Cameron touched her shoulder and pointed slightly forward from where Meagan was looking. Eventually her eyes could just make out the shape of the stricken vessel beneath them. It wasn’t a particularly big boat. Probably just big enough for the four man crew and their catch. The fishing boat was listing to the side as if it had taken water on board. On the deck stood three of the fishermen, waving frantically. One was gesticulating at the deck, but apart from that they seemed unharmed. It seemed it was the only the fourth absent fisherman that they would have to worry about.

      As the helicopter hovered, Cameron made his final preparations to be winched down.

      ‘I’ll send

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