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help us get to know each other really well so that we can plan out a future that’s good for all of us. Isn’t that what we both want?’

      Ellie regarded him with her head on one side. ‘So that’s how you do it.’

      ‘Do what?’

      ‘Conduct your business. Nobody else stands a chance, do they? You get the better of the other guy by doing something outrageous that he can’t fight. Then you put on an innocent look and say, “Isn’t that what we both want?” And he gives in. Or so you hope. And that way you get everyone so scared of you that they can’t fight back.’

      ‘Are you scared of me, Ellie? Strange that I never noticed. You’re not afraid of anyone.’

      ‘True. And in my own way I too can be fearsome. I keep my worst side hidden until it leaps out and catches you unprepared. So be very careful.’

      ‘I’ll bear your warning in mind. As for persuading you to stay with me—I guess I used the wrong method. Perhaps I should try another way.’

      ‘Such as what?’

      ‘I could beg you.’ He assumed a slightly theatrical air. ‘Please, Ellie, do this for me. Please. Stay with me for the next couple of days, at least until we can agree on the best way to move forward with this situation.’

      Ellie had to concede that he had a point. They did need to sort things out. And maybe a venue more private than a busy hotel was a better place to plan their future. ‘I will stay with you, but only for a few days. And I won’t be sharing your bed.’

      He nodded, giving her an unexpectedly warm smile.

      ‘Whatever you want, Ellie. I only want to make this work. When you’re ready we’ll go up and collect your things.’

      ‘Let’s go,’ she said.

      Be realistic, she told herself. He changed tactics and got his own way again. And he thinks he always will. But he’s got another think coming.

      Upstairs, she packed quickly, then let him carry her bags down to the car. A few minutes and they had reached his home. As they approached the front door, a window opened high above them and a young woman looked out, smiling and waving down to them. Leonizio waved back.

      The front door was already open as they approached. The young woman stood there, smiling.

      ‘Mamma indisposta,’ she said. ‘Non puo venire oggi.’

      Ellie just managed to understand this as, ‘Mamma is unwell. She can’t come today.’

      ‘Better speak English,’ Leonizio said. ‘Ellie, this is Corina. Her mother is my housekeeper.’

      ‘But today she has a bad headache,’ Corina said. ‘So I came instead. I must go now, or my husband will be cross.’ She smiled at Ellie. ‘But first I show you your room.’

      The room was large and luxurious, dominated by a double bed.

      ‘The signore left before I arrived,’ Corina said, ‘but he left a note saying everything in this room was to be perfect for you.’

      ‘How kind of him,’ Ellie said politely.

      So he’d left those instructions before she had agreed to come here, she thought. Just as he’d checked her out of the hotel without asking her. Those were his methods, and she would have to be always on her guard.

      Corina helped her unpack, then went out to Leonizio, who paid her and showed her out.

      ‘Let’s have some coffee,’ he said to Ellie.

      He made good coffee, and they sat together in the kitchen.

      ‘We can make our arrangements,’ he said. ‘You can tell me how you want things to be.’

      ‘Is that meant to be a joke? How I want things? After the way you’ve controlled me today. You ordered the room to be fixed before I’d even agreed to come.’ She gave a brief laugh. ‘Suppose you hadn’t been able to get me here? You’d have looked foolish in front of Corina.’

      ‘It wouldn’t have done my dignity any good,’ he agreed. ‘And you’d have enjoyed that. I’m going to have to beware of you.’

      ‘As long as you realise that.’

      Before he could reply the telephone rang. He answered it, spoke tersely in rapid-fire Italian and hung up.

      ‘I’ve got to go to my office for a couple of hours. Why not come with me and let me show you around?’

      ‘Thank you but there’s no need. I won’t escape. I promise.’

      He made a wry face. ‘I wasn’t exactly thinking that—oh, hell, yes, I was.’

      ‘I wonder what your employees would think if they saw how easily you get into a panic.’

      ‘Only with you. You’re the scariest person I know.’

      ‘Then I’ll just have to stick around for the pleasure of scaring you.’

      He smiled suddenly, but his smile was quickly replaced by a frown. ‘I have to be going. I’ll be back as soon as I can.’

      He departed quickly, leaving her to lean from the window, watching him until he vanished. She had a good view of the neighbourhood, with its expensive shops and elegant roads.

      So many roads, she thought. And no way of seeing where they all led.

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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