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demand through her body.

      When Piers lifted her and laid her on the large sofa, she felt a ripple of anticipation undulate through her. She watched as he undid his trousers and pushed them down with his underwear, kicking off his shoes and socks with the grace that was inherent in everything he did. When he straightened, she found her gaze riveted to his arousal, the hard length of him jutting proudly from a nest of curls. A primal tug pulled through her body. An ancient answer to an equally ancient unspoken question. Piers bent and slid her panties down her legs, tossing them to the floor before lowering himself over her.

      She reached for him, her fingers closing around the length of him, sliding gently up and down. His skin was so very hot and silky smooth. He groaned as she reached the tip and her fingertip met the drop of moisture that had gathered there.

      “Damn it,” he muttered. “Protection. I’ll be right back.”

      He pulled away swiftly and she heard him leave the main room and head to one of the guest rooms. He was back in a moment, the rustle of foil barely audible over the crackle of the fire behind them. She watched, intrigued, as he rolled the sheath over his penis—her eyes flickering to the concentrated expression on his handsome face. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes shining with a fervor she’d never seen before. It took a moment to realize it was his desire for her that put that expression there.

      The knowledge gave her strength. She knew that what came next could be uncomfortable, but she also knew that beyond the discomfort would come delight and gratification such as she’d never known. Her body already told her so. She knew she was ready.

      When Piers settled over her, he looked her straight in the eye.

      “Tell me if I’m taking this too fast,” he urged as he nestled his hips between her open thighs.

      Faye was aware of the blunt tip of his shaft nudging the soft folds of her skin, aware of his hand as he expertly guided himself to her entrance. A tiny sliver of apprehension pierced the veil of desire that gripped her, but it was soothed in the moment his fingers touched her just above that point where their bodies met.

      He circled her clitoris, pressing gently against the nub and making her squirm against him. She moaned again as a fresh spiral of bliss began to radiate from her core. A spiral that grew in force commensurate with the pressure he applied until she felt her entire body become consumed with the strength of it. She surged against him and beneath the pleasure that racked her she was aware of a searing sensation as he entered her and filled her completely.

      The pain was instantly forgotten as aftershocks of satisfaction rippled through her, making her inner muscles clench against him and, in turn, sending continued jolts of delight that spread from her core.

      Piers didn’t move and Faye slowly became aware of the strain that scored his face.

      “What is it?” she said softly, her hands reaching up to cup his face. “Did I do something wrong?”

      To her shock and surprise Piers withdrew from her body. He shook his head. “No, you did nothing wrong. Nothing except neglect to tell me you were still a virgin.”


      A virgin!

      Piers’s mind was in turmoil even as his body screamed at him to seek the release he’d been so close to attaining.

      “Does it make a difference?” Faye asked beneath him in a small voice.

      Her skin was still flushed with the aftermath of her orgasm, her eyes still glowed with the confirmation of the satisfaction he’d made it his mission to give her. But it wasn’t enough. It had been her first time and if he’d known... Well, suffice it to say he wouldn’t have taken her on a sofa the way he had.


      “Yes, it makes a difference.”

      He was disgusted with himself.

      She was his employee. She should have been completely out of bounds. But these past few days he’d allowed himself to push all of his scruples out the door and to focus only on what he’d wanted. And he’d decided he’d wanted her. He still did. His blood still beat hot and fast through his veins with ferocious desire for her, every throb a painful reminder that he hadn’t reached completion. But this wasn’t about him anymore. It should never have been about him. The only person who mattered right here and now was the precious woman who’d trusted him with her virginity. Now it was up to him to make it right.

      Without saying anything he rose, scooped her into his arms and began to head up the stairs.

      “What are you doing?” she asked as she automatically hooked her arms around his neck.

      Her room was just off the gallery. He toed the door open and walked through the darkened room toward the bed. Piers set her on her feet and swept the covers down.

      “What am I doing? Well, I’m going to make love to you the way you deserve.”

      “But...but...” She sounded confused. “I know you didn’t finish downstairs but you made me—”

      Her voice broke as if she couldn’t quite find the words to describe what she’d felt.

      He’d have smiled at this—the first time he’d ever seen her at a complete loss for words—if he hadn’t felt so damned serious.

      “Lie down on the bed,” he instructed her and reached over to switch on a bedside lamp. “That was nothing.”

      “Well, it felt like a whole lot more than nothing to me.”

      This time he couldn’t help it. A twinge of male pride tugged his lips into a smile.

      “Then you’re really going to enjoy what I have planned for you this time.”

      “Oh?” she said with an arch to her brow that made her look a great deal more coquettish and experienced than he’d ever seen from her. “Well, it’ll have to be something else to beat the last time.”

      He couldn’t help it. He laughed and then realized this was first time he’d ever actually laughed in a situation like this.

      “You know what I said about a challenge,” he murmured as he settled on the mattress and began to stroke her body. “Nothing gives me more satisfaction than beating it—nothing except maybe this.”

      He moved to the base of the bed and began to run his fingertips from her feet up her legs. He felt her stiffen as he skimmed over the ropey scars on her feet and lower legs. Understanding her reluctance for him to focus too much attention on them, he moved upward, to her thighs, taking his time as he touched her. He chased each caress with a brush of his lips, a lick of his tongue or a nip of his teeth. Beneath his touch Faye began to quiver again, her thighs becoming rigid beneath his touch.

      Yes, she thought he’d showed her pleasure, but that would pale in significance now.

      His fingertips brushed the neatly trimmed patch of curls on her mound. He liked that she kept herself natural when so many went hairless these days. He tugged gently before letting his touch soothe again.

      Faye squirmed against the sheets. He was drawing closer to the object of his goal and let his fingers drift across her clit.

      She went still beneath him, as if trying to anticipate where he’d touch and what he’d do next. Piers smiled to himself as he bent his head lower. He could smell her scent, that wonderful musk of woman—a scent rich with promise that made his erection ache with a pleasure-pain that demanded he hurry this up. But he wouldn’t be hurried. He was a man on a mission.

      He touched her again with a fingertip, then let his hand trail to the top of her thighs. Her skin shivered with goose bumps and she clenched her hands in the sheets beside her. It was time. Piers lowered his mouth to her bud, flicking it with his tongue and relishing the taste of her. Faye uttered a startled gasp as he flicked his tongue across

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