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Peter Ramsey. He gave me his business card…” She placed it right in front of the coffee cup, hitching her bottom onto the front edge of the desk’s large surface as she explained the card’s purpose. “He said for you to mention his name to Mrs Harper if she gets ugly over what her husband did.”

      Sarah picked up the card and stared at it disbelievingly.

      Erin carried on with her job as messenger. “He also gave his personal assurance that Mr Harper would seek legal help to get some custody rights, so you shouldn’t be afraid of him going off the rails again because of not being able to see his son.”

      “Peter Ramsey,” her aunt said with almost breathless awe. Her eyes were goggling when she looked up at Erin. “I should have recognised him. But why on earth would he be in that park?”

      Erin honed in on the most pertinent point. “Why should you have recognised him?”

      “Because of who he is, of course,” her aunt brushed off impatiently, then caught Erin’s grimace of frustration. “Don’t tell me you haven’t heard of him. He’s Lloyd Ramsey’s son and heir.”

      This stunning revelation was a blow to the fantasy that had been building up in her mind. “You mean the multibillionaire, Lloyd Ramsey?”

      “The one and only,” her aunt confirmed.

      Lloyd Ramsey was virtually an Australian legend, making so many headlines over so many years, even Erin who’d always lived in the world of books, was not ignorant of the man’s power and how he wielded his wealth. He’d been nicknamed “the shark” because he went after a bite of just about every big business enterprise going. From Sarah’s reaction to Peter’s name, apparently his son had also carved out a prominent position in Australia in more recent times.

      Erin had the queasy sense he was way out of her league, occupying a far, far different world to hers. “Is Peter Ramsey a business whiz, too?” she asked.

      “Very much so on the international scene,” came the heart-sinking reply. “All high-tech stuff. I’m not up with that but he’s always in the social pages, being photographed with other celebrities. Every time he changes women it’s big news.”

      Erin’s stomach did a dive, too. “You mean…he’s a playboy.”

      The macho BMW sports car popped back into her mind. Had he been the driver?

      Her aunt shrugged. “Well, he’s still playing the field. Hasn’t married anyone yet. Probably doesn’t give much time to his relationships. Always on the go. And let’s face it, a man in his position can get any woman he wants when he wants.”

      Yes. He probably could.

      The excitement that had been fizzing through Erin’s bloodstream completely flattened out. The possibility of Peter Ramsey being her prince was looking dim if not downright dead.

      Yet he had certainly played knight to the rescue in the park and she had felt a strong connection with him. On the other hand, their shared empathy for Mr Harper’s situation could have accounted for that feeling, plus, of course, her instinctive response to his very dynamic sexual appeal.

      “Why do you think he’s involved himself with this?” Erin asked, wanting more input from her aunt.

      Sarah shrugged. “Why was he in the park? Maybe the two are connected.”

      “What do you mean?”

      “There must have been a trigger for his action.” She paused to think through what had happened. “Maybe he overheard Mr Harper yelling out that he’d been ripped off by his wife. That could have hit a sore spot with Peter Ramsey.”

      “Do you know that some woman has just ripped him off?”

      “No.” Sarah leaned back in her chair, a cynical little smile tugging at her mouth. “But it has to be always on the cards with that much wealth on the table. Remember what happened with his sister.”

      Erin shook her head. “I don’t know anything about his sister.”

      Sarah looked surprised. “The story ran in the media for weeks. It was huge.”


      “Oh—” she waved her hand as though trying to grasp the time element “—must be almost three years ago.”

      Erin thought back. “I was travelling through Asia then.”

      “Always off somewhere,” Sarah remarked with a sigh of exasperation at her niece’s footloose life. “You should stay home more often, Erin.”

      The cynical thought instantly slid through her mind—What home? Her mother had remarried and made a home with her second husband—no room for her daughter. Her father…fat chance of being welcomed for more than an hour or two in his household! The house she’d bought at Byron Bay was her writing base but it was always lonely there, not what a home should mean.

      Out loud she said, “So what about Peter Ramsey’s sister?”

      “Big scandal!” her aunt answered with relish. “Charlotte Ramsey was about to marry one guy and just before the wedding he refused to sign the prenuptial agreement her father had drawn up. She turned around on the spot and married the British billionaire, Damien Wynter, instead. Her former fiancé proceeded to sue for ownership of the apartment they’d shared—hers, of course—in a de facto relationship. He got it, too. Didn’t go to court. She signed off on it. The point is…”

      “He was in it for a slice of the Ramsey billions.”

      Sarah tapped the desk with her finger to emphasise the train of reasoning in her mind. “He was going to rip her off.”

      “And she didn’t have that problem with Damien Wynter,” Erin concluded. “Which is rather sad when you think about it, finding out you’re only being married for your money. I wonder if Charlotte Ramsey is happy with her British billionaire.”

      “Erin, you might write happy endings for your stories, but there’s no way you can guarantee them in true life,” her aunt said dryly.

      “True. But for whatever reason, Peter Ramsey seems intent on underwriting a happier ending for Thomas and his father.” She raised an appealing eyebrow. “Mind if I stick around to see how Mrs Harper takes that news?”

      It drew a curious look. “Why so interested?”

      “The power of a name,” Erin tossed off casually. “I just want to see it in action.”

      “She doesn’t pick him up until five o’clock.”

      “That’s okay. I’ll go for a walk in the meantime.”

      “Mmm…” Sarah pondered the request. “It might be wise to have a sit-in witness.”

      “Absolutely,” Erin pressed, hopping off the desk and waving a goodbye before her aunt had second thoughts. “See you later.”

      She didn’t walk far. Her feet automatically took her back to the bench-seat Peter Ramsey had occupied in the park. She sat precisely where he had sat, her mind running hot with thoughts about him. He hadn’t acted like a playboy. He had seemed serious and caring. Though she had to admit the serious caring had been directed at a father and his son, both of whom were apparently being short-changed by a woman.

      Maybe his attitude towards women fell into an entirely different category. What experiences had shaped the man who had stepped in to make a difference—a positive difference—to a man and boy he didn’t even know? Erin knew she was too intrigued to turn her back on learning more of Peter Ramsey. She’d promised to report back to him on Thomas’s mother and she would make the call.

      If she had imagined a personal interest in herself, he wouldn’t set up a further meeting with her. But if she hadn’t imagined it…if he did want another face-to-face encounter…a surge of strong resolution tossed caution—or wisdom—aside.


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