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      ‘You and Sasha never used to be mates.’

      Jess had been the girl with the rich parents who had bought her anything and everything she could ever have wanted. Yet she’d never seemed genuinely, completely happy, always looking for more. Definitely a party girl, always in the thick of anything going down in Takaka, but at the same time she’d seemed removed from everyone. Like a child looking out the lolly-shop window at the kids gazing in at the sweet treats.

      Yet she’d had more than the rest of them put together, having spent most of her childhood apparently travelling to weird and wonderful places. Hadn’t she had love? Had that been her problem? It would go a long way to explaining why she’d always bought her pals anything they’d hankered after. Perhaps she had been buying affection and friendship. Talk about sad.

      Right now a big smile lit up her face, lightened her eyes. ‘The day Sasha walked into the medical centre to start her job we just clicked. Guess that amongst our past friends we’re the odd ones out, having left and come back. We’ve tasted the world, know what life’s like on the other side of Takaka Hill, and returned. Though Sasha’s done a lot more than I have when it comes to our careers.’

      ‘You didn’t work overseas?’

      ‘Nope. I’d travelled a lot with my parents when I was a child. The idea of working in another country didn’t appeal. Auckland was enough for me.’

      ‘Are your parents still living here?’

      Coffee-colour eyes. And her teeth nibbled at her bottom lip. ‘Not often.’

      He recognised a stop sign when he saw one. ‘Here comes the happy couple.’ Jackson stood, placed a hand on Jessica’s elbow and pulled her up to tuck her in beside him. Her warm length felt good against his body. The side of her thigh rubbed against his, her elbow nudged his ribs. A perfume that reminded him of Mum’s citrus grove teased his nostrils. Her hair, all fancy curls with orange ribbons woven through, tickled his chin when he lowered his head.

      I want her. Like, really want her. Not just a five-minute quickie behind the shed either.

      Surprise ricocheted through him and he felt his muscles tighten. All his muscles. Especially below his belt. Why was he surprised? Hadn’t this need been growing all evening? Against him Jess jerked, looked up with a big question in those pull-you-in eyes.

      Don’t move. Hold your breath and wish away your out-of-left-field reaction to her before she catches on. Because otherwise she’s going to empty what’s left in that champagne bottle over your head.

      His stomach dropped in time with her chin as she glanced down, over his chest to his waist, and on down. His breath caught somewhere between his lungs and his mouth. She’d have to be blind not to see his boner.

      Her head lifted. Her gaze locked onto his. She clearly wasn’t blind. Those brown pools were filled with comprehension. Raising herself up on tiptoe, she leaned close and whispered, ‘Your place or mine?’

      ‘Yours.’ Definitely not his. He was currently staying at his parents’ house.

      Her hand slipped into his and she tugged him off balance. ‘What are we waiting for?’

      ‘I have no idea.’ So now he was in the flirty corner of the Jessica puzzle. Fine by him. He’d look into the shy corner another day.

      Sasha and Grady stepped in front of them. ‘Hey, you two. In a hurry to leave?’ Sasha asked, with an annoying twinkle in her eyes. ‘Without saying goodbye?’

      Jackson removed his hand from Jessica’s and carefully hugged his sister. ‘You look beautiful, sis. No wonder Grady hasn’t moved more than two centimetres away from you all day.’

      Then he slapped Grady on the back and stepped away to watch the two women hugging tightly. They’d got so close. Like they shared everything. A small knot of longing tightened in his gut. He wanted that, too. No, he wanted what his sister and Grady had. Wanted to be able to talk about what had happened last month, share his fear and apprehensions, even the promise that hung over him. He would like to know there was someone special to look forward to going home to every night, someone who wasn’t the housekeeper.

      Jessica? Maybe, maybe not. Though so far tonight she’d been totally in tune with him, not pushing for answers to questions he refused to give, understanding when he wanted to talk and when he didn’t. Knowing how his body reacted to hers.

      Which reminded him. Weren’t they going somewhere? In a damned hurry, too?

      ‘See you two tomorrow,’ he told Grady, and grabbed for Jess’s hand. He whispered, ‘We’re out of here.’

      And received a big, knowing smile in return. ‘Sure are, Doctor.’

      As they passed the bar he swiped a bottle of champagne and tucked it under his free arm. ‘Neither of us is driving tonight. Let’s hope one of those vans Dad organised for transporting inebriated guests home is available.’ Like right this minute. Hanging around waiting for a ride and being forced to listen while other guests talked and laughed in their ears would be a passionkiller for sure. Though the beach was a short walk through the flaxes if need be.

      They were in luck. The beach could wait for another night. Two vans were lined up so they snaffled one and ten long, tension-filled minutes later Jess was unlocking her front door.

      She didn’t bother with lights. ‘There’s enough light from the full moon to see what we need to see. The rest we can do by touch.’ Her laughter was soft and warm, touching him in a way none of the sophisticated women he’d bedded had. Was this shy Jessica? Or fun Jessica?

      ‘Where are the glasses?’ he asked as he popped the cork on the champagne.

      ‘Come with me.’ She reached for his hand. Being tugged through the small house by this gorgeous woman with only moonlight to see by was a breathtaking experience, heightening his senses—and his growing need for her.

      Jess’s slim outline with those just-right curves outlined by her gown hardened him further. Her backside shaped the fabric to perfection, her hips flared the almost skin-tight skirt subtly. ‘How are you going to get out of that dress?’

      They’d reached the kitchen, where she removed two champagne glasses from a cupboard and handed them to him. Her mouth curved into a delicious, cat-like smile. ‘That’s your job.’

      Give me strength. He wouldn’t last the distance. ‘Right.’

      Just then she turned, pressed up against him, her thighs pushing against his, her lush breasts squashed against the hard wall of his chest. Her hands slid around his neck and pulled his head down so her mouth covered his. His pulse went from normal to a thousand in a flash. Wrapping his free arm around her, he hauled her close, so close her lower belly covered his reaction to her, smothered it, warmed it.

      ‘Gawd, Jess. Keep this up and we’ll be over before we’ve started.’

      Her mouth pulled back barely enough for her to reply, ‘And your problem is?’

      ‘Why did we stop to get glasses?’ His lips claimed hers again. She tasted sweet, exciting, sexy. She tasted of what he so badly needed right now. Of freedom and oblivion. Of recovery.

      Somehow she began stepping backwards, taking him with her, not breaking their kiss at all, not removing those breasts from his chest. Back, back, until they made it into another room. Thank goodness there was a bed. A big bed. His knees were turning to something akin to badly set jelly as desire soared through him. He was about to explode and that was only under the ministrations of her mouth on his. He lifted his head. ‘Turn around so I can free you.’

      She spun so quickly she almost lost her balance. ‘Oops. I need to slow down.’

      ‘Really?’ Jackson reached for her zip. Idiot. He still held the champagne bottle and glasses in one hand. Oh, so carefully he placed them on the bedside table. He had completely lost where he was. All he knew was that Jess stood before him and that he wanted her like he’d

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