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got plenty of work,” Angel said. “Ford’s been selling the hell out of the company, and we’re getting corporations signing up. I’ve been talking to the big security companies, and they want us to do their training. Easier and cheaper for them. We could use the help.”

      “No, thanks.”

      “You’ll change your mind,” Angel insisted.

      “I won’t. Just like you won’t go back into the field.”

      Angel’s mouth twisted. “I’ve seen enough death to last me a lifetime.”

      And he’d come close to losing it all, Gideon thought, his gaze drifting to his buddy’s scar. The one on his neck. He only knew pieces of that story, but he was sure Angel’s life had been spared by mere seconds.

      Gideon’s decision to walk away had come over time. He’d had nearly two years of being held captive and tortured to think about what he would do if he ever got out. The problem was being physically released hadn’t changed the fact that his head was still in their control. He’d felt trapped. Recovering from that was harder. He doubted the nightmares would ever disappear.

      “I heard a rumor that you’d bought two stations,” Angel said.

      “The rumors are true. AM and FM. Plenty of talk and local news on the AM station and music on FM. At night, it’s all oldies, all the time.”

      Angel raised his head, listening to the music. “What is this stuff? It’s what? A hundred years old.”

      “Very funny. My show is all ’60s. 1960s for those of you who have trouble with math.”

      “Try something from this century.”

      “No, thanks. I was born about forty years too late.” He thought about Felicia. “For the music, anyway.”

      Angel shook his head. “You’re a strange one, bro.”

      “Tell me about it.”


      FELICIA SWIRLED THE milk to form a stylized leaf at the top of the coffee, then passed the large mug to the customer.

      “Have a good day,” she said with a smile.

      The woman, a tourist with her husband, glanced at the design. “Oh, that’s so lovely. I almost don’t want to drink it.”

      The leaves were very popular, as were hearts. Felicia had tried to get people excited about the symbol for pi or a couple of constellations, but no one had been interested and she’d gone back to the simpler designs.

      This was her final shift at Brew-haha. She’d been working part-time to help out Patience and to give herself something to do. Getting the bodyguard school up and running wasn’t very time-consuming. The business programs were easily mastered, and it wasn’t as if the guys needed her to do any of the physical stuff like stocking shelves or moving furniture.

      Her new job would demand more of her time, and she was looking forward to that. She’d spoken with the mayor the day before, officially accepting the position with the city. She’d filled out piles of paperwork and had thought about explaining how they could streamline the hiring process. In the end, she’d decided not to frighten anyone too soon. She could talk to the human resources department in a few weeks. When she wasn’t the new girl.

      The store was quiet, with only a few customers sitting at tables. Felicia took advantage of the lull and washed out the milk carafes and spoons. The front door opened, and she turned to see Charlie Dixon walking in.

      Charlie was one of the town’s firefighters. She was tall and physically strong, with a practical and pragmatic approach to life. Felicia enjoyed her company and always looked forward to their visits.

      “Your usual?” Felicia asked.

      Charlie nodded. She drank a large latte, to go. No fat-free milk for her, no flavors. Nothing with frills, Felicia thought, smiling as she pressed the button to grind the right amount of beans.

      “I wanted to let you know I got a note from Helen,” Charlie said. “The woman whose husband was abusing her.”

      “Right.” The couple had come into Brew-haha shortly after Felicia had arrived in town. The man had been horrible, and Felicia had reacted. She’d physically restrained him and then had dislocated his shoulder.

      She’d put it back in place, but the pain had distracted him long enough for Charlie and the mayor to get Helen away.

      “How is she?” Felicia asked, almost afraid to hear the answer. So many women were unable to break the cycle and truly end the relationship with their abuser.

      “She did what she said. She left the bastard and is starting over in another state under a new name. She’s already registered for classes at her local community college.”

      “I’m glad.”

      “Me, too. She wanted you to know that you inspired her.”

      Felicia poured the steamed milk into the to-go cup and passed it over. “That’s nice. Thank you. I don’t usually inspire anyone.”

      Charlie passed over a brightly colored card. “Here. It’s an invitation to a party.” The firefighter shrugged. “We’re having a luau at the new hotel.”

      The Lady Luck Casino and Hotel being built on the edge of town was due to open next week. That morning the mayor had mentioned how the business was working to support town events, and the hotel-casino would be mentioned in advertising around the state.

      “Thank you,” Felicia said, glancing at the information printed over the picture of a beach with a palm tree. “Should I dress in costume?”

      “Not necessary. It will be casual.” She sighed. “Clay and I still can’t agree on the wedding. I want to elope, he wants the big church wedding. Crazy man. We’re getting a lot of pressure from people in town who want us to decide. We’re thinking a big party will calm everyone down.”

      “It’s very generous of you to have a large event,” Felicia said, “but I don’t think it will solve the problem. It’s not the party your friends want, but the ritual. A wedding is a statement to your social group that you’ve moved into another stage of your lives. Years ago, changing from single to married often meant different responsibilities in the—”

      Felicia stopped talking. “Sorry. You probably weren’t looking for a dissertation on marriage.”

      “It was interesting,” Charlie told her.

      Felicia wished that were true. “I’m sure the party will be a lot of fun.”

      “I hope so. Oh, you can bring a date.” Charlie grinned. “That was an offer, not an instruction. You don’t have to if you’d rather not. There will be plenty of food and good company either way. Just show up and I’ll be happy.”

      “Thank you. I will.”

      Another woman walked into Brew-haha and hurried over to Charlie. “Stop hiding from me!” she said loudly. “I swear, Charlie, you’re making this we—” She came to a stop and smiled at Felicia. “Hi. I’m Dellina, Charlie’s party planner.”

      Felicia smiled back at the pretty blonde. “She just mentioned the luau. It sounds like it’s going to be a lot of fun.”

      “It is,” Dellina said, glaring at Charlie. “If certain people will ever make decisions.”

      Charlie grumbled something under her breath. “Fine. I’ll decide on the stupid flowers.” She glanced at Felicia. “Ignore my complaints. The party will be great.”

      “I’m looking forward to it.”

      Charlie grabbed her latte and left with Dellina.

      Felicia fingered the invitation. She wanted to go to the luau, but wasn’t sure what to do

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