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in spite of all the encouragement she’d been giving herself before the wedding she shrank a little inside her beautiful borrowed wedding dress.

      * * *

      The wedding party might have been last-minute but, as he had expected, everyone had pulled together to make it special. It was the best party he’d been to in a long time, and every time he looked at his bride he knew he’d made a good choice.

      His groin was straining, begging for him to do something about it, but he was beginning to enjoy the agony—and he wanted to show off his beautiful wife. So many people were waiting to congratulate them that any chance of their being alone was slim, at least for now, but hearing tributes from the heart from his people made it easy to stay.

      ‘It’s thrilling to feel part of such a wonderful extended family,’ Danny told him. ‘I feel closer than ever to this ranch.’

      Covering her hand with his, he linked their fingers. ‘Are you frustrated?’

      Her eyes cleared as she took his meaning, and then she held his gaze and smiled. ‘Of course I am.’

      Heat swept over him. He wanted her now.

      ‘Do you think me too obvious? Too unsophisticated?’

      ‘No. I think you’re a normal healthy woman, with a normal healthy appetite.’

      He smiled into her eyes, but she pulled back.

      ‘Deus, Danny. You look as if I have you by the throat. You can’t be frightened of your wedding night?’

      ‘I’m not,’ she said, not entirely convincingly.

      Putting his arm around her shoulder, he stared into her eyes. ‘So if it isn’t that, what is it?’ He thought of Pintos and the pain she’d suffered. ‘You do know I’d never hurt you, don’t you?’

      She laughed—a little sadly, he thought. ‘Of course I do. At least not for a year,’ she joked, and was soon smiling again.

      ‘You will be secure for the rest of your life,’ he reminded her. ‘I promise you, Danny, I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me. You will never need to worry again.’

      Her eyes clouded. ‘Do we have to talk about that now?’

      ‘No.’ He slanted a smile. ‘What would you rather talk about, chica?’

      Would Tiago ever understand that this wasn’t about the money? Or that she hurt because they had not once said they loved each other? But why should they? It wouldn’t be right. It wouldn’t be appropriate. She might love Tiago, but even on their wedding day it wouldn’t be right to tell him how she felt. They had a contract—nothing more. She had payment. He had the ranch. This wasn’t about love. This wedding was for public consumption, to put a seal of approval on the secret they held between them that would bind them together for no more than a year.

      She moved restlessly, and was rewarded by the lift of his ebony brow. It didn’t help her composure when she wanted him so badly in every way there was. She ached to be held in his arms and made love to in every sense. Their faces were so close she could see the glint of tiger-gold in his eyes, and that look...that darkening slumberous look.

      ‘Is there anything I can do to help you?’ he murmured, teasing her into an even higher state of arousal with those words. ‘Bearing in mind that we may be here for some time...?’


      HER BODY PULSED with need while her mind screamed at her to hold back. ‘Help me with what?’ She frowned, pretending ignorance—anything rather than give way to Tiago and be lost.

      He shared none of her inhibitions. ‘Help you with that ache,’ he said frankly, holding her gaze.

      ‘I’m not sure what ache you’re talking about.’

      ‘Think back to the jet.’


      Now he had shocked her. She was no prude, but what had happened between them in Tiago’s bedroom on his private jet couldn’t possibly happen here at their wedding party.

      His expression grew darker. ‘No one will notice,’ he said, with the hint of a smile.

      ‘You are joking?’ Danny answered, looking around the room.

      They were somewhat secluded from the other guests, but might be interrupted at any time. The idea was both shocking and thrilling for Danny.

      ‘Am I?’ He was already moving her skirts aside. ‘Stop finding reasons not to, and concentrate on why you should.’ His mouth was still curving wickedly—and so confidently. ‘Look at me, Danny,’ he murmured. ‘Just keep looking at me, and let me do the rest...’

      She gasped as his hand found her. It felt so warm and big and strong and sure as he cupped her. Tiago was so wicked, but she couldn’t stop herself edging forward just a little to help him. She was already lost, her senses in chaos, and her body was tuned to his smallest touch. She had been well trained by Tiago on the flight over, to respond to pleasure this way, and she instantly concentrated on that one place to the exclusion of everything else.

      The noise of the party, the chatter and laughter of their guests, even the band playing loudly, couldn’t compete with the thundering of her heart or the rasp of her breathing as Tiago’s lightest touch brought wave after wave of pleasure washing over her.

      ‘Tell me to stop if you want to,’ he said in a matter-of-fact tone as she lost it completely.

      She could only answer him with a soft groan when the fiercest waves had subsided—and then he began to move his hand with more intent. She sucked in a sharp breath as his fingers worked their magic. Tiago knew just what to do, what she liked, and how to administer pleasure in a leisurely fashion, so she could savour every moment and make it last.

      His fingers were so sensitive to her needs, so skilful as they went about their work. At first he avoided the place where she needed him most, and teasing her this way made her mad for him. By moving a little further forward in her chair she managed to increase the pressure of his hand, and then he passed his forefinger lightly over her straining clitoris until she gasped—only to moan with disappointment when he pulled away.

      ‘Not for long, chica,’ he whispered, his breath warm against her face.

      His hand quickly found the ribbons holding her bridal thong in place. It was a wisp of lace, nothing more, but he took his time unlooping the bow; unwrapping her slowly, like the revealing of a gift he was in no mood to rush.

      ‘Move to the very edge of the chair,’ he instructed, ‘and lean back.’

      She was quick to do as he said, her excitement intensified by the risk involved as their guests milled all around them.

      ‘There’s so much noise no one will notice what you do, but try not to cry out too loudly,’ Tiago advised. ‘Now, open your legs a little wider for me.’

      She opened them as wide as she could, wanting that plump, needy place to be the centre of his universe.

      ‘Oh, yes...’

      Excited by the risk, and by the promise in Tiago’s lazy tone, she rested back and waited.

      ‘Relax... Enjoy...’ he murmured, as if she needed prompting. ‘Just leave everything to me.’

      Oh, she would... She would...

      ‘Ah...’ The touch of his slightly roughened finger-pad was exquisite.

      ‘I’ll catch you when you fall,’ he promised. ‘Just keep looking into my eyes and I’ll tell you when.’

      ‘You’ll know?’ she somehow managed to gasp out.


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