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that we’re going to be super-busy the way our bookings and enquiries are going.”

      “Yeah, and where exactly are you going with this little tidbit?” She stared me down, provoking a laugh. She knew me too well.

      “Well, if you wanted to go for a quick vacation, I don’t know, to South America…”

      She swatted me on the arm. “You minx. Threaten to push me over a cliff, you would, just so I’d agree to meet the parents. You know,” she said more seriously, “I think I might take you up on that, though, because it does seem really important to Cruz, and I’m a bit of a harridan for saying no before, aren’t I?”

      “You’re not a harridan.” I searched her face, so glad to have her here and realizing she was truly a different person to the one who’d arrived a few months ago. It wasn’t that she was maturing – she could still be the most childish person I knew – but she stopped to think about other people more, considered their feelings, their wants and needs ahead of her own. While we were busy at the lodge, we also had more time to reflect; the peace and quiet of the place gave you ample time to think about life and love and everything in between. It was shaping Amory in a way I hadn’t seen before. Already perfect in my eyes, she was just losing that prickly edge she sometimes showed the world to hide her vulnerability.

      “Will you puppysit?” she asked suddenly, shaking me out of my reverie. “When we go to South America? I mean, I’m only going for a week. I absolutely refuse to leave you and Scotty for any longer than that, no matter what Cruz says!”

      I smiled. “Of course. Scotty will be fine with me.” It would make the lonely nights easier, when they were gone. Kai would be gone by then too… At least I’d have a little ball of fur to curl up with.

       Chapter Thirty-Eight

      With one day until the party, things ramped up at the lodge. Deliveries were coming thick and fast, and Amory directed everyone with the assiduity of a railway conductor while I was busy tearing my hair out in the office.

      “Tim, I totally understand, he wants it perfect – but he has to remember we’ve had less than a week to make this happen. And we’re in Evergreen, not exactly a hive of activity where I can step out at any hour for supplies.”

      He sighed, and I could hear his frustration down the phone. “I know, I know. I don’t think he really gets it.”

      I softened a little. “Look, tomorrow he will be so totally wowed with what we’ve done he won’t notice the things we didn’t do. We’re about to start decorating – full Gatsby Roaring Twenties-style – and I promise you, you’ll be searching the crowd for F. Scott Fitzgerald himself, that’s how amazing it will look.”

      “Thanks, Clio. I know you’ve worked miracles to get it done on time and we’ve kept throwing curveballs. Maybe once this is done we can have that drink?”

      “I’d love to catch up with the gang again, Tim…”

      “With the gang? Not just us two?”

      I thought of Kai, of the fact that ever since I’d told him how I felt he’d somehow managed to avoid me. To be fair, after everything with my mom, I hadn’t exactly been looking for him or in the right frame of mind to talk about it all. But still…

      I sighed and tried to say what I needed to in the clearest way, but I really didn’t want to hurt his feelings. “Tim, I’m sorry, but I don’t think just the two of us dating is the best decision. Honestly, I think we’re more suited to being just friends. I know we used to have something special, but I think you’re caught up in the past. Things are different now.”

      He let out a soft groan. “I had a feeling that was coming,” he said. “I wish things weren’t different, Clio. But I understand. Maybe there will be someone for me at the party, a girl I can sweep off her feet.” He laughed as if he was joking, but part of me thought he was serious. Maybe he was really ready to love again. I hoped he’d find someone sweet and at the same stage in life as he was.

      I felt lighter now I’d finally spoken up. It was better that he knew I was only interested in him as a friend. “Well, if you’re really interested… your secretary Vanessa seems a little smitten with you.” I’d spoken to Vanessa close to a hundred times that week, and she’d always steered the conversation back to Tim, her voice dreamy.

      “Vanessa? No, I think you’re mistaken. Vanessa doesn’t say more than two words to me. We correspond by email even though her office is attached to mine.” Love! We really made it hard for ourselves. My matchmaker hat flew on…

      “Let’s see what some Gatsby sparkle does,” I laughed, already wondering how I could maneuver them under some mistletoe.

      He laughed. “See you tomorrow, Clio. And thanks again.”

      Once I hung up, I emailed Vanessa. What? So, the matchmaker instinct was strong in me.

       Timothy mentioned how much he’s looking forward to dancing with you at the Gatsby party. I hope you have your dancing shoes at the ready…

      She replied instantly:

       He did?!

      I left it at that. Sometimes the only way forward was when someone gave you a little shove.


      In the ballroom, Isla’s face was dusted with glitter, and she sneezed before greeting me with a quick wave. “We’re going to be sweeping up gold for the next ten years,” she laughed as she tied a bunch of balloons together and put them by the cocktail bar.

      Scotty ran underfoot, leaving a trail of debris in his wake. To say he was quite enamored with the decorations was an understatement and none of us wanted to begrudge him his fun.

      That was until Scotty munched on one of the feather boas and Micah suggested we put the puppy outside while we finished up.

      Amory’s eyes flashed and she lifted Scotty to her chest. “You… you MONSTER! It’s freezing out and you want me to put a poor defenseless animal outside for the sake of one piddly feather boa?”

      “He’s got a real fur coat,” Micah added unhelpfully. “And a faux-furry jacket to boot.”

      She narrowed her eyes. “You are truly despicable! When you and Isla have your first child I will remember this, and instead of getting a gold locket for their first lock of hair, you’re now getting silver!” She stomped off and it was all I could do not to laugh.

      Micah let out a snort. “What the hell!”

      I shook my head, “Let’s just keep going. I’m sure you’ll convince her to go back to a gold locket soon?” I laughed and we continued decorating.

      On the table we had vases full of feathers, the tips dipped in gold, and glittery candles, and strings of pearls were draped over the back of each chair. The photo booth was set up in the corner with props: moustaches on sticks, feather boas, black and gold cigarette holders and pearl necklaces.

      Micah had convinced Kai to stop the renovations he’d been doing on the chalets to help us decorate and they’d already draped the ceiling in black tulle, which cascaded down elegantly. I’d tried so many times to get his attention lately but he’d been running here and there. Worry gnawed at me – maybe I’d put him in an uncomfortable position by sharing my feelings?

      Snapping myself out of any anxiety, I looked at the rest of the room, trying to get my head back in the game. We’d hung various art deco signs saying things like: Drop it like F Scott, and Prohibition ends here. I was giddy with how great the ballroom looked. It was completely transformed, and you’d never have recognized it from the bridal expo we’d held just over a week ago.

      Sailing back into the kitchen, Cruz had everything under control. I could tell by the way he glided around humming, his chef’s

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