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an appreciative glance. ‘No, sir.’

      Moments later the door was closed and the stillness of the room enveloped them.

      ‘We need to get out of this bed,’ his practical wife reminded him.

      ‘I am aware of that,’ he said, breathing in the faint scent of honeysuckle.

      ‘And yet, you continue to lay there.’

      He thought of how much he wanted to be inside of her. ‘I don’t want to leave,’ he said, sounding petulant.

      ‘Well, I don’t either. However, we have no choice.’ Her back bowed when he ran his thumb over her nipple. ‘Do play fair, Gabriel.’

      He sucked on that nipple, rubbing his tongue over it as he did so. When it hardened into a tight bud, he pulled his head away. At least he wouldn’t be the only one physically frustrated while he sat enduring the presence of their guests.

      * * *

      Olivia had donned her nightrail and dressing gown, and was just helping Gabriel into his banyan when a muffled voice could be heard through the door to her room. They both stilled, listening to the sound.

      ‘Mama, Mama, where are you?’

      They both hurried to the door and as they stepped into her bedchamber, Nicholas walked out of Olivia’s dressing room.

      When he saw them, a broad grin lit his face, and he ran over to them. ‘I’ve been searching for you, Mama. Did last night’s thunderstorm frighten Papa again? Is that why you went to his room?’

      The indignation on Gabriel’s face made her laugh.

      ‘Nicolas, for the last time, I am not afraid of thunderstorms.’

      ‘But Mama was in your bedchamber. Don’t fret, I won’t tell anyone storms scare you. Did Mama make you feel better?’ Before Gabriel could answer him, Nicholas tilted his head and tugged at his father’s empty sleeve in a panic. ‘Where is your arm?’

      Gabriel opened the top of his banyan, revealing that his right arm was bent and tied to his chest. ‘Last night—’

      ‘It’s true!’ Nicholas’s hazel eyes opened wide. ‘You saved Prince George. I heard the servants whispering about it. Were you injured? They said it is in the papers. They said someone tried to shoot the Prince Regent, and you saved his life.’

      ‘Where were you that you overheard all this at such an early hour of the morning?’ Olivia asked.

      ‘Near the kitchen. Sometimes when I go there cook will give me...porridge.’ His expression brightened and he nodded. ‘Yes, that’s what I get...porridge, not biscuits or sweets. Just porridge.’ He stepped closer to Gabriel and his voice turned faint. ‘You are very brave, Papa.’

      ‘I did what needed to be done, Nicholas, to save our Regent. Protecting the Crown is very important.’

      Nicholas’s face wrinkled with concern. ‘Can I hug you? Will it hurt?’

      ‘You will not hurt me.’

      The sight of Nicholas clinging to Gabriel’s waist with his eyes squeezed shut brought a lump to Olivia’s throat.

      ‘Please do not die, Papa. I need you,’ he whispered.

      ‘I have no intention of dying any time soon, Nicholas. You can be assured of that.’

      Their son released Gabriel and stepped back, visibly relieved. ‘That’s why he is here, isn’t it? That’s why the Prince Regent came to call. He wants to thank you. I saw him ride up with his fine carriage with his splendid bits of blood from my window. I was coming here to tell Mama when I heard the servants talking in the hall.’

      Olivia stepped closer to Nicholas and put her hand on his shoulder. ‘Thank you. Your father and I have already been told. Once we are dressed, we will be able to find out what business he has in our home.’

      Nicholas ran the tip of his shoe along the carpet. ‘I suppose I will have to remain up here. Will you tell me what he wanted?’

      Olivia ruffled his soft short hair. ‘We will tell you every word.’

      * * *

      A short while later Olivia entered the breakfast room on Gabriel’s arm and various smells from the food on the table assaulted her. Knowing Prinny and his vast appetite, she was certain he had been keeping her kitchen busy with his numerous requests.

      ‘Ah, there you are,’ Prinny said, looking up from cutting into what appeared to be a lobster cake from his seat at the table. His attention was on Gabriel’s bandaged shoulder and arm, visible under the sleeve that was dangling empty at his side. He appeared to want to charge Gabriel, but then his gaze settled on Olivia. ‘Good morning, my dear. Bennett did inform me you would both be down shortly. It’s a pleasure, as always, to see you.’

      She smiled at her friend and greeted him in return. Those were definitely lobster cakes and lobster was not on any of the menus for the week. She imagined there was a bit of an uproar going on downstairs this morning and bartering was being done with neighbouring kitchens. After extending a greeting to Lord Hartwick, she allowed Gabriel to hold her chair out for her. It was an intimate gesture Prinny did not miss.

      ‘I say, we did not disturb your morning, did we?’ he asked, picking up a glass of wine and arching his brow.

      Gabriel caught her eye before focusing on Prinny. ‘Not in the least. I expected to find you in the drawing room.’

      ‘That was where your butler attempted to place us. I, however, had a sudden desire to be in a more personal setting.’ His attention was back on his plate.

      The various items laid out in platters were unbearably unappetising to Olivia and she looked away to accept her cup of chocolate from Bennett.

      From across the table, Lord Hartwick reclined back in his chair in a casually elegant pose, taking his coffee cup with him. There was no plate of food in front of him, as if he, too, found all this food repulsive so early in the morning.

      ‘Prinny wanted to call hours ago,’ he said, ‘but I persuaded him to wait until at least sunrise before we ventured here.’

      Gabriel studied Prinny over his coffee cup. ‘Dare I ask what has brought you to my door?’

      ‘Can’t a man pay a call to a friend?’ Prinny asked, surveying his plate and planning his next attack with his fork.

      ‘You know you are always welcome.’

      ‘I couldn’t remain within Carlton House for one minute more. And all week I have had a craving for lobster cakes and your cook’s beef with burgundy sauce. Though there is no time like the present. Don’t you know? And low and behold, that talented cook of yours has managed to make me some for breakfast. Not up to her usual standard, mind you, however she hadn’t much time to prepare. I expect the beef was what had remained from last night, but that sauce... I could bathe in it.’

      That was the smell that was invading her nose, making her wish they were sitting out in the garden instead of this confining room. One of the footmen entered and placed a large wedge of cheese inches away from Olivia. She rubbed her stomach to settle it. Lord Hartwick’s piercing blue-eyed gaze caught her eye. He tilted his head and his lips rose in a sympathetic smile.

      Please let this be all the food Prinny had requested.

      ‘I do not know if I should be insulted that you are here for my food and not for me,’ Gabriel said, oblivious to her plight.

      ‘I’d count myself lucky,’ Lord Hartwick replied, taking a sip from his cup.

      ‘Insolent pup. One day that unabashed bravado of yours will be placed in check. I just hope I am there to see it.’ The prince turned his attention to Gabriel. ‘I also wanted to express my gratitude to you for all you have done.’ As if remembering that Olivia was in the room, he glanced at her and cleared his throat.


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