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threat against the King and she recounted what she had heard. You see, men go to her establishment and, under the influence of drink and a welcoming female, they will say things they never would in the light of day. If any of those men found out that she tells their tales her life would be in danger. A man with interest in harming the Crown would think nothing of slitting the throat of a woman who provides her services or any of the girls that work there for that matter.’

      ‘But I smelled her on you that day. You cannot deny that.’

      ‘She has an eye for fashionable clothes and admires my taste. In her profession she is accustomed to touching men. Her perfume might have rubbed off on me when she touched my coat or played with my cravat when she takes note of a new way to tie it. Over the years she has refused to give her information to anyone but me.’ He rubbed his hand on his trousers. ‘Know this—from the time I have courted you, I have never been intimate with another woman.’

      ‘I wish I could believe you.’

      The fact that she was listening to him gave him hope. ‘I speak the truth, Olivia. My desire for other women stopped the moment I set eyes on you. I never strayed from our marriage vows. But my people like Madame LaGrange put their trust in me to keep their identities secret. Should I have told you and she had been killed, I somehow would have found a way to blame myself and maybe even you.’ He searched her gaze. ‘I never meant to hurt you, Livy. I am so sorry.’

      She glared at him with angry reproachful eyes and stormed across the room, stopping in front of him. Her hands were balled into fists and he braced himself.

      ‘For years I hated you. Years! So many times I wanted to burn the letters you wrote to me. For years I wanted to sell the jewellery you had given me. And for years I wanted to remove every scrap and shred that reminded me of a time I thought you cared for me.’ She looked like she was fighting the urge to kick him. ‘You let me believe all those lies. You let me hate you.’

      ‘I had no choice.’

      ‘But I loved you...’ It came out as the faintest whisper as tears rimmed her eyes.

      He closed the distance between them and with his one good arm he pulled her gently to him. She rested her head lightly against his left shoulder and he held her there, never wanting to let her go.

      ‘It has always been you, Livy. I’ve never wanted anyone else.’

      ‘Say it again.’

      He looked down into her watery eyes. ‘There never has or ever will be another woman for me. I have wanted only you from the moment I saw you dancing with Lyonsdale and nothing and no one will ever change how I feel about you.’

      She let out a small choked sob.

      ‘Dear God, I didn’t mean to make you cry. Please, Livy, don’t cry.’ He was pleading with her. She was the only one in the world he would lower himself to beg. Looking into her eyes, he no longer saw anger. There was something else.

      ‘Will you stay? I couldn’t bear it if you left me,’ he said.

      ‘Will you promise to always be honest with me?’

      ‘I will. I love you, Livy, with all my heart and all that I am, I love you.’

      ‘And I love you. I always have.’

      He had been so afraid he would never convince her to stay. Leaning closer, he kissed her. It was a soft, gentle kiss because he was afraid she would disappear before his eyes. They would start over again and this time nothing would tear them apart.

       Chapter Twenty-Two

      Waking up next to his wife placed Gabriel in an exceptional mood, in spite of being shot. The morning light filtered through the window of his bedchamber, casting a warm glow on Olivia’s bare back. The soft, white sheet skimmed the top of her enticing backside as she slept on her stomach next to him. Her breathing was deep and steady, telling him she was sound asleep, which allowed him to look his fill.

      Unable to resist, he skimmed the fingers of his left hand over her bottom. Her low groan made him chuckle.

      ‘I pray you, I can no longer feel my legs,’ Olivia mumbled into her pillow.

      ‘I am simply touching you.’

      She turned her sleepy head towards him and opened one eye. ‘That was what you said last night when you somehow coaxed me to straddle you.’

      ‘My injury prevented me from using any other position. In addition, I do not recall you complaining at the time.’

      ‘I was being polite.’

      Gabriel laughed. ‘My love, last night you were everything but polite.’

      ‘If I could move, I would smother you with this pillow. How is your shoulder?’

      Thank goodness the dressing was still intact. ‘Sore, but there is no blood on the bandage. That is a good indication all is well.’

      She rolled onto her side, pulling the sheet up. ‘You seem pleased with yourself.’

      ‘I have a confession. I’m more pleased with you. I had forgotten that thing you are able to do with your tongue when you—’

      ‘Yes, yes, well, we don’t need to have such details this early in the morning.’

      ‘You’re becoming flushed.’

      ‘No, I’m not.’

      ‘Yes, you are. Let’s suppose we find out how far that lovely colour travels.’

      Her bare shoulders were much too tempting and the need to taste her was too great. Gabriel kissed her soft skin, trailing his tongue in circles. Within seconds he was hard.

      He needed to sink into her and remind himself she would be at his side till the end of his days. Coaxing her to straddle him yet again, he claimed her lips with a searing kiss.

      Yes, waking up beside his wife had its advantages.

      ‘Tell me that you want me inside you,’ he groaned against her mouth.

      The crash by the door made them jump. There in the doorway, Hodges stood frozen in place with the remains of a coffee cup at his feet.

      Olivia scrambled off Gabriel and took a good portion of the blanket with her.

      ‘Does no one bloody knock in this house?’ bellowed Gabriel. ‘We have a new rule. No one enters any room without knocking first!’

      ‘I...I...I did not know. Your injury...I assumed...’

      Gabriel counted to five. ‘Hodges, I think it best if you left Her Grace and me alone now.’

      ‘But I...that is to say...’


      ‘You have callers,’ his valet blurted out.

      Gabriel looked over at Olivia, who was firmly wrapped in the blanket and appeared just as confused as he was. Focusing his attention back on Hodges, he noticed the man appeared to want to run out of the room but wasn’t certain if he should stay or go.

      ‘Who is here?’

      With his gaze fixed on the floor, Hodges shifted in his stance. ‘His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, along with Lord Hartwick. Bennett has shown them into the Gold Drawing Room and asked me to see if you were well enough to see them.’

      Gabriel scrubbed his hand over his face. Tonight he was locking the door to his bedchamber and no one was interrupting them until he was good and ready to unlock it—and that might not be for days.

      ‘Very well,’ he muttered. ‘Inform Colette that Her Grace is in need of her assistance and let Bennett know he is to see our guests receive whatever they wish. You can have a maid clean that up later. I will see you in my dressing room shortly. And, Hodges...’

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