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“I was hoping we could get it signed off and approved so we can go forward with our plans. We’re hoping the influx of tourists arriving at Cedarwood will filter down to the other businesses in town, giving them a boost, especially over the winter. So… we’re really quite excited.”

      “Right, right.” There was a shuffling of paperwork. “The thing is, Claire…”

      I coughed. “Clio.”

      “Clio, the thing is, I can’t hurry these decisions. It would be remiss of me not to take into consideration variables about the property and what it could mean for Evergreen and its population.”

      I held in a groan. This did not sound like approval was pending any time soon.

      This is your own fault, Clio! “I understand. But you see, you’ve approved the lodge itself, so guests are able to stay, right?” I didn’t want the lodge closed down on a technicality. I rued the day Kai left. He was so much better at this side of things than me. The facts and figures of the planning and approval process were a nightmare.

      “Right. However. What you’re not allowed to do is use the chapel for guests. No weddings, no church services, no parties. The structure is a hundred years old, it’s weathered, full of rising damp, and I have to know for certain it’s safe before I can say yes.”

      “I totally understand. And you’ll see if you do an inspection that it’s had an overhaul and is safe for guests. I have a bridal expo planned. No one is actually hosting a wedding, but they’d obviously like to see inside the chapel…”

      “No, they are not permitted.”

      Argh! I took a calming breath. Panic had never helped any situation before, so I really needed to get some perspective. “Why not? I can fax over reports about the work that’s been done. The rising damp has been fixed, the beams have been raised, the electricals have been completely replaced including extra safety precautions…”

      “Clio…” He said my name quickly, like a parent trying to get their child’s attention. “Your builder promised me the same things last time, and then a fire broke out… You can understand my worry, surely? I’m not being malicious, trust me, I’m being cautious.”

      The fire. Now his hesitation made sense. I closed my eyes. “The fire was extinguished promptly and we added a ton more safety procedures after that. And the fire was in the main lodge building, which is nowhere near the chapel. It wasn’t actually our fault; the fire report outlines it in detail. And we were well equipped with extinguishers and other preventative measures, which stopped the entire lodge going up in flames.” And when I said other preventative measures I meant Micah, ever the hero, racing toward the fire while the others raced away from it. Just thinking of that horrible day sent shivers down my spine.

      He let out a weary sigh. “There’s a process to these applications, Clio, and I have to follow them meticulously. If you check out our website you’ll see the approvals process can take up to six months. Sometimes more.”

      Six months! “I don’t have six months.” Panic crept into my voice so I did my best to disguise it with calm. “Surely we can come to some agreement? I wouldn’t push for this if it wasn’t safe. I wouldn’t put my guests at risk, ever.”

      Another phone rang in the background as Ned sighed for the third time in one very short conversation. “Look, send me the paperwork on your trades and I’ll see what I can do. Better yet, send Kai over. You’re still using your registered builder, aren’t you?”

      I gulped. Where did it say that in the fine print? This was exactly why I’d hired Kai for all the loopholes that cropped up.

      “Yes, yes, Kai is still here, he’s right beside me, actually. He can’t hear me, what with all the safety gear he’s wearing, ear muffs, and… and…” Oh God, Clio, stop talking! “It might be a few days, or a week or so, because he’s in the middle of something. Something big.” Stop, just stop, already!

      “Do that, Clio, and we’ll see what can be done.”

      “Sure, and thanks.”

      “On the off-chance it’s not approved before the expo, can the guests still peek in, surely that’s allowed?”

      “Just keep them safe, Clio. And get Kai over here.”

      I hung up, and slapped a hand to my forehead. Could I get myself into a bigger mess?

      Amory wandered in and surveyed my pinched face. “It didn’t go well?”

      “He wants to chat with Kai, our registered builder…”

      “Oh.” She folded her arms, leaning against the doorjamb, and fanned herself with the postcard Kai had sent. “Guess you better call Kai and ask him to be Prince Charming just this once.” Gone was the grimace, replaced by her Mona Lisa smile. The one she used when she was trying to act professional, but I could see straight through it.

      “Don’t give me that look.” I narrowed my eyes.

      “What look?” she said mock-innocently.

      “Like you’re the cat who got the cream. I’ll call Kai and see if he can make a flying visit, but I’m not mentioning the kiss or any of that, so don’t even think about trying to set us up. My focus is Cedarwood and getting this chapel mess sorted out.”

      She threw her hands in the air. “That’s my focus too, darling! And youre the matchmaker, not me. I’m more of a casual encounter enthusiast when I’m advising my friends, aren’t I? Life is too short for bad men, don’t I always say that? On a serious note, Kai must stay at the lodge. You can’t summon him all this way and expect him to pay for some sleazy motel out of town.” The Mona Lisa smile was back.

      I cocked my head. “I see what you’re doing.”

      She feigned surprise. “Being a good host?”

      Micah wandered in, face grimy with dust. He’d been clearing out the wine cellar since our eventual plan was to stock it with an eclectic mix of vintages for our guests. “What’s up?” he asked.

      Amory filled him in, taking great delight in the fact I had to call Kai back to Cedarwood.

      Micah’s eyebrows shot up. “Well, dang it, I didn’t know we needed him on-site once the work was done. That can’t be right? I think Ned is speaking out of his… What?” he said, surveying me. “What don’t I know here?”

      I squirmed, sinking into the chair hoping to disappear. Micah read my body language loud and clear.

      Outside, gray clouds gathered, inching toward the lodge as if they’d crept forward to listen in.

      “Well… we kissed, so it might be a little awkward at first,” I admitted, grimacing.

      He slapped a hand to his forehead, and let out a deep belly laugh. “And you let him leave? What about all that talk you gave me about following my heart and taking risks?”

      Amory nodded in agreement with him. “Her heart is a vault, Micah. Matchmaker extraordinaire can’t take her own advice.”

      I narrowed my eyes at her.

      “She’s always been like that,” Micah said, nodding.

      Amory’s lips pulled down. “She just cannot recognize that in herself. There were plenty of keepers in New York but she always found fault…”

      I jumped off the chair and spun to face them, snatching Kai’s postcard out of Amory’s hand as she laughed. “Umm, guys, I’m right here, you know! If you’ve finished your little psychoanalyzing session we can move on with, you know, important things – like business?”

      They giggled.

      “Admit it,” Micah said. “You don’t follow your own advice!”


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