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of good looks.

      When Tarek leveled his gaze on her, Kira’s thoughts spun away like a desert whirlwind. She sincerely wanted to look away, yet it was as if he had her completely under some macabre magical spell. “Magical” would definitely describe his thorough kisses, his very skilled hands, his expertise at lovemaking, his obvious virility....

      “Is there another bun in the oven, Kira?”

      Taken aback by Adan Mehdi’s query, Kira directed her attention to the youngest prince, her face splashed with heat. “Excuse me?”

      He held up the empty basket. “We are out of bread.”

      Apparently, she was plagued by secret pregnancy paranoia. “I’ll see to that immediately.”

      “And, Kira, if it’s not too much trouble, I’d like more water, please,” Adan’s auburn-haired wife added as she leaned back in the chair, providing a peek at her rounded belly. “I’m so thirsty I think I’m giving birth to a trout, not a mammal.”

      Kira experienced a brief bout of envy when Adan and Piper exchanged a loving look. At least they had each other. At least Piper wouldn’t be raising her baby alone.

      Whether that would be the case for Kira when it came to her own child still remained to be seen. “I’ll be certain to have the server deliver you an entire pitcher of water, as she should have done at the beginning of the meal. She’s new and still trying to gain her bearings. I also believe she’s a bit starstruck over her introduction to royalty.”

      Piper’s grin expanded as she waved a hand toward Tarek. “I think she’s quite taken with our guest.”

      Kira ventured a glance and discovered Tarek didn’t seem at all disturbed by the conjecture. When he failed to reply, she focused on the eldest Mehdi son. “Is the dinner tonight to your liking, Your Majesty?”

      “As usual, the fare is excellent,” Rafiq replied as he regarded Tarek. “Would you would like more of the chicken kabobs, Mr. Azzmar?”

      Tarek pushed his empty plate aside and leveled his gaze on Kira. “Not presently, but it was delicious. I particularly enjoyed the garlic yogurt sauce. Please give my compliments to the chef.”

      Adan presented his usual dimpled smile. “Perhaps you would like to deliver the message yourself and inspect the help further, Tarek.”

      Piper elbowed her husband, causing him to wince. “Stop it, Adan. I’m sure Tarek is more than capable of finding a date.”

      Adan grimaced. “Bloody hell, wife. I like it much better when your pregnancy hormones lead to pleasure and not pain. I was simply suggesting Tarek might be interested in keeping company with a woman who is obviously smitten with him.”

      “Your bride is correct,” Tarek added. “I am very selective when it comes to female companionship. Although the server is attractive, she is much too young, therefore she does not hold my interest.”

      After the billionaire nailed her with another pointed look, Kira snatched the basket from the table and began backing toward the door. “I’ll let the chef know you’re all pleased with the meal and I’ll send someone out with more bread and water. Good evening.”

      With that, she spun around and strode into the nearby kitchen, muttering a few mild oaths at herself over her inability to ignore Tarek. She mumbled a few more aimed at the businessman who seemed bent on keeping her off balance.

      “Please take more rolls and water to the table immediately,” she said to the recently hired, very pretty fresh-faced staff member. “And from this point forward, pay more attention to the family and guests’ needs. Prince Adan requires more bread than most, and always make certain there is a pitcher of water close at hand in the dining room.”

      The young woman quickly took the basket, filled it with rolls, grabbed a water pitcher and scurried away, her brown ponytail bouncing in time with her gait. Kira then leaned back against the steel prep table while the chef remained at the stove, where Kira’s own mother had once stood, preparing the finishing touches on dessert as several of the staff members engaged in clean-up. She rubbed both temples with her fingertips and closed her eyes against the beginnings of another nagging headache. The reason for that headache happened to be seated in the dining room, acting as if he practically owned the palace.

      One arrogant man. One gorgeous egomaniac. One weakness she couldn’t afford to have.

      “Might I have a few moments alone with you, Miss Darzin?”

      Speaking of the sexy devil himself. Kira’s eyes snapped open at the deep timbre of his now-familiar voice. “Actually, I’m rather busy at the moment, Mr. Azzmar.”

      Tarek strolled into the kitchen as if he were king of the castle, hands planted in his pockets. “Then I would be happy to speak with you about our plans while you continue your duties.”

      Conversing with him in front of the staff could be detrimental on several levels. She could only imagine what they were already thinking. “I suppose we can discuss your needs in the corridor.” And that sounded entirely too suggestive. “Needs as in your need for an administrative assistant.”

      “Ah, yes, that need.” He swept a hand toward the opening to the hallway. “After you.”

      Kira rushed out of the room, unable to avoid the curious glances of the employees. She continued down the passage with the current thorn in her side trailing behind her and pushed out the doors leading to the courtyard. Once there, she turned and practically face-planted into Tarek’s broad chest. “Do you mind giving me some space?”

      He took a step back. “Is this better?”

      Better would entail having the persistent man standing several yards away, not less than a foot in front of her. “As long as you don’t come any closer, that will do.”

      His expression turned somber. “Do you fear me, Kira?”

      “Of course not.” Not in a traditional sense, yet she did fear the way he made her feel—vulnerable.

      “Do you believe I would never do anything to harm you?”

      “Yes, I believe that.” He wouldn’t, at least not physically, but he had dealt her an unsolicited emotional blow six weeks ago.

      He released a rough sigh. “Then I must admit I am somewhat confused by your recent attitude. When we first met, I had several opportunities to attempt to seduce you, yet I did not. Instead, we spent many hours engaged in casual conversation, and only conversation, until the night we spent together. I assumed we had established a measure of trust between us.”

      “I thought so, too, until that night.”

      “Clearly I have been mistaken in my belief that our pursuit of pleasure was mutual.”

      “It was mutual,” she stated firmly. “We were both consenting adults.”

      “Then why are treating me as if I am a pariah not worthy of your regard?”

      He didn’t understand, and Kira wasn’t certain she could explain. Still, she had to try, and that entailed revealing how his careless disregard had made her feel. “That isn’t my intent. What we shared was a mistake, not only because I crossed a line I shouldn’t have crossed with a palace guest, but because you’re clearly not the type of man to maintain a monogamous lifestyle. That became apparent when I didn’t hear a word from you after that night, as if you’d had your way with me and tossed me aside.”

      A hint of anger flashed in his eyes. “You are making an erroneous assumption, Kira. As I have told you, I was seeing to business. I do not treat women as chattel.”

      “They why did you fail to inform me you would be leaving?”

      “I was only honoring your request not to approach you again.”

      He definitely had her there. “True, but I didn’t mean we should completely sever all

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