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would be...what did Kate say? Oh, that we could be very good...together.”

      Lawson stared at her for a long moment as understanding slowly dawned. “What?”

      She smirked. “That’s what I said.”

      He tried to wrap his mind around that thought. Honestly, it wasn’t as hard as it should have been. He swallowed. His thoughts raced back to his recent interactions with Ellie—from his impulsive act of catching her in his arms at first sight to his pretend proposal. If he was honest with himself, he’d have to admit that he hadn’t been treating Ellie like a sister. At least, not since he’d gotten back. In fact, if it were some other woman, he might have seen his behavior as flirtatious.

      He ducked his head to keep her from reading his thoughts. He was crazy. He had to be. There was no way he could be attracted to little Ellie. Of course, she wasn’t so little anymore. How old was she now? Twenty-one? She was pretty much a woman by now, wasn’t she? His voice came out a little strained. “Ma and Kate really said that about us being good together?”

      She sent him a curious glance. “It’s funny but you don’t seem nearly as shocked as I was. I thought they were completely ridiculous.”

      A wry grin lifted his lips. “I remember.”

      Her eyes widened. “Oh, that isn’t to cast any sort of disparagement on you. I didn’t mean that at all.”

      “I didn’t think so.”

      “Good. I mean I’m sure some gal would be lucky to have you. I just can’t imagine—” Her face twisted into a strange expression, as though she was desperately trying to conjure up some image of the two of them together.

      He tried not to let that bother him...but why was it so hard for her to imagine? He shook his head. They were friends—nearly family. So Ellie had grown up. That didn’t mean anything had to change between them or even that it should. He met her gaze with a grin. “It is pretty hard to imagine, isn’t it?”

      Her green eyes started dancing. “Well, since you won’t have me, either, I guess I’d better start waiting at the train station for some handsome stranger to disembark. That looks to be my best bet.”

      He laughed along with her though he had to admit it was a bit forced. The thought of some stranger sweeping into town and carrying Ellie off didn’t sit well with him. It was just his protective nature at work, he assured himself. That’s all it was and nothing more. He was here to work. He was here to start over.

      Most important, he was here to forget.

      Chapter Three

      Ellie thanked Mr. Johansen then tucked the small brown-paper-wrapped package under her arm. “Lawson and I will be back with the wagon to pick up the list of goods Kate ordered.”

      Lawson had moved out to the ranch less than a week ago and ever since then, Ellie hadn’t been able to turn around without finding him nearby. She knew it was mostly due to the fact that they now lived on the same ranch. Still, a part of her wondered if a little tiny bit of it was through Kate’s machinations. After all, Kate usually liked coming into town but today had sent Ellie in her stead. Nathan sent Lawson and so they had gone to town together with express directions to eat lunch there.

      Guilt sprang onto her conscience. Of course, Nathan was busy, which was why he’d hired Lawson in the first place, and Kate had her hands full tending three children too young to go to school. Perhaps she really was imagining it. Mr. Johansen’s voice pulled her from her short reverie. “I’ll have the boys waiting by the loading dock in about thirty minutes.”

      Ellie nodded and managed to make it all the way out the door and a few steps down the sidewalk before she tore open the brown package. The colorful cover of the dime novel looked even more intriguing than it had in the catalog. She opened the cover to reveal the first page and found herself in the midst of a stagecoach robbery. Her heart skipped a beat. She carefully read each word as she stepped onto Main Street’s raised wooden sidewalk.

      Suddenly, a hand caught her arm and firmly pulled her to a stop. Ellie glanced up from the page only to realize that if not for the restraining hand on her arm, her next step would have sent her tumbling off the sidewalk. Her eyes widened then traveled to the man who stood slightly beside her with his hand still protectively on her arm. Lawson shook his head. “You really need to be more aware of your surroundings.”

      She wrinkled her nose at him as he led her to the shiny display window of the mercantile. Pointing at it, he leaned toward her. “Look at the reflections in the window.”

      The angle of the bay window reflected a clear image of the things behind her—including a man standing next to a tall chestnut mare tied to the nearest hitching post. “Donovan.”

      “He appeared just as I left you to walk to the livery. He seemed content to stay on his horse until you exited the mercantile...alone.”

      “He always does that. I think it’s the only way he can work up the nerve to talk to me.” She laughed at his skeptical frown. “He’s harmless.”

      “Well, someone else might not be.”

      Her gaze shot to his hazel eyes. “Am I your latest assignment, Lawson? And here I thought you’d left the Rangers.”

      “So did I.” He tucked her hand in his arm and led her across the street. They both jumped at the sound of Maddie’s joyful greeting through the café’s large front window. The woman waved at her as though she’d just seen her long-lost best friend. I understand that she’s grateful that my list motivated Jeff enough to talk to her, but isn’t this a little too much?

      The rest of the folks in the café turned to look. She could feel their eyes tracking her as she followed Lawson inside. She glanced around the room. Everyone was smiling at them. An entire table composed of Judge Hendricks, Mr. Potters and Joshua Stone lifted their coffee cups in a congratulatory toast. Lawson seemed just as bewildered as she did by the positive response. “Ellie, why is everyone smiling?”

      “I don’t know.”

      Maddie couldn’t stop grinning as she led them to their table. “This is so wonderful! I don’t know why no one thought of it before. You two are just perfect for each other. Y’all had us fooled into thinking you were just friends but now we all know better, don’t we?”

      Ellie felt her cheeks warm. She darted a glance at Lawson before she met Maddie’s gaze. “What are you talking about?”

      “Oh, you don’t have to be coy, dearie.” She patted Ellie’s shoulder. “The whole town knows about your secret engagement. Don’t worry. We haven’t said a word to your families.”

      “Our secret what?” Lawson’s question came out rather loud.

      Maddie picked up the menu from the table. “Mrs. Greene saw you propose, Lawson. It’s been all over town for days.”

      Ellie’s gaze flew to Lawson. She glared at him. “Mrs. Greene saw you propose.” She couldn’t imagine anyone worse to have seen Lawson’s little prank. Mrs. Greene was, ironically, the biggest gossip in town and one of the strictest moralists. Not to mention that she’d always held a particular grudge against Ellie for all of her childhood pranks.

      Lawson seemed to be at a loss for words but guilt was written all over his face. A quick glance around the room told her everyone was watching so she stood to her feet. “Everyone, please listen closely then spread the news like wildfire. Lawson and I are not, nor have we ever been, engaged.”

      Mrs. Cummins set down her coffee with a thud. “But Mrs. Greene saw him kneel down and ask you.”

      “I was joking.”

      Maddie frowned at Lawson. “What an awful thing to joke about.”

      Ellie sent him a look seconding that, then turned to the crowd again. “Mrs. Greene also should have noticed that I punched him in the arm afterward. That’s

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