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      “You always were a good boy.”

      Ellie snorted. “Let’s not get carried away.”

      He shot her a glare over his mother’s shoulder then glanced past her to see Doc standing quietly to the side with a grin on his face. Lawson stepped forward and met the man with a hearty handshake. “Hello, Pa.”

      “It’s good to have you home, Son.”

      He stepped back and tried not to feel uncomfortable as everyone just stared at him like he might up and vanish on them. Ellie seemed to recover first. “I guess I’d better round up the rest of the O’Briens and Rutledges.”

      He sent her a grateful grin. “Thanks. I’d like to see them.”

      “Then turn around and look,” a familiar voice called from behind him.

      He turned to find Sean standing behind him, a wide grin on his face. Lawson reached out to one of the few men he’d let close enough to hug. They pounded each other on the back then quickly stepped apart.

      Lawson couldn’t stop smiling. “How are you, Sean?”

      “Fine, just fine.” Sean shook his hand for good measure. “It sure is good to see you in Peppin again.”

      “It’s just good to see you period. Where’s Lorelei? I heard you managed to get her down the aisle.” Lorelei stepped up beside Sean and offered him a hopeful smile, looking just as beautiful as always. She looked so happy—just further proof of how right she’d been to stop her marriage to him just before saying “I do.” Everything had turned out for the best, so there didn’t need to be any awkwardness between them now. This was home. This was the only family he had and now she was a part of it.

      He didn’t question his instincts. He just pulled her into a quick brotherly hug then stepped away from her. “It looks like married life agrees with you.”

      She smiled and slipped her hand into Sean’s. “It certainly does.”

      Nathan and Kate Rutledge appeared with their children. There was more hugging and more talking. Finally, they all settled into a rather familiar group with Kate and Nathan talking to his parents and him with Sean, Ellie and Lorelei. He glanced around at the festive celebration surrounding them and smiled in relief. Just like that he knew he was back where he belonged and everything else seemed to fade into the past.

      * * *

      Ellie glanced over her shoulder to give Lawson a parting smile as the caller had everyone switch partners. Sean spun her around as they danced across the grass together in time with the music. Her gaze traveled back to where it had rested many times since the dance started. Once again, Maddie and Jeff nearly ran into another couple because they couldn’t keep their eyes off each other. Ellie frowned.

      Sean followed her gaze then glanced down at her. “I would have thought you’d be proud.”

      “Proud of what? Proud that the tale of my desperate attempt to find a husband has been bandied across town like the joke of the century? Proud that not one of the men who approached me afterward wanted anything more than a point in the right direction? What am I supposed to be proud of, Sean? Tell me, because I’d sure like to know why everyone is patting me on the back. I am a joke, Sean, a household joke who can find love for everyone but herself.”

      Sean’s arm tightened around her waist. “Stop saying that. You aren’t a joke, Ellie. As for love, don’t you know the Bible says ‘do not stir or awaken love until the time is right’? Did you ever think that just maybe the time wasn’t right?”

      “No, I didn’t.”

      “Well, maybe that’s what it is. Maybe God knows you aren’t ready for that. Or maybe you aren’t the holdup at all. Maybe your future husband is the one who isn’t ready.”

      She sighed. “I sure wish he’d hurry up. I’m tired of waiting.”

      He laughed. “What has you in such an all-fired hurry all of a sudden?”

      “I don’t know.” She bit her lip. “Sometimes I think something must be wrong with me since I’ve never had anything close to a beau.”

      He stiffened. “There isn’t a thing wrong with you.”

      She ignored his comment and narrowed her eyes. “You know what I think the problem is? All of the men in this town see me as a little sister.”

      “Stop acting like one and they’ll stop treating you like one.”

      She pursed her lips to the side. Now, that was an interesting statement. She wasn’t exactly sure how to do that but something had to change and it might need to be her behavior. She was plumb tired of being looked at merely as the town’s source of amusement. She wanted to prove that she was more than that. She wanted to prove that she was worthy of being wanted.

      Sean finished the dance with her before leading her to the table where their families sat. He pulled out the empty chair that had been left between Lawson and Kate for her, then went to sit beside Lorelei. As he did, Nathan cleared his throat. “Since we’re all gathered here, I have an announcement to make. As you know, the horse ranch Kate and I started almost ten years ago has been doing very well lately. We’ve decided to expand.”

      This certainly wasn’t news to Ellie, but she offered her congratulations, anyway. However, Nathan wasn’t finished. “As part of that expansion, I decided to hire a new foreman. I’m pleased to announce that Lawson has agreed to take the position.”

      Happy gasps circled the table and Ellie’s was among them. Her gaze flew to Lawson just as he gave a bashful shrug. “Surprise! I hope y’all don’t mind that I’m going to stick around.”

      “Mind?” Sean’s tone portrayed how completely ridiculous he found the question. “Why would we mind? This is great.”

      Ms. Lettie seemed to be glowing. “Does this mean no more traveling? You’ll be settled in Peppin permanently?”

      Lawson nodded. “The opportunity came at just the right time. I was ready to retire my badge.”

      Doc’s approval shone in his eyes. “It will be good to have you home.”

      “It’s perfect. Does this mean you’ll live at the ranch again?” Ellie glanced at Kate for confirmation. “Perhaps in the cabin? Or will we build something new?”

      Lawson shook his head. “The cabin will do just fine for me. I don’t need anything fancy.”

      “We’ll get that figured out soon,” Nathan said just as Maddie and Jeff passed the table.

      Jeff paused to speak to Ellie. “Thanks again, Ellie. If it wasn’t for that list—”

      “I know. You’re welcome.” She didn’t mean to be abrupt, but really! Enough was enough.

      The couple stepped away from the table. Lawson’s voice drew her gaze as he regarded her. “What did Jeff say about a list?”

      She leaned back in her chair as her family and closest friends launched into the story she was sick and tired of hearing. Sean caught her gaze and she returned his wry grin with a roll of her eyes. She took a sip of punch and managed to swallow her annoyance with a big gulp of the fruity concoction. Lawson sent her a measuring look once the story was through. “Looks like you’ve caused quite a stir.”

      She lifted her chin. “What else is new?”

      Lawson chuckled. “Ellie, I’m just curious. Who did you match up with me?”

      “I don’t remember.” Ellie’s gaze swept toward Lettie and Kate before she settled on Lorelei’s face. Lorelei looked as baffled as she. Suddenly, Ellie’s confusion fled and she turned back to him. “You weren’t living here, so you weren’t on the list.”

      “That’s too bad. It would have been nice to—”


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