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about the baby.”

      That sounded like an accusation. His gaze snapped to hers. “I didn’t tell anyone.”

      “I know that.” She waved that away with such casualness he relaxed again. Toby was a man of his word. Always. The one thing he always remembered his father saying was, “Without his honor, a man’s got nothing.” That had always stuck with him, to the point that Toby never made a promise unless he was sure he could keep it.

      “You know, you’re the only man in my life who’s never let me down, Toby,” she said softly. “The one person I can always count on.”

      He nodded but didn’t say anything, because knowing Naomi, she had more to say.

      “I tried to contact Gio again.”

      And there it was. Irritation spiked inside him, and Toby didn’t bother to hide it. Gio Fabiani, a one-night stand who had left Naomi pregnant and wasn’t worth the dust on her fancy boots. But Naomi being Naomi, for the last couple of months she’d been trying to track the man down to tell him about the baby. Even if she did finally find him, though, Toby was sure that Gio wouldn’t give a flying damn.

      “You’ve got to let that go,” he ground out. “Just because the man fathered your child doesn’t mean he’s good enough to be its father.”

      “I know, but—”

      “No buts,” he said, interrupting her. “Damn it, Naomi, you told me yourself that sleeping with that sleaze was a mistake. You really want to make another one by bringing him back into your life?”

      “Shouldn’t he know that he has a child?”

      “If he hadn’t blown in and out of your life so fast, he would know,” Toby said, though in truth he was damned grateful that Gio hadn’t been more than a blip on Naomi’s radar. She deserved better. “I did some checking of my own when you first told me about this.”

      “You checked? Into Gio?”

      “Who else?” He calmed himself by stroking his palm up and down the length of his horse’s neck. “The man’s a worthless user. He goes through women like we go through feed for the horses.”

      She flushed, and he knew she didn’t like hearing it, but true was true.

      His voice low and soft, Toby added, “He’s never going to stand with you, Naomi.”

      She took a breath and huffed it out again. “I know that, too. And I don’t want him to, anyway.” Shaking her head, she started pacing again. “One night of bad judgment doesn’t make for a relationship. But I should tell him about the baby before this Maverick person sends that video out into the world and it goes viral.” She stopped opposite him again and laid one hand against her belly. “Viral. People everywhere will see that awful video. People will be laughing at me. Feeling sorry for me. Or, worse, cheering, because like you said, I haven’t always been the nicest human being on the planet. Oh, God, my stomach’s churning and it has nothing to do with the baby.”

      “You’ll survive this,” he said.

      “Why should I have to survive? Who is this Maverick? Why has nobody found him yet?”

      “I don’t know—to all those questions.”

      Shooting another speculative look at his friend, Toby wondered exactly what she was thinking. With Naomi it was never easy to guess. She’d long since learned to school her features into a blank mask that could convince her disinterested parents that all was well. But usually with him, she was more forthcoming. Still, things were different now. She was more shaken than he’d ever seen her. It wasn’t just the pregnancy—it was how her life seemed to be spinning out of her control.

      And Naomi liked control.

      “The video he sent me was just...” Her sentence trailed off as she shook her head. “If he puts that out on the internet like he threatened, everyone in town’s going to know my secret in a few hours.”

      Toby sighed, braced both forearms on the top rung of the corral fence and waited until her gaze met his to say, “Honey, they were all going to know within another month or two anyway. It’s not like you could hide it much longer.”

      He was repeating himself and he knew it, but sometimes it took a hammer to pound the truth into Naomi’s mind when she didn’t want to admit to something. That hard head of hers was one of the things he liked most about her. Which made him a damn fool, probably. But there was something about the look she got in her eye when she was set on something that twisted his guts into knots. Knots he couldn’t do a damn thing about, since she was his best friend. But he did wonder from time to time if Naomi’s insides ever twisted over him.

      Naomi stopped pacing, spun around to look at him and blurted, “You’re right.”

      That surprised Toby enough that his eyebrows lifted high on his forehead. She saw it and laughed, and blast if the sound didn’t light fires inside him. Fires he deliberately ignored. Hell, of course his body responded as it did. She was a beautiful woman with a laugh that sounded like warm nights and silk sheets. A man would have to be dead six months to not be affected by Naomi.

      “I’m not so stubborn—or delusional—I can’t see the truth when it takes a bite out of me,” she said. Leaning her arms on the fence rail alongside his, she said, “That’s really why I came out to see you this morning. I know what I have to do, and I wanted to ask you to come with me to tell my parents.”

      He frowned a little, because he didn’t much care for Naomi’s folks. They were always so prissy, so sure of their own righteousness they put him off. Their house was like a damn museum, quiet, still, where a dust speck wouldn’t have the nerve to show up. Always made him feel like a clumsy cowboy.

      But he knew how they made Naomi feel, too. She’d never quite measured up to parents who probably shouldn’t have had a child to begin with. From everything Naomi had told him and from what he’d seen firsthand, they’d been showing her for years in word and deed just how disappointing she was to them. The announcement she had to make today wasn’t going to help the situation any.

      She was watching him, waiting for an answer, and Toby saw a flicker of unease in her eyes. He didn’t like it. “Sure,” he said, “I’ll come along.”

      “Thanks, Toby,” she said, reaching over to lay one hand on his forearm. “I knew you’d do this for me. You really are my best friend.”

      A best friend probably shouldn’t experience a jolt of lust with just a touch of her hand on his arm. So he’d just keep that to himself.

      * * *

      Naomi was nervous. But then, she’d been nervous since opening the email with the subject line Your Secret Is Out. She’d known the moment she saw the blasted thing in her inbox that Maverick had finally turned his talons toward her. For the last few months, she’d watched as people she knew and cared about had had their lives turned upside down by this malicious phantom. And somehow she’d managed to keep hoping he wouldn’t turn on her. Now that he had, though, she was forced to tell her parents the truth and live through what she always thought of as the “disappointment stare.” Again.

      Her entire life, Naomi had known that she was continually letting her parents down. Oh, no one had actually said anything—that would have been distasteful. But parents had other ways of letting their children know they didn’t measure up, and the Prices were masters at silent disapproval.

      No matter what Naomi had done in her life, her mother and father stood back and looked at her as if they didn’t have a clue where she’d come from. Today was going to be no different.

      Thank God Toby was coming with her to face them. She glanced at his stoic profile as he drove his Ford 150 down the road toward her family’s mini mansion. He was the only one who knew her secret. The only one she’d trusted enough to go to when she realized two months ago that she was pregnant. And didn’t that say something? She hadn’t even told Cecelia Morgan and Simone

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