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he did.”

      Spence didn’t bother to hold back the chuckle, and draped an arm over her shoulders. “I suppose he did. I like your family.”

      “So do I. Most of the time.”

      “You’re lucky to have them. Watching Freddie here has made me realize how important family is. I don’t suppose I’ve really tried to get closer to Nina or my parents.”

      “They’re still family. Perhaps we’re as close as we are, because when we came here we only had each other.”

      “It’s true my family never crossed the mountains into Hungary in a wagon.”

      That made her laugh. “Rachel was always jealous that she hadn’t been born yet. When she was little, she would get back by saying she was more American, because she’d been born in New York. Then not long ago, someone said to her that if she wanted to be a lawyer, she should think of changing or shortening her name.” With a new laugh, Natasha looked up at him. “She became very insulted and very Ukrainian.”

      “It’s a good name. You could always keep it professionally after you marry me.”

      “Don’t start.”

      “Must be your father’s influence.” He glanced at the dark shop, where a Closed sign hung on the door. “The store’s closed.”

      “I know.” She turned into his arms. “I just wanted to walk. Now that we’re standing here in a dark doorway, alone, I can kiss you.”

      “Good point.” Spence lowered his mouth to hers.

      Natasha was annoyed with herself for dozing off and on during the drive home. She felt as though she’d spent a week mountain climbing, rather than less than forty-eight hours in her family home. By the time she shook herself awake for the last time, they were crossing the Maryland border into West Virginia.

      “Already.” She straightened in her seat and cast an apologetic glance at Spence. “I didn’t help you drive.”

      “It’s all right. You looked like you needed the rest.”

      “Too much food, too little sleep.” She looked back at Freddie, who was sleeping soundly. “We’ve been poor company for you.”

      “You can make up for it. Come home with me for a while.”

      “All right.” It was the least she could do, Natasha thought. With Vera away until Sunday, she could help him tuck Freddie into bed and fix him a light meal.

      When they pulled up in front of the house, they managed the suitcases and the sleeping child between them. “I’ll take her up,” he murmured. “It won’t take long.”

      Natasha waited in the kitchen, brewing tea and making sandwiches. It was ridiculous, she thought. She not only was exhausted but starving. By the time Spence came down again, she had Vera’s worktable set.

      “She’s sleeping like a rock.” He scanned the table. “You read my mind.”

      “With two unconscious passengers you couldn’t stop and eat.”

      “What have we got?”

      “Old Ukrainian tradition.” She pulled back her chair. “Tuna fish.”

      “Wonderful,” Spence decided after the first bite.

      It was more than the sandwich. He liked having her there, sitting across from him in the glare of the kitchen light with the house quiet around them. “I guess you’ll open the shop tomorrow.”

      “Absolutely. It’ll be a madhouse from now until Christmas. I’ve hired a college student part-time, and he starts tomorrow.” She lifted her cup and grinned at him over the rim. “Guess who it is.”

      “Melony Trainor,” he said, naming one of his most attractive students and earning a punch on the shoulder.

      “No. She’s too busy flirting with men to work. Terry Maynard.”

      “Maynard? Really?”

      “Yes. He can use the money to buy a new muffler for his car. And…” She paused dramatically. “He and Annie are an item.”

      “No kidding?” He was grinning as he sat back. “Well, he certainly got over having his life shattered quickly.”

      Natasha lifted a brow. “It wasn’t shattered, only shaken. They’ve been seeing each other almost every night for three weeks.”

      “Sounds serious.”

      “I think it is. But Annie’s worried she’s too old for him.”

      “How much older is she?”

      Natasha leaned forward and lowered her voice. “Oh, very much older. Nearly an entire year.”

      “Cradle robber.”

      With a laugh she leaned back again. “It’s nice to see them together. I only hope they don’t forget to wait on customers because they’re mooning at each other.” She shrugged, and went back to her tea. “I think I’ll go in early and start on the decorations.”

      “You’ll be tired at the end of the day. Why don’t you come here for dinner?”

      Curious, she tilted her head. “You cook?”

      “No.” He grinned and polished off his sandwich. “But I do great takeout. You can get a whole box of chicken or pizza with the works. I’ve even been known to come up with oriental seafood.”

      “I’ll leave the menu to you.” She rose to clear the table, but he took her hand.

      “Natasha.” He stood, using his free hand to stroke her hair. “I want to thank you for sharing the last couple of days with me. It meant a lot.”

      “To me too.”

      “Still, I’ve missed being alone with you.” He bent to brush his lips over hers. “Come upstairs with me. I want very much to make love with you in my bed.”

      She didn’t answer. Nor did she hesitate. Slipping an arm around his waist, she went with him.

      He left the bedside light on low. She could just see the dark, masculine colors he’d chosen for his room. Midnight blue, forest green. An oil painting in a heavy, ornate frame dominated one wall. She could see the silhouettes of exquisite antiques. The bed was big, a generous private space covered by a thick, soft quilt. A special space, Natasha realized, knowing he had never brought another woman to this bed, to this room.

      In the mirror over the bureau she caught their reflections as they stood side by side and saw herself smile when he touched a hand to her cheek.

      There was time, time to savor. The fatigue she had felt earlier had vanished. Now she felt only the glow that came from loving and being loved. Words were too difficult, but when she kissed him, her heart spoke for her.

      Slowly they undressed each other.

      She slipped his sweater over his head. He undid the buttons of her cardigan, then pushed it from her shoulders. Keeping her eyes on his, she unfastened his shirt. He slid up the cotton sweater, letting his fingers trail until she was free of it. She unhooked his trousers. He flipped the three snaps that held her slacks at the waist. Keeping his hands light, he drew the teddy down her body as she tugged away the last barrier between them.

      Quietly they moved together, her palms pressing against his back, his skimming up her sides. Heads tilting first this way, then that, they experimented with long, lingering kisses. Enjoyment. Their bodies warming, their mouths seeking, it seemed so easy here.

      They drew back in unspoken agreement. Spence pulled down the quilt. They slipped under it together.

      Intimacy had no rival, Natasha thought. There was nothing to compare with this. Their bodies rubbed against each other, so that the sheets whispered with each movement. Her

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