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about her. Why should he? They hadn’t mixed in the same crowd or been in the same classes. But... A sigh escaped her lips. The way her name sounded in his gravelly voice was something to hold onto. It warmed her when she was already hot, flattened the goose bumps that dust had raised, gave her hope. Hope for what? No idea, but it was so rare she’d hold onto it anyway.

      The pack still weighed her down, pulling so her spine curved backwards, but it was the head stuff that kept her rooted to the spot. That and the man whose long legs were eating up the parade ground as he put distance between them. She felt as though she had too many balls in the air and wasn’t about to catch any of them.

      Trudging towards her barracks, she tried to drag up memories of Sam. He’d been head boy in their last year, captain of his sports teams, a natural leader if the devotion from others wasn’t a figment of her imagination. Officer material for sure. Which said he’d want to be in charge here in the medical unit. Probably was anyway, given he’d been here for a year.

      Too much to think about right now. Exhaustion gnawed at her. Her body ached and her head was full of wool. The heat pelted her from every direction. She was in way over her depth and had no idea how to get out. But she would find a way: after a shower and a full night’s sleep in a bed, and after time to reflect on how she could move forward without blotting her copybook.

      Now, there was a first.

      Could be quite exciting really.


      ‘MADISON HUNTER SURE grew up beautiful,’ Sam muttered. But, then, she’d had a good start, had always been cute and pretty, and had kept the guys on the lookout for her around the school grounds.

      Slamming the outside door behind him, he cut off the heat—and the sight of Captain Hunter. He recalled the pert nose, the sweet mouth, and the thick, dark blonde hair that had swished back and forth across her back whenever she’d worn it free of the ties that the school had insisted on most of the time. That mouth wasn’t so sweet any more; tightened quickly as a lightning flash at times. But not in a sulky, spoilt manner. More as if something had hurt her in the past and she was desperate to hold herself together. There’d been a load of fear in her eyes, her face, her stance. What had that been about? Something horrendous that had changed her for ever? That’d be an explanation he could understand all too well. As for the short bob—who’d known how curly her hair was? Must’ve been the weight of it all that had kept it nearly straight back then.

      ‘What had I been thinking when I rushed out to welcome her on base?’ Had he wanted a taste of home? From someone who knew next to nothing about him? They were virtually strangers, had barely acknowledged each other eighteen years ago, mainly because they’d had nothing in common. These days his cocky confidence had been replaced with caution and a blinding awareness of how life could implode in an instant. Drawing everyone close to him no longer happened. Instead, he used the guilt he carried to keep everyone distant. How could he be happy when other people weren’t able to be because of him?

      Drawn to the window like a lad to the candy shop, he stared out at Madison dragging herself towards the officers’ quarters. Tall, slim and, from the muscles tightening under his palms when he’d caught her, very fit. Enough to make a man put his heart on the line. If he had a heart. Which meant she was safe from him. He’d put that particular organ in lockdown two years ago to protect anyone from being hurt by him.

      But he couldn’t deny the blood in his veins. It was heating him, hardening him, reminding him how long it had been since he’d been with a woman. Too long. An oath ripped out of his mouth as the truth slam-dunked him. Unbelievable. He wanted Madison. Minutes after saying hello to someone he barely knew and he was reacting with none of the usual hesitations that instantly sprang up to protect him, and her. Unbelievable.

      He was going to have to pull tight on those bands around the pit that held all his emotions. In a very short time Madison was proving to be a challenge to everything he held close and accepted as his way of life now. He’d have to dig deep to keep her off limits. But he’d had plenty of practice over the last two years, so what was one week of hardship? An impossibility? No. Definitely doable.

      The window was warm against his forehead as he tracked Maddy’s slow movements. Exhaustion folded her in on herself as she hauled one shapely leg after the other. He should’ve taken her pack and dumped it in the barracks regardless of the fact she’d been in a hurry to get away from him. How hard would it have been to do something kind instead of walking away to save his own sanity? There was no answer. Only minutes in her company and she’d begun scrambling his brain like the eggs he’d had for breakfast.

      ‘What’s the great attraction out there?’ Jock called across the room.

      ‘Nothing,’ he muttered.

      ‘So you’re going to stand there all day gaping at nothing?’ Jock was supposedly going through patient records, removing the ones of those staff heading back to New Zealand next week.

      Grabbing the interruption with both hands, he turned around. ‘What’s up? That stack of files doesn’t appear any lower than it did an hour ago.’

      Jock had probably been texting his family and pals at home. Now that they both only had a few days remaining it was getting harder to focus entirely on this tour of duty. Home was beckoning. For him that meant another army base, another round of training as well as working in a local hospital surgical unit until the next posting. More time to contemplate the empty years ahead.

      ‘I hear the new medic’s arrived. Guess we’ll meet her shortly.’

      ‘She’s unpacking.’ You’re going to fall under her spell in a snap. She was everything a red-blooded male could ask for.

      ‘You’ve met her?’

      ‘Long time back.’ Yikes. He hadn’t mentioned recognising her name in the email from headquarters. Now Jock would go for his throat. Sam tried to deflect him. ‘Just passed her on the field, said hello.’ Had seen her become as still as a rock, colourless as marble, staring at something he’d been unable to figure out as though it was going to attack her. He’d caught her before she’d face planted. What had that been about? Smoke, she’d said. Dust, he’d told her. The fear that had blitzed him from the shadows lurking in her eyes had dampened her spark into a dark brown bog filled with hidden torments. Genuine, don’t-hurt-me fear. He hated that. There’d been signs that spoke of pain and anguish, signs she’d desperately tried to hide. And failed.

      What happened to you, Madison?

      No, he didn’t want to know. Knowing would lead to wanting to learn even more and before he knew it he’d be getting close to her. He’d seen that fearful look before—in William’s eyes as he’d lain dying. Sam’s head tipped back as pain stabbed him. William. His best friend. They’d clicked the moment they’d met on the first day of training at Papakura Military Camp. The friend who’d never returned home after following him to Afghanistan.

      ‘Sam,’ Jock called, loud enough to break into his maudlin thoughts. ‘You got the hots for this woman? Or is there some juicy history?’ Jock’s expression was full of expectation.

      Go away, man. But that wasn’t going to happen any time soon, so Sam went for the obvious. ‘I guess Madison will come visiting when she’s ready,’ he told the man who’d refused to back off from becoming a friend, no matter how often he’d been pushed aside.

      Jock’s head tipped sideways. ‘Something you’re not telling me?’

      The guy was too shrewd for his own good. ‘Can’t think of anything.’

      He got laughed at for his efforts. ‘You’ve fallen for her.’

      ‘In thirty seconds? Give me a break.’ He shuddered at the thought. And that wasn’t because Madison was a horror.

      ‘I’ve heard that’s all it takes.’

      ‘Shouldn’t you

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