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      Body Language for Leaders

      Use Rhetoric & Psychology, Improve Gestures & Facial Expressions, Control Non-Nerbal Communication & Physical Signals, Learn Apperance Effect & Charisma

       Simone Janson (ed.)

      Published by Best of HR - Berufebilder.de®

      Table of Contents


       Introduction: How this book supports you

       Add-on, press reviews and customer feedback

       Content of the book

       Structure of the book

       Information as desired and additional material to the book!

       Personal eBooks and eCourses

       10 Tips to guide virtual teams: face to face or virtually communicate? // By Ghislane Caulat

       Body language in politics: Obama calls Putin bored schoolchild // By Simone Janson

       The ideal boss: communication as the key to success // By Jürgen W. Goldfuß

       How good manners of career use: 10 tips on business etiquette // By Dr. Cornelia Topf

       Get more respect: your standing // By Natalie Schnack

       Leadership - Learning to be Authentic and Sympathetic: I want to stay the way I am? // By Michael Moesslang

       The success principles of leadership: polarity and resonance // By Heinz Peter Wallner, Kurt Völkl

       Gesture facial expressions voice: the power of the right effect // By Simone Janson

       Leadership and Motivation of Employees: Change in 5 Steps // By Stefan Häseli

       Employee Leadership - Improving Team Performance: Pygmalion Effect in 5 Steps // By Gerd Mittmann

       Body language for Leaders: 10 tips for the right effect // By Simone Janson

       Improve appearance and impact in the team: roles and interaction patterns // By Sally Hogshead

       Closing Remarks

       Authors Overview

       Ghislane Caulat

       Jürgen W. Goldfuss

       Stefan Häseli

       Sally Hogshead

       Simone Janson

       Gerd Mittmann

       Michael Moesslang

       Natalie Schnack

       Dr. Cornelia Topf

       Kurt Völkl

       Heinz Peter Wallner

       About the publisher Best of HR - Berufebilder.de®

       Notes on translation


      The German National Library lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; Detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at https://dnb.dnb.de.

      ISBN of the German eBook edition: 9783965960558

      ISBN of the English eBook edition: 9783965960541

      German website of the publisher: https://berufebilder.de

       English website of the publisher: https://best-of-hr.com

      Body Language for Leaders

      1st edition, 26.08.2019

      © 2019 Publisher Simone Janson | Best of HR Berufebilder.de®

      Duesseldorf, Germany

      Conception, editing, graphic design & layout: Simone Janson

      Cover design with Canva

      eMail: [email protected]

      We make the Working World more Human and Ecological, so we donate Revenue for Certified Reforestation. As Publisher Best of HR - Berufebilder .de® with an unique Book Concept, on-demand eCourses and News Service we share 15 years of Experience with our Customers (Samsung, Otto, State Institutions). By the Top20-Blogger Simone Janson, referenced in ARD, ZEIT, Скачать книгу