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to groom the sorrel.

      “I don’t think you’ll like it.”

      “All right. Tell me. How do you plan to get her to agree?” Jess asked, frowning slightly as he studied Marek.

      The following Friday night, a spring evening with the sun slanting in the sky, Camille sat across from Marek. They were on his patio at his Dallas home. Steaks had just been put on the grill. She was sipping her glass of wine while Marek had a barely touched martini. She had dressed with care in a red cotton sundress with high-heeled sandals and her hair was up on her head. She suspected she could have worn a gunnysack and Marek would not have noticed. She still didn’t think he ever saw her as a woman, which was just as well because she didn’t want to get into a relationship with any man at this point in her life.

      Tonight, it seemed he was taking his time because he had not brought up the subject of what arrangements he hoped to make with her regarding Noah, which he had said was the purpose of asking her to dinner. She had no intention of rushing him, either. She had mulled it over constantly and the most workable plan she and Ashley could devise was for her to always get a home large enough for the Rangels to come visit when they wanted. They would be welcome wherever she lived, either here or abroad. If she could get a wing where they could stay off to themselves, she thought they might be happier. She couldn’t imagine leaving Noah behind in Texas. She and Ashley had agreed on that one and she had constantly reassured Stephanie she would stick to that decision.

      Taking a deep breath, Camille hoped to calm her nerves. A steady uneasiness plagued her because she had big doubts that he would agree to what she intended to offer.

      She watched him stand over the steaks, which were sending a spiral of gray smoke into the air. When he had arrived at her house to pick her up in a limousine, he had looked as commanding and successful as ever. Wearing a charcoal suit and red tie, he looked ready for an evening out. Had the suit been meant to be a reminder of his wealth and power? Enticing smells of the grilling meat would usually tempt her, but her stomach churned. Marek seemed strong willed, a man totally accustomed to getting his way. His fortune held a possible threat like a twister spinning on her horizon.

      Marek picked up his drink and returned to sit near her. “Steaks will be done soon. I hope you have an appetite.”

      “I’ll admit I’m nervous, and that’s killing my appetite. I’m far more anxious over this than going onstage.”

      “Don’t be disturbed,” he said quietly. “We’ll work something out, hopefully to the satisfaction of all and in Noah’s best interests as well. He can’t participate in this, but he has the biggest stake.”

      “That’s true,” she said, feeling better that Marek sounded as if he would put Noah first.

      Marek leaned forward to take her hand lightly in his. His compelling dark eyes made her breath catch. Why was she having this reaction to him?

      “Relax, Camille,” he said in a gentle tone. “We’ll try to find a solution that will be in everyone’s best interest.”

      “I hope so. That’s what I’ve prayed for,” she replied, aware of the jump in her pulse. She was certain it was a very onesided attraction that she shouldn’t have to him. And she couldn’t guess what he was going to ask her to do regarding Noah.

      “Relax, have some wine, eat some steak. Let’s have dinner and then we’ll talk about Noah.”

      She nodded, unable to speak. Smiling, he patted her hand and sat back to raise his drink. “Here’s to a happy solution and to you and Kern having a beautiful, adorable son.”

      She had to return his smile as she touched his glass lightly. “I’ll have to drink to that,” she said, taking a tiny sip.

      “And I have to say, my brother always had great taste in his female friends,” he added with an uncustomary smile as he raised his glass to her.

      It was the closest he had come to flirting. “Thank you. I’m not sure about great taste. Perhaps we were thrown together on a festive occasion and everything clicked.”

      “You have a great little boy. Thank you for letting me know about him.”

      “I’ve told you why. I’m pleased that you’re responding in a positive way.”

      He smiled and sipped his drink before glancing at the cooker. “I’ll get the steaks.”

      They ate outside at a glass-topped table with dinner served by his staff. After dinner they moved back to the lawn chairs overlooking the pool and yard. The staff quietly cleared the table, and, when they were left alone, Marek turned his chair to face her.

      “Tell me what you propose,” he said. He listened as she talked about getting a place wherever she went that would be large enough for all of them and how he and his family could visit whenever and however long they chose.

      Marek simply listened and nodded, and her heart raced as she talked. Her palms had grown damp.

      After she finished, he sat quietly, sipping a tall glass of iced tea. She waited in silence, letting him take his time. It seemed eons before he set down his drink and spoke.

      “That’s a feasible plan,” he said, and she let out her breath. She couldn’t relax completely because she was certain he had something else in mind.

      “I have another idea. All I ask is for you to listen to what I propose. Don’t give me an answer tonight—we can talk about it. I want you to think it over before you answer.”

      “That sounds reasonable but scary.”

      He smiled again, a smile that softened his features and made him slightly less intimidating. “Good. You are totally tied up in your career and Noah, right?”

      “Yes. You know that.”

      “I lost my fiancée, and I’m not interested in a deep commitment. Jillian had my heart. I enjoy women and the day will come when I won’t be so numb with grief, but I can’t imagine ever loving again. What I’m getting at is both of us have set loving one special person on hold, more or less.”

      “You’re right,” she said, her curiosity soaring.

      “Camille, will you marry me? A marriage of convenience would help both of us and should be so much better for Noah.”

      Stunned, she dropped her glass of tea, barely aware of it shattering on the patio.


      “Please don’t answer me now because I want you to think about it. Any answer you give me immediately will be a knee-jerk reaction. Marry me—it’ll be a marriage of convenience in the fullest sense,” he repeated. “At some point I would expect us to have a physical relationship. I think it would be unrealistic to expect otherwise.”

      His voice sounded as if it came from far away, and she felt light-headed. Marry him! “Sorry, I think I’m going to faint.”

      He stopped talking instantly and stood. “Put your head down for a moment.” She did as he said and soon felt a cold wet cloth being placed gently on the back of her neck. His warm fingers on her nape were disturbing in a far different way than his proposal had been.

      As her head cleared, she sat up.

      “Take a deep breath or two and just relax.”

      “I broke your glass,” she said, glancing at the sparkling shards at her feet.

      “Forget that. Just relax a moment. The proposal is a surprise, and that’s why I want you to think about it. When you feel clear and are ready to hear them, I can give you reasons I came up with this solution.”

      “I suppose I’m ready.”

      He studied her, and she gazed back, trying to calm down enough to listen to him. She wanted to blurt out a refusal now. Why would she have to think it over? How could he have ever expected her to accept?


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