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moment passed. “I just know how I would feel if I were in your position.”

      “You never saw Kern any other time?”

      “No. The weekend I met your brother was the only time I was with him. While I had a wonderful time with him, we really weren’t that close.”

      “Kern was the embodiment of charm and fun.” He realized she was as easy to dance with as she was to talk to. Her perfume was enticing, and the low vee of her neckline revealed the beginning of full, soft curves.

      “Do you want a bigger family—a husband, maybe a sibling for Noah?”

      “Yes, at some distant future point in my life. But right now I have a career to pursue, and it’s on the rise. I have a baby to take care of and he’s most important.”

      A fast number began, and, in seconds, he was dancing with enthusiasm. It felt good to move, and he liked to watch her. She was an energetic, sensual dancer. While he moved, cares and heartaches dropped away and burdens lifted from his shoulders.

      A samba followed and they continued dancing. He shrugged off his suit jacket and draped it over an empty chair at the edge of the dance floor. He looked at Camille’s mass of black hair and wished she had left it loose. She was enticing, melting away some of his hurt and numbness. As the dance ended, he pulled her close to lean over in a dip.

      When he gazed into her blue eyes, desire stirred, feelings that had ceased after his loss. Startled he swung Camille up, smiling at her.

      The realization that he was beginning to get over his loss shocked him.

      When a slow ballad started, he drew Camille into his arms to dance. “I have to admit, the Dancing is fun. I haven’t done this in a while. Maybe it’s therapeutic.”

      “Actually, it probably is,” she said. “Dancing is definitely good for me. It’s relaxing, and you’re extremely good at it.”

      “Thanks. You’ve made it easy for me,” he said. Once again, he had a flash of awareness of her. He held her in his arms, and they gazed into each other’s eyes. The moment changed, became personal. Feelings that had been dormant in him for over a year stirred again, stronger this time. He looked at her full, sensuous, curving lips.

      The number ended, and they returned to the linen-covered table. By the time he sat facing her, his thoughts were partially on the baby again.

      “Do you know your schedule for the rest of the year?”

      “Yes. After Dallas, Santa Fe and Saint Louis, I leave for Budapest in October, and I will be there until December. Next March I will be in New York at the Met, where I’m not the lead but thrilled to perform.”

      “Budapest, New York—hell of a long way from Texas.”

      “I’m sorry, but that’s my life at this point.”

      “I understand. We’ll work on it as long as you want us to be part of his life. In the meantime, can we arrange a meeting where my sister can see Noah?”

      Before Camille could answer, white china plates with greens were placed in front of them. When they were alone again, Camille set down her water goblet. “I’m sure we can work out a time for your sister to see Noah. Actually, the weekend is coming up. Saturday morning would be a good time for us. Mornings are better because Noah will be awake. He’ll nap in the afternoon. I’ll have my voice practice, and I schedule time regularly for exercise, but I won’t stay with you anyway, so that won’t matter.”

      “I’ll let you know about Saturday morning. I need to run that past my sister because she has a family. I’d like to bring someone else with me, if I may. My ranch foreman has been with us all my life. He’s like a member of the family to me, and he was to Kern. I’d like him to see Noah.”

      “Of course,” she said, smiling warmly. “You’re not exactly like I thought you’d be,” she added, studying him. “You’re not like Kern, either.”

      “Definitely not like Kern,” he said. “So what did you expect?” Marek asked, amused and curious. When her cheeks turned pink, his curiosity grew. “You’re blushing. Your opinion must have been not so great. Now I’m curious.”

      “You’re more friendly than I thought you’d be,” she said, her cheeks growing even more red. “I thought you would be like you were the first few minutes at your office.”

      He smiled. “I’ll have to improve my image. I’ll have to admit, I wasn’t friendly at my office. I thought you wanted a donation for something to do with the opera.”

      She laughed, a light, inviting sound, making him want to cause her to laugh often.

      Conversation shifted to other topics. For the next hour over dinner, he enjoyed her company and enjoyed being out for the evening with a beautiful woman again.

      Later, when they returned to the dance floor, he found it was easier. He still thought of Jillian, still missed her badly, but he had better control of his emotions and he was happier about dancing. “I really would like to see Noah again before Saturday. Is there anytime that would be convenient for me to drop by when he’s awake?”

      “Of course. Just call ahead. Come tomorrow when you want. I’ll be home. I have a voice lesson, a workout and a French lesson, but I can break away briefly. We’ll be happy to see you.”

      “When do you have free time?”

      “I have some to be with Noah. There are moments my life is like everyone else’s. We’re all busy.”

      “Very well. I’ll come in the morning if that’s all right.”

      “It’s fine. It might give Ashley a bit of a break. Stephanie will vanish with errands, so you won’t cross paths with her.”

      “She feels that strongly about me,” he said, shaking his head.

      “She’s just scared.”

      “She doesn’t need to be afraid I’m taking your baby. I would never do that. No judge would let me anyway.”

      “Oh, one might. I think you have a lot of influence in this state.”

      “How I wish. Where was Noah born?”

      “Oddly enough, I had a special performance here and he was born in Texas. I had excellent care. I was in a Dallas hospital.”

      Marek smiled. “So we have another Rangel who’s a Texan. That would please Kern.”

      “I think it pleases you.”

      “Yes, it does,” he said.

      “I don’t think I’ve mentioned it, but I named him Noah Kern Avanole. I hope you don’t object.”

      “I’m glad you did. Did you tell Kern what you planned to name him?”

      “Of course, and he was delighted.”

      “I’ll bet he was. I’m still amazed he didn’t call me. Usually Kern didn’t keep things to himself. Noah Kern Avanole. Good name.”

      “Thank you. I thought so. Right now is a good time for everyone to see him. When I’m performing, I won’t be as free.”

      “That’s what I figured,” Marek said, thinking she had a face and figure to have gone into movies instead of opera. They danced until she mentioned the time and said she had to get home.

      They talked all the way during the flight back to Dallas and by the time he brought her to her condo door, he realized he had enjoyed the evening. Impulsively, he took her hand.

      “I’ve enjoyed getting to know you. I still can’t tell you how much I appreciate you sharing Noah with us. There aren’t words for that.”

      “I’m glad you’re happy about him and interested in him.”

      “I hope your sister stops worrying. I’ll never try to take

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