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       Edited by Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey

      Copyright © 2019 by Solution Tree Press

      Materials appearing here are copyrighted. With one exception, all rights are reserved. Readers may reproduce only those pages marked “Reproducible.” Otherwise, no part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission of the publisher.

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      Printed in the United States of America

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Names: Hierck, Tom, 1960- author. | Fisher, Douglas, 1965- editor. | Frey, Nancy, 1959- editor.

      Title: Managing unstoppable learning / Tom Hierck ; editors, Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey.

      Description: Bloomington, IN : Solution Tree Press, [2019] | Includes bibliographical references and index.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2018012996 | ISBN 9781945349881 (perfect bound)

      Subjects: LCSH: Professional learning communities. | Curriculum planning. | Educational planning. | Teachers--Professional relationships. | Teacher-principal relationships.

      Classification: LCC LB1731 .H5135 2019 | DDC 371.1/06--dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018012996

       Solution Tree

      Jeffrey C. Jones, CEO

      Edmund M. Ackerman, President

       Solution Tree Press

      President and Publisher: Douglas M. Rife

      Editorial Director: Sarah Payne-Mills

      Art Director: Rian Anderson

      Managing Production Editor: Kendra Slayton

      Senior Production Editor: Tara Perkins

      Senior Editor: Amy Rubenstein

      Copy Editor: Jessi Finn

      Proofreader: Evie Madsen

      Text and Cover Designer: Laura Cox

      Editorial Assistant: Sarah Ludwig

      This book is dedicated to the educators and learners in Woodridge, Illinois. School District 68 is making gains in student outcomes, and the educators there have demonstrated a willingness to continue to grow and learn to improve those outcomes. I have learned a lot during my five years of association with the schools there, and it has helped shape my thinking as I continue to work in schools and districts in other jurisdictions. I am indebted for the opportunities the district provided and the knowledge I gained. I hope this book does some justice to your efforts.

      As with every undertaking of this magnitude, time must be taken from somewhere. More often than not, it also means others must pick up some responsibilities. Thanks to my wife, Ingrid, I am able to create books like this and assist colleagues in their professional learning and growth. I have said it far too often for it to be believed anymore, but there will be a last book project soon, and more time returned to our lives. Your support is immeasurable and deeply appreciated.


      It is always an honor to have your name appear on a book cover, and the thrill of seeing each one does not fade. Having said that, none of the books I’ve authored would be possible without the incredible support of the team whose names do not appear on the front cover, so let me share them here.

      The members of the Solution Tree family have been great supporters of my work over time, and we are nearing double digits of titles in the Solution Tree catalogue with my name on them. Thanks to Douglas Rife for his never-ending encouragement; Claudia Wheatley for her indefatigable support; Jeff Jones for building a company for educators driven by educators; Shannon Ritz and the professional development team for getting the work out to colleagues via events; Erica Dooley-Dorocke and the marketing team for promoting the work in various formats; and the editorial efforts of Tara Perkins, who pushed me hard to make the book even better.

      Trusted colleagues are often the backbone of any successful writing endeavor. A huge thanks goes out to some excellent ones who have been working in Woodridge, Illinois, for many years and who opened their schools to me five years ago as we developed a very powerful connection. Patrick Broncato is the superintendent and provides leadership that allows schools to thrive. Greg Wolcott is the assistant superintendent for teaching and learning, and has devoted his professional career to making a difference for students and colleagues. His fingerprints are evident throughout this text. William Schmidt is the assistant superintendent for human resources, and formerly led the junior high school that I feature in this book. I value the hours of conversation we had as he helped to shape the success of the school. Justin Warnke is the new principal of Thomas Jefferson Junior High School and was previously the assistant principal. He has a great understanding of behavior, the needs of students, and the skill sets adults need to create positive outcomes. He spent numerous hours with me shaping the narrative that appears in the appendix of this book, and I am indebted to him for that assistance and appreciative of all that he taught me.

      Additional colleagues who provided insights include my good friend Chris Weber, who is passionate about ensuring behavior does not become the obstacle to student learning. We can talk for hours about the topic, and I always leave energized. Charlie Coleman and I have been on the same wavelength as far as taking a positive approach to behavior management for decades now, starting with our original training on positive behavior intervention and supports. Whenever I got stuck or needed a sounding board, he was able and willing to assist.

      Finally, I am once again appreciative of the opportunity to write another book built on the high-quality work of Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey. They are colleagues and friends who challenge my thinking while also providing insights into improving schools for all learners and educators. The Unstoppable Learning model breaks new ground with the clarity provided around each of the seven elements Fisher and Frey detail. To author a book that focuses on one of the elements was both daunting and enjoyable, and I thank them for their time and support as I crafted this work.

      Solution Tree Press would like to thank the following reviewers:

      Loreen Flanary

      Teacher Specialist Preschool

      Logan City School District

      Logan, Utah

      Tara O’Hea

      Special Education Teacher

      Hickory Creek Middle School

      Frankfort, Illinois

      Abby Sandlin


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