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      [0024] Agenzia Giornalistica Fotografica (AGF)

      Location: Via Salaria 332 - 00199 Roma, Italy

      Description: Founded in 1976, the archive consists of more than 2,000,000 images, including photographs relating to Mussolini and fascism.


      Guida alle fonti per la storia dei movimenti in Italia (1966-1978), a cura di Marco Grispigni and Leonardo Musci (Roma: Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali, 2003), http://www.archivi.beniculturali.it/­dga/uploads/documents/Str


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      [0024a] Spiro T. Agnew papers, 1953-1977, Coll. 74-10

      Location: Special Collections, University of Maryland Libraries, Hornbake Library, College Park, MD 20742

      Description: Spiro T. Agnew (1918-1996) was a Baltimore County (Md.) executive, governor of Maryland, and vice president of the United States. Correspondence; subject files; campaign materials; speeches; press releases; publications; calendars and schedules; news summaries; newspaper clippings; and briefing books. Correspondents include Patrick J. Buchanan, William F. Buckley, Milton S. Eisenhower, Charles McC. Mathias, Richard M. Nixon, and Ronald Reagan.

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      [0025] Agrarian Periodicals in the United States, 1920-1960 (Westport, CT, Greenwood Press, 1976) [microfilm]

      Description: This collection consists primarily of newsletters, pamphlets, and official journals of numerous agrarian organizations, published between 1926 and 1975, the vast majority from the 1930s, '40s, and '50s. Politically, the writings range from pro- and anti-Communist, to pro-Fascist, to pro- and anti-New Deal, from favoring unions and collectivism to opposing them, to anarchist, to mildly liberal or conservative. Includes Farmers Guild News, the organ of the National Farmers Guild, Apr. 1942-Apr. 1949, and Coughlin, Lemke and the Union Party, by Dale Kramer (Minneapolis, Farmers Book Store, 1936).


      Eugene A. Engeldinger, "Microform Reviews," Microform & Imaging Review, Volume 13, Issue 3 (Jan. 1984), p. 189, http://www.deepdyve.com/lp/de-gruyter/microform-reviews-5GurrQPM6M

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      [0026] Olivia Rossetti Agresti Papers, 1947-1963, YCAL MSS 173

      Location: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, P. O. Box 208240, New Haven, CT 06520-8240

      Description: Olivia Rossetti Agresti (1875-1960) was the secretary and biographer of David Lubin and an interpreter. The collection contains correspondence between Agresti and Ezra Pound documenting their political and economic views; their opinions of Mussolini and Fascism; and their disagreements on anti-Semitism and the Catholic Church. There are also letters from Dorothy Pound and several other friends of Pound, including T. S. Eliot; a few short pieces by Agresti, including one in defense of Pound; and a transcript of Pound's "Four Steps."

      Finding aids:



      [0026a] Agrupación Abdala Poster Collection, 1967-1982 [digital collection]

      Location: Cuban Heritage Collection, University of Miami Libraries, 1300 Memorial Drive, P.O. Box 248214, Coral Gables, Florida 33124-0320

      Description: Agrupación Abdala (or Agrupación Estudiantil Abdala) was an anti-Communist organization of primarily Cuban-born students founded in the United States in 1968 with chapters at several colleges and universities around the country. Abdala hosted congresses, marches, and other events to promote their anti-Castro agenda. The posters in this collection advertise these events and Abdala's causes.

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      [0027] James Aho Collection on Right-Wing Extremism, MC 131

      Location: Special Collections, The Eli M. Oboler Library, Idaho State University, 850 S 9th Ave, Pocatello, ID 83209

      Description: This collection, created by Dr. James Aho, contains clippings, pamphlets, books, newsletters from various right-wing extremist groups, newspaper articles, oral interviews, posters, periodicals, taped sermons, videos pertaining to right wing extremist propaganda, ideology, case studies, and correspondence with convicts, including those on death row, who are serving time for hate crimes.. Sample titles are Know Your Enemies, by Gordon "Jack" Mohr, and Essays of a Klansman, by Louis Beam. The collection also contains Aho's personal correspondence and interviews with members of the right-wing movement in north Idaho during the 1980s and '90s such as Aryan Nation members.


      Kelsi Linsenmann, "Aho Collection on Right-Wing Extremism Donated to Special Collections," Between the Lines: The Eli M. Oboler Library Newsletter, Idaho State University, Volume 20, Number 2, Spring 2013, pp. 1, 3, http://libpublic2.eol.isu.edu/documents/btl202spring.pdf; "Introduction to the James Aho Collections," CIMA Newsletter, Volume 40, Issue 4 (Fall/Winter 2013), p. 16, http://cimarchivists.­files.wordpress.com/2014/03/cima_newsletter_nov2013.pdf.

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      [0028] Aid Refugee Chinese Intellectuals Records, 1952-1970, Coll. 70023

      Location: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-6010

      Description: Aid Refugee Chinese Intellectuals, Inc. (ARCI, 1952-1970) was a State Department-funded, non-profit organization which aimed to resettle 25,000 Chinese intellectual refugees from Hong Kong in the United States. The records consist of correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings, financial records, and photographs relating to relief work for Chinese refugees. Files on Claire Chennault, Charles Edison, Christopher Emmet, Freedom Fund, J. Peter Grace, Joseph C. Grew, Stanley K. Hornbeck, Walter H. Judd, Arthur B. Lane, Marvin Liebman, Henry Luce, and A. C. Wedemeyer.


      Madeline Hsu, "Aid Refugee Chinese Intellectuals, Inc. (1952-1970): The Economic and Symbolic Uses of Refugee Admission" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Studies Association Annual Meeting, Grand Hyatt, San Antonio, TX, <Not Available>. 2014-11-26 <http://citation.allacademic.com/meta/p412636_index.html>

      Finding aid:


      [0029] Alabama associations collection, 1850-1984, LPR136

      Location: Alabama Department of Archives and History, P.O. Box 300100, 624 Washington Ave., Montgomery, AL 36130

      Description: This collection contains a wide variety of materials, such as minutes, programs, and histories from various associations throughout the state of Alabama. A folder on the Ku Klux Klan contains a copy of Alabama KKK Newsletter, June 1926, which prints an anti-Catholic poem by Elsie Thornton, "The Pope's Last Call."

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