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a good worker or specialist, then it's not just the amount of wages.

      – Most often, people choose the wrong priorities, serve the wrong ideals and principles, worship the wrong idols.

      – The more modest a person is, the more visible he/ she is.

      – Appreciate universal values and humane relationships.

      – A person sometimes gives preference to the wrong values, betting only on the moneybag.

      – A person who does not sympathize with the work of people, who does not realize the value and beauty of everything created, will never create anything useful and will be at the rank of critic, dissatisfied, and destroyer.

      – If a person does not have a sense of responsibility for the case entrusted to him/her, he/she will never be claimed.

      – Everything in this life must be wanted, overcome, comprehend, and achieve it yourself.

      – A person should be formed and improved at every stage of his/her way of life.

      – The more perfect a person is, the less he/she has claims to Peace and the environment.

      – A person who does not have his/her own opinion on everything that happens is easy to convince.

      – Most often, a person is far from how he/she imagines oneself.

      – A person has the property of elevating oneself in one's own eyes, which sometimes runs counter to public opinion about him/her.

      – You cannot start a business, undertaking, or relationship, without thinking deeply about the consequences.

      – You have to answer yourself for rash acts and decisions.

      – You need to have your own opinion in everything and about everything, and not be guided by the eternal «Everyone says».

      – We should try to take steps in life in the right direction, as the right to choose the path remains with us regardless of the predestination.

      – The main thing is what a person lives and «breathes», what priorities and values he/she prefers.

      – Everybody should leave the memory behind of a real person in affairs, creativity, and life.

      – At each stage of the process of formation, it is important that where, how, and with whom the person communicates, that is, the living environment, social circle, and contacts.

      – Reading books forms a special inner world of people, which is so deep, heartfelt, and pure, that it will never be dishonored by the negative and simply ignorant information, which TV and some mass media sometimes abound in.

      – The well-being of a person is preserved by piety, truthfulness, and kindness, and not by locks, bars, and grids.

      – Ones exalt themselves by concrete deeds, and not by talking about their person.

      – A good and successful next year in life is deserved not by excessive gluttony on the eve of New Year's celebration, but by business, deeds, and intentions.

      – A person should go through life at his/рук own discretion, and not by the surroundings' order.

      – The more superficially a person relates to his/her life, the less he/she is claimed and successful.

      – You should not do everything with an eye to encouragement.

      – Living always in contentment, prosperity, and tranquility, you cannot create a masterpiece for the ages.

      – Creation and edifying requires special factors and living conditions.

      – What you have done for the benefit of Peace and humanity will not be in vain and will always find support and encouragement of the Universe.

      – Focusing only on the appearance and weight, people forget about the unlimited possibilities of a man.

      – Never try to imitate anyone, try to find your Number One.

      – A person should develop comprehensively and everywhere, not limiting him-/herself only to the narrow framework of cognition and activity.

      – The more words in a person's lexicon, the more intelligent, versatile, and meaningful his/her speech is.

      – A good friend is not the one who turns a blind eye, fearing to offend him/her, but the one who, noticing this, points out the wrong actions of his/her friend.

      – In the heart of man, everyone has its own cell and place.

      – A person who always ascribes to him/herself the status of a poor man and who tries to convince him/ herself and his/her surroundings in this, who does not want to change just a little bit, will never rise above his/her position.

      – Some who prefer to be constantly in the category of losers, disgruntled, painful ones, whiners and deprived of their fate, organically fit into these images for the rest of their lives.

      – In earthly life, everyone passes his/her own lessons and trials of fate.

      – A person, who likes only to take, but not give, ultimately will get nothing.

      – If a person is praised for his/her good personal qualities in your presence, this should not cause you a feeling of annoyance and a desire to prove in words that you are better than him/her.

      – In addition to the soul, clothing, and face, the thoughts, intentions, desires and deeds of a person are important.

      – Not everyone can know the joy of being and the uniqueness of the universe.

      – Even rest should be active.

      – Do not blame others for the sake of your own skin.

      – You cannot be a man of mood.

      – The ability to empathize and readiness to help should be the norm of life of any Human Being.

      – A person who tries to prove his/her significance to the whole World solely by virtue of his/her «merits» remains in this error until the end of his/her days.

      – Unreasonable and frivolous person will help only in word.

      – The slogan «Live for myself», proclaimed by the majority is extremely erroneous.

      – The manifestation of aggression, intolerance, and displeasure, often without any reason, will not benefit your soul, much less favor with people, and you will become an unpleasant, almost unbearable person.

      – You cannot give attention to the people around you only when you need their participation, presence, and support.

      – You cannot go in life on the path of least resistance, choose where it is easier, softer, shallow, and careless.

      – Be content with what you deserve in this life, do not build illusory ideas about the significance of your person and that you deserve a better share and more.

      – Positive changes in life can be obtained by changing your attitude towards the people around you: be helpful, attentive, sympathetic, make good and mercy, give warmth to your hearts and joy, and most importantly, improve yourself creatively and spiritually.

      – The more confident a person is in his/her abilities, the more opportunities he/she has to live in dignity, to work, to improve, to grow spiritually and culturally.

      – Human life is fleeting, and at every vital period of time, it is necessary to solve the actual problems that reality, development of society, and civic duty challenges us.

      – Life has its own laws that do not depend on our desire, whims, complaints, and forecasting deadlines.

      – Before you lament your fate, life, surroundings, try, first of all, to understand yourself.

      – Some people lose a lot in life due to the lack of deep knowledge, thinking skills, as well as inertness of thought.

      – In your mental, spiritual, and active life, you have to go and climb from one peak to another in order to finally reach the highest one.

      – The

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