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rel="nofollow" href="#litres_trial_promo">215 Empower Others to Reveal Their Preferences

       216 Feel so that You Can Heal

       217 Make Sure that Your Positive Friends Outnumber the Moaners

       218 Know What You Expect from a Friendship Before You Foster it

       219 If You Want Fun, Choose Fun Friends

       220 Start New Friendships on a Positive Note

       221 Improve Your Listening Skills

       222 Be Fun to Be With

       223 Keep a Balance in Your Social Life

       224 Don’t Credit Luck With Your Successes

       225 Repeat to Persist

       226 Practise Responding to Criticism

       227 Be More Generous With Your Compliments

       228 Don’t Include a Self Put-down When Giving a Compliment

       229 Avoid Gossipers and Backbiting

       230 Don’t Encourage Others to Tell You How You Feel

       231 Say ‘No’ as Though You Mean it

       232 Remember, if You are Angry You could be Irrational

       233 Smile With Your Eyes

       234 Maintain Your Dignity When Treated Rudely

       235 Script and Edit Your Requests

       236 Expect Your Requests to be Met

       237 Make a Habit of Telling People Your Good News

       238 Keep Reminders of Others’ Special Days

       239 Prepare for Your Anger Triggers

       240 Fake Confidence Until You Feel it

       241 Know When and When not to Use Advice-givers

       242 Be Honest when Declining Invitations

       243 Use Tricks to Remember Names

       244 Practise Enjoying Praise

       245 Limit Your Low Self-esteem Friends

       246 Use Scintillating Small Talk to Protect Yourself

       247 Beware of Boot-licking

       248 Remember, the Company You Keep Affects Your Image

       249 Be Aware of Hidden Manipulative Bait

       250 Play Safe with Self-disclosure

       251 Avoid jokes

       252 Search for Similarities in People you Find Daunting

       253 Hallucinate with Humorous Friends

       254 Know the Rules of Your Relationship

       255 Nourish Your Partnership

       256 Don’t Let Love Excuse Put-downs

       257 Don’t Expect Your Partner to Read Your Mind

       258 Accept that Great Sex Doesn’t Necessarily Flow from Great Love

       259 Be Prepared for a Break-up

       260 Don’t Feel Obliged to Repay Every Kindness

       261 Don’t Party if You are not a Party Animal

       262 Keep Well Away From Dating Agencies Until You are Strong

       Part 4 – Work

       263 Start Each Working Day with an Enjoyable Activity

       264 Aim for at Least One Laugh a Day

       265 Ensure Your Work is Meeting Your Psychological Needs

       266 Be Flexi-minded About Your Working Life

       267 Check Your Contribution is Making a Difference

       268 Do 3 Quick-fix Relaxations Every Day

       269 Say ‘Yes’ to New Opportunities

       270 Be Specific When Criticizing Others -or the Organization

       271 Acknowledge the Positive Before Tackling the Negative

       272 Be Happy to Work With People Who are Different to You

       273 Empathize if You Want to be Heard


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