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belief immediately caught the taxi and, continuing to speak by phone, went to institute of Burdenko.

      From Vera's memoirs

      Today I was at institute of Burdenko. Visited Nadezhda, Roman's mother. Show. The hope lay in chamber of resuscitation, she could not move hands and legs. Full paralysis. Roman sat in a corridor on a bench. Now expression "on it was appropriate there is no person". Yes, wished nobody it. I asked it how his mother. On what he heaved a deep sigh, and I understood that his mother is bad.

      The doctor told that she is paralyzed, and added that she, perhaps, had some stress. Also he added that it is possible it will be forever chained to a bed or to a wheelchair and that it after an extract from hospital will need leaving. Also he suggested to send in this case her to a nursing home or a hospice, but Roman told that to it not to happen. He is still able to take care of the mother.

      I asked Roman that I happened? What he answered that "last night Larisa came to them, and imposed requirement that I married her. She was not concerned by such concepts as morals or any other concept, she wanted that I married it, motivating it with the fact that I with it spent that ill-fated night, and she is pregnant". What Roman objected to and, having shown it results of analyses, told that he just purely physically could not conceive it the child, and the fact that it carries in the belly, cannot even be its work remotely. But Larisa claimed that it not so that she did not deceive him that it is his child, but not any other man. But Roman did not trust it and as it is possible to trust that person who insolently deceives you − in any way differently it will not call. Deception and only what else to tell?

      His mother was though the tolerant woman, but also she could not stand aside. She squoze the word and did not restrain. It could be heard anywhere, and at first heart, then nerves did not sustain all this horror. To it it became bad, and then paralysis. It confined her to the bed, now she could not move even a finger. And fed her through a tube.

      The novel exposed Larisa from the apartment, but it, leaving, told the following: that it is a pity to it, and she will make everything that his mother recovered. What Roman just on it bellowed so at that she was frightened of his furious and mad look.

      − Went!!! Bough!

      Larisa left, having left Roman of one with the paralyzed mother. The ambulance arrived quickly. Doctors took away the patient and brought to institute of Burdenko. "Here and all history", − the Novel finished the story.

      I as could, consoled the husband. I knew, what does it mean − to see how someone needs the help and it is impossible to make anything. Yes, I knew it. Having worked all adult life in hospital, I saw repeatedly as relatives of patients look at the mothers and fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers and cannot do anything with the fact that there will be inevitable soon. This word can be interpreted differently: death, operation and so on, but an essence from it does not change. All know that late or early death will overtake them. We try to delay it, but it is impossible: the sentence will be carried out in the appointed hour and day.

      Now, seeing as his mother suffers and knowing who the matter is that, he damned himself, for the fact that he contacted this Larisa. "Better I then would be late for this train", – he abused himself.

      I considered that it is destiny, it just tested the highest strength, checked his love for durability. That or whom he loved more and this test it with a crash failed. Though, I considered, in it there is also my fault. Both of us, but who is more than another are guilty? There is a question?

      The doctor told us that a condition of the patient steadily heavy, and she will hardly recover today. He advised us to go home, to have a rest. Also he assured us that if that, he will report.

      The novel did not want to go home, it wanted to remain here, at institute, near this chamber. To enter to it and to ask for it for all forgiveness. But it was absolutely impossible. I said to him that now it all the same will help nothing to it. He has to go home and have a rest.

      Roman looked with an imploring look at the doctor and asked so that it seemed to the doctor that Roman not in. He could not reconcile with a thought that his mother can not live till the morning. She will die, and everything will be over.

      – The doctor, tell honestly, my mother will recover? – what the doctor answered that he will not draw hasty conclusions, Nadezhda had extremely heavy state. He promised Roman that he will do everything possible that his mother got on feet. Also he insisted that it needs rest and he should go home.

      I was solidary with the doctor and as well as he, insisted on going home. Roman long did not wish to leave, but by the evening he nevertheless agreed that it should be washed and replace a shirt.

      We went to the taxi home silently, none of us uttered a uniform word. Yes it was no need. It was clear so that at present it is better to keep silent.



      From Larisa's memoirs

      Tell, I am right! The rights if I tell the truth, and nobody trusts me. Here and me nobody believes that I the pregnant woman from Roman.

      Yesterday I was at Roman's mother on a visit. Well, I will tell, this family − that still a family, nothing to tell.

      First, they did not allow to open for me a mouth, I so up to the end did not explain to Roman that the mistake cannot be: this is his child, I was only with him and with anybody. I, of course, could become pregnant from this bastard Victor. I then in hotels even in number to it did not rise, let will look for someone else for the men's satisfaction, as a last resort, nobody cancelled masturbation.

      Secondly, I not dissolute, I am an ordinary little girl.

      Thirdly, I would never act this way with the one with whom I fell in love. Yes, I fell in love with Roman. Fell in love from the heart, with all the heart! And it? What he, was married? What he is after all a rascal.

      All right, we will return to an incident with Roman's mother. I did not want that everything ended so badly, but I am not guilty of what occurred there, in Nadezhda's apartment. I wanted to talk only to Roman, and she nothing wanted to listen. I wanted to explain that I am not a liar, but Nadezhda did not listen to me. She said to me any scurrilous things, any obscenities which any of the women respecting themselves would not will share with whom that or other person.

      I am very sorry that Nadezhda had a heart attack, but I am sure that I am not guilty of it. Though I do not accuse her, each mother would stand up for the child on her place.

      Anyway, the conversation did not turn out, and now Nadezhda at Burdenko's institute, and Roman cannot see me. I wrote to Vera E-Mail the letter with a request for a meeting, and received on it the answer. Here what she writes …

      E-Mail Vera's letter to Larisa

      Hello, Larisa. I, admit, is surprised what you wrote to me. After you treated Nadezhda, Roman and me. Did you destroy my marriage, and you have enough impudence still to write me?

      In the letter you ask me about meetings with you? Well, I agree you to listen. Let's meet in three tomorrow. You come to Pushkin's monument that on Tverskaya Street.


      From Larisa's memoirs. CONTINUATION

      Today exactly I came to three to Pushkin's monument where Vera's appointment with me was made. It was cloudy. The sky was covered with dense continuous clouds. Today generally I had a bad mood. In soul there was some emptiness. There was such feeling that I lost someone. Lost forever.

      Here I heard someone's female voice behind the back. This voice called me by name, Larisa. I looked back and saw the woman standing behind my back. I immediately recognized her. This was Vera.

      From Vera and Larisa's memoirs.

      "The belief gave me a cold reception. She considered me the deadly enemy. At first she did not want to listen to me. She only expressed the personal opinion, not only concerning my act, but also on my behavior. She can to some extent was is right, but you should not accuse of everything the one who absolutely is not guilty of anything. I explained to Vera

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