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to Hope

      Dear Nadezhda. I, of course, understand that you − mother also care for the son. I am a woman too and I understand you, but you understand me, understand my position. I as you mentioned in the letter to me, will never be able to become pregnant. Agree, for the woman it is a grief, and to remind her of it on extremely measure dishonourably. But I understand you, and obviously you wrote these lines out of despair.

      You would like that I talked to Roman. I, of course, could talk to it, but what's the use? He made the Choice and it has no way back. I always wanted and I want children, even at one time suggested Roman to adopt the child, but he − the guy rested also said only that he wants the child from the seed, and then it is possible and to adopt. Yes, of course, the seed, this.

      Yours faithfully Vera.

      Letter of Hope to Belief

      Dear Vera. I apologize if offended you, I assure that it left accidentally. None of us are perfect. All of us make mistakes. My son, as you understand, not an exception. Unless in your life there were no mistakes? Of course and. However, can be, they were not so obvious, but they were.

      Tell how many we, women, want warmth and love how many women raise the children all alone? How many women want for children of the better life? Do you consider that I not without sin? You are mistaken, it not so. I married when I already was about to give birth. Somewhere on the third weeks of pregnancy. Yes, my husband to death thought that Roman his son, and only on the deathbed Illarion learned the truth. Do you ask to what I write it to you? The matter is that Roman doubts that he is the child's father, and I support him. I would have a girl, I would tell her that she did not miss chance and married some businessman. But I have a boy and I do not want that some prostitute twisted him.

      You know, each other there are already a lot of years. You know who what wants in this or that situation. Agree that it is better to keep for both of you marriage, than to terminate it and then to feel sorry about it for all life.

      PS: I wrote to you a story of the birth of Roman. He does not know that he is not Illarion's son. I ask to keep it in secret.

      Yours faithfully Nadezhda.

      E-Male: Vera's letter to Larisa

      Larisa. Vera, Roman's wife writes you. Be not surprised that I know your E-Male the address. Roman gave me it. I write you because I want to talk to you, let's meet and we will discuss current situation. How his wife, I would like to know what you are going to do further? Agree that in the situation which developed for both of us we should discuss further.

      I well understand that you now in situation. I am sure that your pregnancy proceeds well, and that a fruit in a full order. I hope, the child will be born healthy, and there who knows?

      Yours faithfully Vera.

      E-Male: Larisa's letter to Vera

      Hello, Vera. How are you, health? Always there is something that women see from a distance, can assess this or that situation. I understand your desire to return Roman, but he mine, I expect from it a baby, and it will connect us forever. As for your preventions, you are mistaken, to intimidate me there is no sense. I am not afraid of difficulties and to frighten me there is no sense. Agree, is fully on that examples that at absolutely healthy people children with these or those deviations and vice versa are born. Never you will guess what child will be born. If its sex can be defined on a stomach, then the answer about his health will be given only by ultrasonography. However, I understand you, you love it. You love though it changed you. But believe, I here at all not and: when I learned everything, I already was in the family way. He deceived me and only used a situation. He very much wanted children, and I will give him to him. I regret that you can have no children. But do not despair, adoption − too an exit.

      Yours faithfully Larisa.

      The letter to mother Mother! Recently I was in clinic, made tests and underwent annual inspection at doctors. Besides all analyses I made ultrasonography of an abdominal cavity and a prostate gland. I want to tell at once that the result did not please me. Found prostatitis and adenoma of a prostate in me. The doctor-surgeon channelized me to the urologist, and that in turn directed me to make additional analyses which were worse, than ultrasonography. Having looked at these analyses, I was terrified. The matter is that prostatitis, influenced my genital function, and I am infertile now. I do not know when it occurred? But I think, з long before I overslept with Larisa. Here what confusion came out. I wanted the child from the seed, and it is fruitless. The doctor told that it was still possible to bring children two years ago, but not now, late.

      I do not know how to tell about it to Vera? She will never forgive me. I descended on the left, thought that my seed will continue my sort, and it is absent also. It turned out that I just changed it, changed the person loving me. Whether she will forgive me, I do not know?

      Your son Roman.

      Letter of mother to the son

      The son, I understand your situation. Not everyone will decide to admit to himself that it is fruitless. Most often people go on the street and sleep with prostitutes or bring mistresses, as occurred in your case.

      Obviously, at the subconscious level you knew that that you with Vera can have no children, it partly and your fault. Therefore you got acquainted with other woman and, having satisfied the men's instincts, you did not even notice how you were the father of other child. Did you always want the and where it? If you are infertile, then?.

      I advise you to talk to Vera. I do not know, she can will forgive you, and can and is not present. It depends on you.

      Your mother.

      Letter of Hope to Belief.

      Hello Vera! I write you this letter because the new circumstance which can try on partly you with Roman became clear. Business is that my son underwent annual inspection recently. Kind of to tell it more softly? Found infertility in it. Two years ago it could conceive still, but not now. So Larisa cannot carry the child Roman in any way. It is simply impossible.

      I know that you are angry on it, but one problem, and me seems, the most important, is solved. Roman is not a father of the child of Larisa. She, obviously to all this invented. She is pregnant, but only not from it. I hope, my information shed light on current situation.

      Yours faithfully, Nadezhda.

      Letter of Belief to Hope

      Hello Nadezhda. Thank you for information. I regret that Roman was infertile. All the life I blamed only myself for what I cannot present to it the child whom he so wanted. Now I understand that business was in both of us. For all these years of our matrimony never the expert had him, never made tests. Here and result. Perhaps, he could conceive the child if do not accuse of everything me one and in time addressed the expert. But now? To become after everything full-fledged family? Do you know how it is difficult?

      I want to return it, but whether he will want to return to me? It changed? I can and forgave him if not … I how many times I told him about adoption, and it? He did not want anything to listen about it, he went on one that wants own child, not the adopted child, and here result. It is fruitless, the child whom it allegedly conceived appeared not it. Yes, life − is difficult piece. It punishes us for our sins, and we can make nothing with it. Roman wanted reproduction, I do not blame him. Everyone wants the posterity. But at least he could tell about it to me? I would understand it, and advised something as a last resort. And he made everything itself and paid for it. It I cannot forgive it.

      Yours faithfully, Vera.

      Letter of Hope to Belief

      I understand you as nobody. It is hard to forgive treason. But try to talk to my son at least for a start. I am sure that he will ask for you forgiveness. I do not know whether you forgive him, but I will become sure of one − after this conversation to you to two easier.

      Yours faithfully, Nadezhda.

      Letter of the Novel to Belief


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