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Грамматика для написания научных статей. Ольга Мельник
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isbn 9785927525829
Автор произведения Ольга Мельник
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство ФГАОУВО "Южный Федеральный Университет"
Task 6. Choose the correct option.
1 I refer to your letter of 10th March. A/ The letter states that I purchased a car at your showroom several weeks previously.
2 Do you remember that/ this conversation we had three weeks ago about Kate and Geoff's wedding?
3 Please sign and date each/ all page of the contract, then return it to the address above.
4 This packet is impossible to open. Can you pass me the/ any scissors from the table?
5 On most nights now you'll come across a/ any fox in an urban environment.
6 The current government has done few/ little to alleviate the suffering of poor/ the poor.
7 I've studied several languages but have never found one this/ much difficult before.
8 The fear/ Fear of losing one's teeth is a common theme in many people's dreams.
Task 7. Read the article about Magnum. There are fifteen more mistakes with incorrect, unnecessary or missing words. Find and correct them, as in the example.
A cooperative was founded in 1947 by photographers Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger and David Seymour. All them had been involved in the Second World War. Rodger had walked hundreds of miles to escape Japanese in Burma. And Seymour received a medal for his work in American intelligence.
However, all of founders of Magnum had been photographers for some time. Photographic work they were famous for dated back further. Capa's photos of the Spanish Civil War were called 'finest pictures of front-line action ever taken'.
They all appreciated an importance of showing the world what really happens during this major conflicts and world crises, so they decided to produce the best documentary photography at this time. Cartier-Bresson once commented, 'Some photographers tell the news step by step as if making an accountant's statement.' He and Magnum, on the other hand, felt that the news had to be shown in that way that would engage most the people who are unable to experience world-changing events at firsthand. Tragically, within a decade of the start of Magnum, the half of its original founders died while covering other wars. However, agency had started to employ other top-class photographers and its work was sure to continue.
Today, Magnum is some goal for many young photographers. It still produces the finest documentary photographs of world events. Recent coverage has included events in Caribbean and Civil Wars in Africa, and while Magnum photographers cover these events we will be able to appreciate both best and worst of humanity.
Task 8. Here is a description of the process by which a foreign student can get a university place at a Brazilian university. Analyze the usage of the articles.
If you want to take an undergraduate course at a Brazilian state university, the first step is to enrol for the Vestibular, which is the national university entrance examination. You will need a foreigner’s ID registration number, or RNE. At http://www.fuvest.br you can see previous years’ Vestibular exams. Enrolments finish in September and the first phase exams take place in November. You have to decide when you enrol and which university course you want to take, and you can consult the previous year’s exam results to see what score you need to get in order to pass the first phase. The first phase exam is a multiple-choice general exam, covering chemistry, biology, physics, maths, geography, history, Portuguese and English. If you do well, you can then proceed to the second phase, which is a Portuguese written exam. There are many schools specialising in preparing students to take the Vestibular exam. These are called cursinhos (or ‘little courses’).
But there are alternative ways of getting into Brazilian universities. If you already have a university degree recognised by a Brazilian university, and an RNE, you can apply to study for a higher degree, or be accepted onto a degree course without taking the Vestibular.
To get your home university degree recognised, it has to be evaluated as being equivalent to a degree course in Brazil. You have to show a transcript of all your undergraduate exam results. The evaluation process takes 8 to 10 months. It will be difficult to get equivalence for a non-standard degree, such as (in my case) Chinese Studies, which is not offered at Brazilian universities.
A third way into Brazilian university is to start a course at a private university, and then apply for a transfer after two months to the public university of your choice.
Home task: Vocabulary in Use Units 8, 15.
Lesson 4. Adjectives and adverbs
Do you always know whether to use happy or happily, good or well, prettier or more pretty? Do you know the differences in form and use between adjectives and adverbs, and between comparative and superlative forms? This Lesson will help you when you wonder whether to use an -er ending or the word more to make a comparison. It will help you when you are not sure where to position adjectives and adverbs in a sentence.
A. Adjectives
1. Use adjectives to modify nouns or pronouns.
I like a tidy room. I keep my room tidy. It is tidy.
2. Adjectives have no plural form. Use the same form with singular or plural nouns.
a different story, some different stories
3. Always use a capital letter with an adjective describing nationality.
a Turkish restaurant, a Korean wedding
4. The -ing form of the verb and the past participle form can be used as adjectives.
an exciting movie The movie is exciting.
аn educated man That man is educated.
5. With a compound adjective that contains a number, use hyphens and a singular form.
They sent their nephew a twenty-dollar bill. She has a six-year-old son.
6. Compound adjectives of physical description use the -ed form:
left-handed, bow-legged, broad-shouldered dark-haired
Some adjectives are regularly used with prepositions.
I am afraid of ghosts. I confess that I am proud of winning the race.
Whenever you come across an adjective + preposition structure in your reading, make a note of the preposition that goes with the adjective and write them both down.
B. Position of Adjectives in a Series
Adjectives in a series tend to occur in a certain order, though there are frequent exceptions. In the following chart, you will see that opinion adjectives come before physical-description adjectives that come before nationality adjectives, and so on.
They demolished three beautiful old houses.
I sold my long blue silk evening gown.
We ate a delicious French meal.
Use a comma only between opinion adjectives.