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      “You And Your Monumental Ego Haven’t Changed A Bit, Travis King!” Letter to Reader Title Page About the Author Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Epilogue Copyright

      “You And Your Monumental Ego Haven’t Changed A Bit, Travis King!”


      Mercy’s words pricked. “Wait a damn minute. Isn’t there something about ‘Physician heal thyself’? You’re just as much an adrenaline junkie as I am, traipsing around that E.R., getting high on all that power.”


      She gasped in outrage.


      “And what have you got to show for it? An anonymous apartment, dead flowers and not a friend or lover in sight.” His mouth twitched. “At least I got a championship belt buckle.”


      “Cold comfort for a womanizing rascal who never grew up,” she said, sneering.


      Travis smiled. “I don’t get many complaints.”


      “No, luckily for you, all those young buckle bunnies shoving their phone numbers down those tight jeans of yours don’t have a lot with which to compare your performance.” Mercy tilted her chin in challenge. “I wonder how you’d stack up against someone your own size.”

      Dear Reader,


      A sexy fire fighter, a crazy cat and a dynamite heroine—that’s what you’ll find in Lucy and the Loner, Elizabeth Bevarly’s wonderful MAN OF THE MONTH. It’s the next in her installment of THE FAMILY McCORMICK series, and it’s also a MAN OF THE MONTH book you’ll never forget—warm, humorous and very sexy!


      A story from Lass Small is always a delight, and Chancy’s Cowboy is Lass at her most marvelous. Don’t miss out as Chancy decides to take some lessons in love from a handsome hunk of a cowboy!


      Eileen Wilks’s latest, The Wrong Wife, is chock-full with the sizzling tension and compelling reading that you’ve come to expect from this rising Desire star. And so many of you know and love Barbara McCauley that she needs no introduction, but this month’s The Nanny and the Reluctant Rancher is sure to both please her current fans...and win her new readers!


      Suzannah Davis is another new author that we’re excited about, and Dr. Holt and the Texan may just be her best book to date! And the month is completed with a delightful romp from Susan Carroll, Parker and the Gypsy.


      There’s something for everyone. So come and relish the romantic variety you’ve come to expect from Silhouette Desire!

      Lucia Macro

      And the Editors at Silhouette Desire

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      Suzannah Davis

      Dr. Holt And The Texan





      Award-winning author Suzannah Davis is a Louisiana native who loves small-town life, daffodils and writing stories full of love and laughter. A firm believer in happy endings, she has three children.


      “Hello, darlin’.”

      The sexy rumble of a deep masculine voice brought Dr. Mercedes Lee Holt up short in the emergency room cubicle of Ft. Worth’s John Peter Smith Hospital. The man propped on the gurney in front of her had a devilish gleam in his dark eyes and a red-soaked bandage pressed to his temple.

      She took in raven hair, an ebony Western shirt with pearl snaps, opened to reveal a swath of spectacular masculine chest, and a championship belt buckle the size of a pancake. Dust-coated cowboy boots, complete with—God help her!—roweled silver spurs, hung off the end of the examination table. Grime and blood obscured the patient’s features, except for a wide, come-hither grin beneath his thick black mustache.

      Oh, Lord, it was going to be one of those nights!

      She mentally kicked herself for failing to take the time to tuck her honey-colored curls into her usual severe topknot. Though the grueling pace of an E.R. physician often made her feel she looked twice her thirty-three years, there was inevitably some macho smart aleck who thought it would be amusing to try to make time while the pretty lady doc patched him up.

      Make it the day before Halloween, a Saturday night to boot, then top that with a full moon, and what you got was a harried staff trying to deal with a waiting room overflowing with a multitude of wackos and every conceivable type of emergency.

      What she didn’t need right now was a wise guy with an attitude.

      “I’m Dr. Holt,” she said, her voice crisp. She caught the eye of the brunette nurse who’d accompanied her into the cubicle. In keeping with the season, the nurse sported a green-faced Dracula pin on her pink scrubs. “Lila, what have we got?”

      “Scalp lacerations, contusions, possible concussion—”

      “Aw, come on now, darlin’,” the man drawled. “I know it’s been a long time, but how about a kiss for an old friend?”

      “Nice try, buddy.” Dr. Holt pulled a pen light out of the pocket of her white doctor’s coat. “Did you get the license of the eighteen-wheeler that did this to you?”

      “Don’t blame Sidewinder. That old bull was just doing his job.” He shrugged. “Got my eight seconds out of that twister before he popped me a good one, though.”

      Stepping closer, she waved the light in his irises. Her lip curled. “Stockyards Rodeo, huh?”

      A large, tanned hand clamped around her wrist, and his megawatt grin was back. “Lordy, Miss Mercy, you’re contrary. Once upon a time there was nothing you loved better than a good rodeo.”

      She tugged her wrist, her tone frosty. “I’m sure you’re

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