

WILL YOU MARRY ME? Could she really ask this man to marry her? Sarah Ann Dempsey approached him. Determined jaw… wide shoulders… pure masculinity. Suddenly a glistening drop of moisture trickled from the handsome man's navel and disappeared beneath the low-slung waistband of well-worn jeans. And from the length of his outstretched legs, she knew that Gabe would make the perfect groom… .I DO? Gabriel Thornton was in trouble! And Sarah Ann's outlandish request should have been his first clue. He'd thought he'd been hired to play the part of Sarah Ann's husband. But now he'd found they were legally wed. And his chances for annulment were slipping away night by tantalizing night… .


All I Want For Christmas… Mac Mahoney was in deep trouble. The hard-nosed reporter had foolishly gotten snowed in with his ex-girlfriend Marisa Rourke. Now they had to ignore the sizzle that still flared between them. And to make matters worse, her five-year-old was somehow convinced Mac was the daddy he'd ordered from Santa.Is a Daddy Considering their complicated – and extremely seductive – past, Mac was the last person Marisa wanted to meet under the mistletoe. He claimed all he wanted from her was a story, but she knew from experience that she couldn't quite trust him. How could she risk breaking her heart – or her son's – again?


Of Bachelors and BabiesWhat was rancher Sam Preston to do when he found himself saddled with an infant? Holler for his best pal, of course. A single gal like Roni Daniels might not have first-hand experience raising kids, but at least she was a woman. And Weddings…Roni knew what Sam needed: a wife! And she was willing to fill the position. Sure, he'd think that their marriage would be strictly business. But if she had her way, business would soon be mixed with pleasure… .


THE GOOD DOCTOR Physician Mercy Holt always kept her cool in the E.R. Then rodeo rider Travis King showed up – half-naked and needing a strong dose of T.L.C. Suddenly, Mercy was seventeen again – longing for the one footloose cowboy she couldn't have. THE BAD BOYTravis knew his old pal Mercy was off-limits… if he wanted to keep his deep, dark secret. Besides, Mercy was the marrying kind – and Travis wouldn't abandon his tumbleweed ways for any female. Even this delectable doctor with the irresistible bedside manner… .